Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Monday, December 17, 2007

A proud momma

My children can really make me laugh

For some reason last Thursday morning, Adik whipped out her pencil and chanted “Abracadabra ! Make Abang a princess !!” Abang literally howled and chased Adik around. Adik squealed happily and when she couldn’t run any longer yelled “Abracadabra ! Make Abang again !!” Wa ha ha ha… Kelakarlah Adik ni.
Or when we first went jogging at the mosque area on Sunday (Abang pegi main tennis, mummy, babah and Adik pegi jogging), Adik tried all the exercising equipment along the jogging path. Next to each equipment is a a short explaination and a picture of the correct way to use it. When we got to the monkey bar, Adik who ran ahead to study the instruction gave a loud sigh. "Susahlah ni Bah. We have to carry the ladder..." Sure enough when we looked at the diagram, the guy swinging on the monkey bar looked like he was carrying the ladder ! Ha ha ha..!!

My children can also make us shed proud tears…

Yesterday Babah and Mummy were still tired from the aftermath of the party (will write about the party at a later date when I download the pictures ). Babah especially so because early Sunday morning he had to go for a futsal tournament. He came back at 1 pm, bathed and we went out for lunch at about 2 pm, came home at about 4 pm and Babah straight away crashed on the bed. Mummy saw the love of her life baring, she also baring… tepuk tepuk Babah and alas, Mummy also went off to slumberland.

I woke up when I heard a loud bang, a bang that I recognized came from the kids’ cupboard. I raised myself from the bed and saw Abang taking out towels from it. He was naked (gloriously chubby) and was glistening wet. I then heard the sounds of the shower and my daughter singing. He vanished from my sight and I heard him say from the bathroom “Okay, Adik. Sudah.” I heard Adik replied okay, and soon I saw Adik swathed in furry toweling and Abang trailing behind. He ordered his sister to stand on the bed for easy toweling work. He then vanished again and I saw him handed her something. Adik sat on the bed and I assumed she was putting on her knickers (I found out this morning it was actually her pull-up disposable diapers that her Wan insists she put on at night).

Both of them opened their wardrobe and then returned back to the bed where they proceeded to put on pyjamas. Abang was ready first and he straightaway entered our room to watch the telly. Adik called him from their room requesting help as she encountered problems to put on her jammies. He asked her to come to him but he didn’t manage to help his sister on the first try. He then yanked the jammies off her head, straighten it properly and then put it on for her. It was successful. Adik gave him a nice smile and said “Thank you, Abang” and he replied with the usual “It’s okay..” and they both watched the telly.

I shook their Babah awake when I realised the children bathed without us telling them to do so. Therefore it was both of us who watched them from our darkened room. When they settled down to watched the telly, Babah looked at me with wet eyes. I smiled at him proudly.
Thank you, Abang and Adik for not disturbing Babah and Mummy. Thank you for caring for us. Thank you for being you. Happy Birthday angels….

Monday, December 10, 2007

Call me Adik, my angel

I have been thoroughly entertained this weekend. Mesmerised and enchanted in fact with conversations with my daughter. Sometimes as she talked I would just look at her, watching her facial movements as she let known her feelings and messages, how her eyes would be when she is angry, or sad or when she wanted to bargain for something. I love the way her little mouth moved with every expressions and feelings.

I have forgotten what led her to say this but in the car, she was yapping away when I heard her say “then kan Mummy, you call me Adik, my angel okay ?” Babah and I looked at each other, eyebrows raised.

“What, baby.” But sadly she had already switched to another important topic and ignored my request for an explanation. Apa hal ntah.

We were on our way to A&W to book and pay for the children’s party this Saturday. When we got there, a party was already in full swing and the marketing exec asked us to sit down and have a bit of lunch before she could attend to us. When we saw people trickling out of the party room we started to make our way there. Babah said as soon as Adik saw where we were going, she hid her face on her father’s neck and held close. In the duration we were discussing with the staff, she remained rigid and hidden. She is afraid of the cuddly A&W mascot.

Macamana ni ? The bear will actually be at the party. Her own party !!

"Adik tak boleh takut dengan bear tu… He will be coming to your party..”

“Why ? Can’t he stay at his home ?”

“No…he has to be at your party. What are you scared of ?”

“What size is the bear Mummy ? Big, medium or small ?”


She was silent.

“Adik.. the bear makan hot dog lah Adik. Dia tak makan orang…What are you scared of ?”

“Oh ? Makan hot dog saja ?”

“Adik… there is a person inside the bear. It is only a costume. Inside the bear is a human, Adik…” said the brother pulak.

Tak tahu kenapa, her next question was “Is there a Japanese inside the bear ?” Even Abang was shocked. I looked at her and said, “ Very unlikely will a Japanese be playing the bear Adik. I would bet it would either be a Malay, Indian or Chinese. Kadazan or Iban is more likely than a Japanese…”

She answered with and “Oh..” and remained quiet. Abang then broke the silence, “ Kalau Adik tak nak bear than there is no party for you. All the presents would be for me…”. She pondered the statement for a bit then said, “ It’s okay I don’t mind. I will sit in my room okay Mummy ?”

I was just staring at her when she said, “ The bear will be downstairs saja kan ?”

When we got home and it was time for their bath, I instructed Abang to put the dirty clothes in the laundry basket. He of course grumbled and complained about the unfairness of it all since his sister did nothing. Before I could say anything, Adik said, “ Abang, this is your room Abang. Abang lah buat kerja.”

Aiik ? So where is her room then ? She answered that she has no room. So then I asked her why is that ? She eloquently answered “Because this is Abang’s room and that is your room, so I can sleep anywhere I want…” He he… anywhere she wants to maksudnya dengan Mummy dia lah….

At the moment Babah’s parents are having the upstair’s entire bathrooms repaired. By late afternoon Babah’s mom asked me to help her mop the floor as it was really dusty from the work. As I was mopping I heard a very high and desperate, “Mummy !! Mummy where are you ?”

I went to the stairs and saw her, my little girl, climbing up the stairs, face all worried. “Kenapa Adik ? What do you want ?” She pouted her lips and said, “Adik nak Mummy…” Oh… since she put it sweetly like that, come on over then, honey.

Her grandma saw her walking up the stairs and forbade her from doing so because of all the dust. She breezily said, “It’s okay Wan. I will be careful. I want my Mummy…” Aaah….. anak ku.. Come to your Mummy then…..

Since it was really a dusty affair, the re-novation work, I decided to change the sheets on our beds too. Adik was nice enough to volunteer her services. We talked as I stripped of the beddings and put on a new one while she neatly folded the soiled pillow cases. She sometimes would sigh about the hard work she was doing and all and what a nice girl she was. She even broke into songs while she was doing her work ( macam Cinderella sungguh ), usually Beautiful Girl by Sean Kingston.

She was singing when she suddenly said to me, “Mummy, jangan bagi Babah main football lagi, okay ?” When I looked at her she was not even looking at me, still folding her pillowcases. Why, I asked and she replied, “Because nanti Babah sakit belakang. Pastu nanti dia get angry. Pastu nanti dia suruh Um stay in his room and then I cannot be with you Mummy…” He he he… rarely the abang is banished to his room alone, usually he got company because the ruckus as a rule is created by abang and adik. What will she say next ?

Adik, my angel…..

Friday, December 07, 2007

Apa Adik buat kat kelas ?

Semalam…. Wa ha ha… nak tergolak den…. He he.

When I came back from work, I attacked the kitchen first. Thaw the meat, cut the vegetables and what nots so that after Maghrib and Isyak, I could get everything on the fire straight away.

After 15 minutes, my children came barreling into the kitchen, mouth busy with news of the day. Each tried to be heard and I was trying my best to filter the news while chopping food. But then, Abang’s reporting caught my ears and I had to raise my voice to be heard above the din.

“What Abang ?”

Abang smiled gleefully. He he….. “Adik nak o-ok kat kelas Mandarin, Mummy.” He announced happily. I looked at the little girl. She frowned while looking at her brother. “Tak pun !”

“ Iye, iye… Adik tipu !” Abang danced, happy that he got the scoop of the day. “Adik, janganlah o-ok kat school. Tunggulah balik rumah, okay ? Sekejap saja.” Said I. My daughter looked trouble.

“ Dia dah o-ok lah Mummy. Dia o-ok kat dentist !”

“Ha ? Iye ke Adik ? Ivy bawak Adik ?” I asked.

“Adik, sapa basuh ? Alahai, alahai…..”. Adik was quiet. She was upset and clearly embarrassed. I was thinking if her bum was properly washed and if I need to isolate the clothes sho wore. Abang though was having a field day. He was hooting and dancing, I had to ask him to be quiet. “Abang, sudah Abang. Adik is very embarrassed about it.” Abang thankfully stopped his shenanigans.

“Adik… lain kali kalau nak o-ok, tunggulah sampai rumah. Sekejap je kan ? Okay ?” I advised. She looked at me but was still quiet. She must be rather shaken by this incident.

“Mum…,” said the bearer of bad news, “ Mandarin class tu lama Mum… It is not sekejap… So mana tahan…” Oh, pandailah pulak. Tadi mengejek…

Monday, December 03, 2007

Abang menjaga adiknya lagi

Bergaduhlah emak dan anak perempuannya pagi ini. A usual took the kids for breakfast. Since Adik never finished her roti canai I told her today I am gonna give her nasi goreng instead of the roti. Membazirkan…. People in war torn countries tak makan, depa ni boleh tak habis makan. A good piece of roti canai wasted every single day ( I sound just like my parents ).

She refused. I insisted. She screamed. Excuse me ? I told her sternly that I do not like people screaming at me. I ordered the roti canai anyway. She didn’t eat. She put her head on her folded arms on the table. Not a drop she drank or a bite she ate.

Kebetulan next to our table ada 2 policemen tengah makan. I pun apa lagi, “ Adik nampak tak polis tu tengah makan ? Satgi Mummy panggei laah polis tu suruh tangkap lah budak ni….”. She didn’t care but her abang jumped. He took a piece of the roti and tried to shove it in his sister’s mouth.

“ Adik, makan Adik…”. She clamped her mouth tight.

“ Biarkan dia, Abang.. ” said I and stared at my daughter. She peeked from the safety of her folded arms. Abang… I really pity him. Sometimes I did not think of what my actions would do to him. I should really take into account his feelings and perangai before I do anything, before I speak.

I instructed him to call over the policemen to our table. He got up but took the plate of roti canai instead. He then went to the roti counter and asked the kakak to bungkus it for his sister.

“ Mummy… I think she will eat when you are not around …” Said he as he sat down.
Hmmm…… I still have a lot to learn. My son seemed very learned when he handled his very immature Mummy. In my defence, “ Nak, mak ko ni adik – beradik ramai.. so I am always in battle mode…” He he….

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Spoon vs saucer

Had breakfast at Azira this morning before kelas mengaji. A fight ensued due to Abang drinking his the tarik in a saucer. When his tea arrived, he went to get the saucer, asked me to pour it for him. As he pulled it towards him, Adik handed him a spoon.

Adik : Nah spoon, Abang.

Abang : I don’t want it.

Adik : Use the spoon Abang, nanti tak tumpah. See ? See ?

And she demonstrated the usage of spoon for drinking.

Adik : See ? I’m clean….
Abang : Tak nak. Jangan kacau lah….

Adik : Abang… nanti tumpah lah….Mummy marah.

Abang : Tak … ! Don’t disturb me lah Adik. Abang nak makan !!

Abang : Makan lah !! ( Dengan muka berkerut – kerut )

I was not looking at them and was concentrating on my food when I heard her gasped. Sure enough, Abang and Adik were looking at his soiled shirt. Abang looked at me and gave me a sheepish smile.

Abang : Sikit saja ( sengih, sengih )

Adik : Look me Mum. I am clean. Tak de pun tumpah. I am so clever.

Mummy : Ha… tulah Abang. Tadi Adik wanted to be nice to you and you marah – marah. Sekarang Allah nak tunjuk Abang. You had never spilt your drink until today, Abang. Tengok tu.

Abang of course cried.

Adik : It’s okay Mummy, sikit saja… kan ? Sikit saja. Next time Abang guna spoon, okay ?

He he….

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mummy and Babah demam

Adik : Mummy demam ke ?

Mummy : A-ah… Sikit…

Adik : O- oh… Mummy panaslah… Mummy demam…

Mummy : Kesian mummy kan ?

Adik : It’s okay Mummy, I will take care of you. Nanti makan ubat and then you put yang lekat kat kepala tu ok ?

Mummy : Ohh… pandai hang noo…. Bila tang hang demam, punya dok merapu tak mau pakai benda tu… Bila kita demam pandai suruh kita lekat kat kepala….

Adik : Mum… I am not demam Mum…..

Mummy : Yelah….

Adik : Mummy kena take your medicine okay ? Then you sleep and rest okay ? Sebab nanti if you are sick you cannot drive…. I cannot go to my class and your boss marah…..

Mummy : My boss ?

Adik : Yes… Mummy, do you know Babah has a fat boss ?

Mummy : Really ? How do you know that ?

Adik : Mum… all boss are fat Mum….

Mummy : Oh ??

Adik : Yes….

He he… tak nak jadi boss lah….

Turn Babah dia pulak…

Adik : Babah demam ke ?

Babah : Yelah Ti. You will take care of me ?

Adik : Yes Bah, I will take care of you. Don’t worry.

And jumped over his Babah to be at his side.

Adik : Where does it hurt, Bah ?

Babah : Sini and sini and sini and sini.

Adik : Okay ..

And she started blowing everywhere.

Adik : Do you feel better ? Adik dah tiup dah ? Dah blow….

Babah : Belum Adik…

Adik : Okay, I try another trick okay ?

And she started to kiss her Babah everywhere.

Adik : Dah kan ? All better. I am so clever….

Hmm… yelah…

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Adik the pesinent

Had breakfast at Azira this morning with my children before sending them to their mengaji class. Abang wolfed down his meehoon soup with gusto and Adik as usual, picked on her food.

“ Okay Mummy, I’m done..” she announced. Her plate was ¾ full.

“ Makan sikit lagi Adik. Next month is your birthday. You cannot be 4 years old and this small, ” said I.

She sighed. “ Mum… makan kat atas berak kat bawah…”. I raised my brows.

“ Makan sikit lagi, Adik…” said I again.

“ Mum… I am the pesinent. I can do whatever I want…”

This is the second time I heard the word pesinent. Since Abang was handily available for translation work, I asked him what it meant.

“ President…” he said simply, mouth full of meehoon.

Amboi, amboi, amboi……

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Adik talking

I am very proud of Adik and her talking prowess. Oh, let me gloat, as I am a mother of children who decided to start talking when they neared 3.

Anyway, yesterday we were in Shah Alam Mall and as I was walking hand in hand with my little baby, she slipped. Babah and Mummy of course sniggered while Abang gave out a huge colossal laugh.

“ It is not funny !! ” Said the embarrassed tyke.

Of course Abang exaggerated another laugh and Mummy and Babah laughed out loud.

“ It is not funny at all !! ” She said and giggled herself. What a good sport.

When we got home and put them to bed, Adik snuggled close to her brother.

“ Adik !! Get away from me ! You are squishing me…” Said Abang.

Adik pretended she didn’t hear him and closed her eyes.

“ Mummy, make her sleep in her own bed because I don’t like being squished !! ”

I sighed and gently suggested that she sleeps in her own bed.

She went deeper into the duvet, smiled and me, eyes wide with mischief and said, “ Mum… it is better here. I am so comfortable…. ”. She did look all comfy and snuggly that I haven’t had the heart to make her leave.

Strategy baik punya….

When she was smaller, I couldn’t see the resemblance between brother and sister at all. Lately though I have noticed there are some facial resemblance but it ends at their huge eyes. The similarities are more evident in their mannerisms.

Last Monday Abang and Adik started kelas mengaji at Sekolah Ibnu Majah in Seksyen 8. Adik is of course very excited because even though it is only an hour a day but she is already officially a school-going child ( she is keeping up with her “ Esok Babah work ? Mummy ? Abang ? ” and when it got to her and the answer is now a yes, she would close her eyes and smile happily, cute head nodding….. kesian sungguh budak ni ).

When I came back from work on Monday she came running to me and announced happily, “ Mummy I have a friend !! She talked to me and we played … ! ” I smiled at her and asked what is her friend’s name. She looked at me and said, “ Owang. ” Okay and I asked her what is her ustaz’s name. Again the same look and said, “ Owang. ”

I squinted my eyes at her and asked, “ They have the same name ? ” Again she looked at me, this time a sort of far-away look, like she ceased looking at me anymore eventhough her eyes were trained on me. I know that look so well. I call it Abang’s thinking look. It would come about when I asked him a difficult question and he would be quiet, presumably thinking with that look upon his face, so much like what his sister was doing.

I looked at away. I got all emotional, mourning for the look my son stopped giving me.

Oh, merepeknya aku.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Not only girls who just wanna have fun...

One day, I asked Adik a Million Dollars question, “ Why are you so noisy, Adik ? ” and she answered with “ Because I want to have fun Mummy… ”.

I replied with, “ Oh ? You need to make a lot of noise when you are having fun ? ” and she replied, “ Yes Mum. I like to do fun stuffs.. ”and beamed and continued with her hullabaloo.

Either she concocted the answer on her own or Abang had properly tutored her because the words rang familiar. Last time Abang would always answer the same way when I questioned his needs to be loud/buy loads of toys/extremely rambunctious. Once after he answered the customary, “ I like to have fun, Mum ” and I gave him a look that borders from bewilderment to disbelief, he sighed and explained like he would to a younger person, “ Mum…. Kids like to have fun, Mum. We like to play and play bising – bising. It is what kids do. Or it would be very boring….. We must have fun !”.
Hmmmm….. have I totally forgotten my childhood ?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Burung murai, sayang

I love the Raya Petronas advertisement and very much humbled and inspired by it. You know……, “ Burung apa tu bah ? ” being asked over and over again and the patient “ Burung murai, nak ” from the father repeatedly. What a test of love and tolerance and I was determined to be like that so that when Abang became very abrupt and condescending towards me when I am old, I can tell him how patient I was with him without blushing because it is all true, yeah ?

Opportunity arose yesterday when in the car Abang complained that his sister is annoying him. “ Sabarlah, nak. ” Said I, very zen like.

“ Mum… she is annoying me…. ” came the complaint again.

“ Sabarlah, nak ” said me again.

“ Mummy she is blah, blah, blah… ”

“ Sabarlah, nak ”. I smiled sweetly at my husband, trying to show how patient I have become.

“ Mumm….. ”

“ Sabarlah, nak ”. I was on auto mode already.

At that time, Abang has had enough.

“ Stop saying that. I got the point already… ”.

Amboi….!! Belum apa – apa lagi dah tak sabar dengan mak dia. Uiihhhh….. sabarlah tangan ni……

Monday, November 05, 2007

How we spent our Sunday

Pagi – pagi hantar Abang to his tennis lesson. Babah, Mummy and Adik pegi mana lagi but Cili Merah for breakfast ( according to Babah’s mum, they now frequent Cili Merah every morning since Adik refused to have her roti canai anywhere else ).Abang's coach came to us and said that next year he is enrolling Abang in tennis tournaments. He mentioned that to me during raya already but I am still skeptical. Abang was excited, though.

“ Kat mana coach ? ” he asked.

“ Haa ? Kat mana ? ” asked the coach back.

“ Kat US ke ? ” Mak aiihh…. Dia buat dah si Abang ni.

“ Dulu dia nak masuk tournament kat Australia coach…. ” said Mummy malu – malu.

“ Waa ha ha ha ha….!! ” That came from the coach.

“ KL dulu Abang… KL dulu… ” said he, between gulps of laughter.

He he…..

Then Babah got very hulk like when his office called and ordered him to work. So the ones who were left at home had to make other plans. Why don’t we go and buy some food and then holed ourselves up in the room, air-cond blaring on high watching ghost movie ?

Yippee !! Everbody was nervously ecstatic ( we were excited but none of us are really that brave ). Then Adik tertidur. Then Mummy got heavy lidded too. Then Aunty Amelia sms-ed to remind us that we were invited to her house. Since we were not even peckish, Mummy said why don’t we just eat at Aunty Melia’s house ? Abang said okay ( food is not very high on his agenda anyway ).

Then Babah got home. Yeah… pegi rumah Amir !! Adik then enquired about cerita hantu. Babah said after rumah Amir, we can go and get some scary dvds. Went home at 7.30, sembahyang maghrib, watched Blade while waiting for Isyak. After Isyak, Babah still clad in his kain baring sat. Abang baring sebelah Babah and before we know it was off to slumberland. It was 8.30. By 8.45 Mummy realised Babah was snoring. Biar benar depa ni ?

Adik though was restless. She was turning left and right while watching CSI and sedaq – sedaq, si kecik tu pun dah tiduq. Mummy fought valiantly trying to get to the end of CSI. As soon as the credits rolled in she succumbed to her fatigue and slept soundly.

By 6 am, everybody was awake. The first thing Adik said when she mamai-ing opened her eyes, “ Bila nak bayar cd hantu Mummy ? ” Hmm… tonight babe, tonight. If we are not asleep by 7 that is…

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Babies are stupid

We were having breakfast at G Hotel ( don’t ever stay there. It is rubbish. RM 400 over for nothing… seriously ) in Penang and I was eating some excellent cheese from the cheese board. I asked Abang to try it and he of course refused, saying that he doesn’t like cheese.

Mum : But you used to like cheese Abang.

Abang : When I was a baby ? Well, I changed my mind.

Mum : Dulu when we were in Belgium, we would take some cheese from the buffet and feed you with it while we tour the city. You loved it… ( said I while waving the cheese in his direction ).

Abang : Mum, babies they do not know anything. They just eat what people give them because they don’t know how to taste. They eat and eat because they do cannot smell.

Mum : Oh ?

Abang : Mum… babies are so stupid. They just eat what people give them...


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trying to keep Adik quiet

Semalam, more drama with my kids. Adik buat drama dah lama, though. She will start her conversation innocently enough.
Adik : Esok Mummy pegi work ?
Mum : Pegi.
Adik : Babah ?
Mum : Pegi.
Adik : Abang ?
Mum : Pegi.
Adik : Adik ?
Mum : Duduk rumah ye ? (with a groan as this happens every single day so Mummy knows what is gonna happen next)
Adik : Waaa.... Adik nak pegi sekolah ( x 100 ). Adik nak pegi school ( x 100 ).
Mum : Pegi tanya abah ko ...... Dia yang tak bagi....
Adik : Bah !!!
This has been going on since start of this year, stopped for awhile, surfaced a few times each proceeding month and repeated with intensity every day since this very month. I don't want to handle this because this is her Babah punya kerja. She cried and cried and cried even promises of sushi was of no help. I finally said, " Adik, you can go to school after your birthday okay ? After your party I will send you to school okay ? But if you cry, there will be no birthday party.... ".
She agreed and stopped the hullabaloo. Just to goad her Babah further, I whispered to her, " Tell Babah kalau Babah nak Adik diam pasal school, you have to buy me Mickey Mouse necklace... ". She perked up. " Nolah Mummy. Mummy lah cakap.... ".
" Adik lah cakap.... " " Mummy cakap for me okay ? " Then came Babah's voice, " What are you two whispering about ? ".
I looked at her and she avoided looking at me. " Adik kata if you want her to be quiet, you have to compensate for her non-schooling year with a Mickey Mouse necklace. " Babah looked at us. Since Adik is Babah's princess, what can he say but " Okay .... ". He he...
I looked at Adik and she grinned, her thumb up. I reciprocated. Babah..... he he.
Anyway, since we did mention sushi, Adik of course membuat tuntutan. Pegilah kami ke Sushi King. Before masuk kereta, Adik suddenly remembered a new purple dress that her Aunty Su bought her. Dekat pintu kereta ni dok " Bah, I need my purple dress... " " Adik you are wearing a purple dress.... " Countered Babah, patience slowly ebbing from his body...
" Not this one. This one pyjamas... I want my purple dress Bah... ". Sigh.. I sternly ordered her to get in the car and be quiet.
Of course she was not quiet and was sobbing uncontrollably. Tensionnya aku. After one fight to another !! When we got to a quite dark place, Babah pulled another trick. " Adik, if you are not quiet, I will leave you here. "
When she raised her sobs an octave higher, Babah literally stopped the car and I opened the door. Abangnya pulak started wailing. " No ! No ! She is my only sister !! No ! No ! " Babah and I exchanged smiles. Adik got smart and shut her mouth. Abang sobbed, hugging his precious little sister.
Hmmm.... how long do we have to keep this up ?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Bukan I !!

I came home yesterday to see a frowning husband and a missing daughter. My son was his usual happy self. He however showed me his remote control car that looked brand new yesterday morning when I left for work and Adik was playing with it. That evening though, the aerial was broken.

“ Adik did this Mummy, she broke my toy.” informed my son, eyes round, face solemn. “ But the problem is dia tak mengaku !! She lied in front of everybody !! ” He added. Ohh…. That is serious indeed.

“ Where is she ? ” I asked. “ In Wan’s room. She went there when Abah marah dia…. ” Abang answered, tone scandalous. I instructed him to fetch his sister.

As usual since Abah was still in the room, she entered with eyes covered by her hands. She ran to me and gave me a hug.

Mum : Adik broke Abang’s toy ?

Adik : Noo... bukan I.

Mum : Adik…. You know what we feel about lying. Adik rosakkan toy Abang ?

Adik : Bukan. Not me.

Mum : Adik, orang yang tipu masuk neraka remember ? Adik nak masuk neraka ?

Adik : Tak nak. I don’t like here anymore. I want to go to bilik Wan.

Mum : Adik, dalam neraka ada apa ?

Abang : Ada api ( menyampuk pulak budak ni. He was standing next to Adik, looking intently at his sister ) and big, humongous monsters that will eat you.

Mum : Adik nak kena makan api ke ? Tak nak kan ? Okay, say sorry to Abang.

Adik : Sorry Abang… ( She leaned on her brother, looking remorse )

Mum : Sorry for what Adik ? Say sorry because I broke your toy.

Adik : Bukan I ( body instantaneously erect ).

Mum : Adik, remember neraka ? ( at this point the abang was squirming )

Adik : Not me.

Mum : Adik, say sorry to Abang !

Adik : Sorry Abang ( this time she hugged her brother and Abang was holding her tight. She did look sorry so I was very hopeful ).

Mum : Sorry for what Adik ? Come on. You are sorry because you broke his toy.

Adik : ( again she was defiant ) Not me. Bukan ( and shook her head ).

Mum : Adik, nak kena bakar dengan api ke ?

Abang : Adik, it is okay Adik. Abang tak marah pun. It’s okay.

Mum : Go on then, say sorry because you broke his toy.

Adik : Sorry Abang because I broke your toy… waaargghh….!!

Abang : It’s okay Adik. I will still love you even if you break my toys. Many, many toys.

And they hugged. And Adik was smiling again. Ya Allah, please lembutkan lah hati si Adik ni macam abang dia…..

Thursday, October 25, 2007

9 days with my kids

I had wonderful 9 days with my children. I was happy to be with them and them.. well they showed me what they really are capable of doing.

Let’s start with Abang. I think I have mentioned that we trained our kids to be able to talk and express themselves. I teach ( well taught now since we are thinking of stopping this particular type of training ) them to be able to do things for themselves, have no fear of voicing out what they need and what is required.

Then one fine day during Raya, we found that we have actually over trained him…Selamatkan lah aku, Ya Allah….

We were at McDonald’s ( save me again, Allah ) and as usual, with the Happy Meal comes a toy that is gender specific. Since I have a pair, I asked for one boy toy which was a dino-robot thing and a girl one which was My Little Pony doll. Adik dislikes toys with flowing hairs and asked for a change. We of course sent Abang to do the deed. He approached the manager, a guy with a protruding belly and looked nowhere near my son’s age.

“ Dik, dik… boleh tak adik saya nak tukar toy ni ? ” It was a horrifying moment for any mothers. I looked at the guy and he was looking down at my son, one hand on the counter top and lips one thin line. Babah clutched my arms.

I think the guy asked what sort of toy Adik wanted because Abang answered, “ Dia nak toy robot jugak. Boleh tak ? ” He bent down and handed it over to Abang. Abang shook his head and said, “ Adik saya tak nak yang ini. Dia nak yang lagi satu…. ” and proceeded to the toys’ display and pointed at the desired toy.

When he came back, he informed us that they do not have any other toys but the same one that he has, so Adik has to be contend with it. Babah and I looked at him as he resumed his eating.

“ Why did you call that guy dik ? ” I asked.

“ I don’t know… ” he shrugged.

“ He is older than you, you know… ”. He looked at me and nodded his head. “ So, you should call him abang.. ”. At this point he looked at me, realizing that this is another lesson of life that we are bestowing on him, also means that he done a whopper yet again.

“ That was quite rude, Abang calling somebody older than you adik…” said I again. At this point, his eyes went bigger and rounder, a sure sign that he is going to cry. I sighed and shoved a calorie laden fry inside my mouth instead.

The next morning, he was hounding us to get him to a pasar mini. “ I want to buy Transformers card ” said he, raya money burning in his pocket. “ Which pasar mini ? ” Seksyen 9, he answered. I racked my brain for a pasar mini at Seksyen 9 and took him to the one at seksyen 8.
Babah went in with him and before Babah could open his mouth, he asked the shopkeeper, “ Pakcik ( he got it right this time ) dekat sini ada jual kad Transformers tak ? ” The pakcik answered in negative form but showed him a Transformers packet that has a toy inside. Hmmm…. Well he had to make a sale, I suppose. My son took it and started to feel the packet, to gauge the toy inside. “ Boleh pecah tak toy ni ? Sebab kalau senang pecah nanti mak saya marah…. ”. Aduih, tensionnya budak ni. You don’t have to rat on your mother you know. The pakcik of course said the toy could survive brimstone and fire. Without asking for his father’s permission, he said he’ll take it and paid for it and left, leaving a bewildered Babah in the shop.


Si Adik pulak lain ceritanya. I took them to their piano class on Saturday the 8th of Raya. I waited on the bench in front of their classes when Adik came out first with her teacher in tow. She took my handphone and showed it to her teacher. The wallpaper of my phone at that time was Babah’s picture, taken by the princess herself.

“ Look at my father teacher…” she said, holding the phone up to her teacher. When she politely looked at the picture of the dashing Babah, Adik added, “ He is so cute !! ”. I went red with embarrassment. I swear the hallway went quiet. I dared not look at her teacher when I grabbed her and pulled her to me. She really couldn’t shut her mouth when she helpfully said, “ My father is just a boy.. ”. Eh ? What does that mean ?

I smiled awkwardly at her teacher because you know, my daughter looked like she was trying to get a replacement for her mummy ! Surely her mother must be horrible if she was promoting her father like that. Aduih…

Abang then emerged from his class. When Adik saw him she said, “ Have you met my brother, teacher ? ” Without waiting for her teacher’s answer she said, “ This is my brother, Abang. ” Her hand gesturing to him lazily, like an old hand at introducing people.

Hmm……… ( again ).

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Cerita minggu ini

Last night I slept on my sejadah after Maghrib. I was so tired I decided to baring sekejap and then terus lelap. Babah woke me up at 9 and was quite upset because I missed my Japanese class.

I then decided to go down and cook for our sahur. Abang requested for pasta. Adik decided to follow me to the kitchen. While waiting for the pasta to boil, we sat on the floor for a cuddle. She was on my lap and I was fiddling with her hair and singing. When I finished singing, she said to me, “Mummy, you are a good mother.”

Mummy : Really ? Why ?

Adik : Because you make me things and give me something to eat and you like to hug me.

Mummy : Thank you honey for the appreciation.

Adik : ( Grinned ) You’re welcome Mummy.

Babah then came down to announce that he is going out to buy Abang’s chocolate milk. Adik of course wanted to follow. She held her father’s hand, looked at me as she was about to take a step and said, “Don’t forget the mushrooms Mummy for the basgetti.” He he….. comelnya.

2 weeks ago, Abang again complained why Harith ( Babah’s nephew ) is older and bigger than him. I have tried explaining to him in various ways. That day, I tried a different route.

Mummy : Abang, you must understand that Harith was born first. He was born before you. He was born before Babah and Mummy got married even.

Abang : Oh ? Why didn’t you get married yet ? Because Babah was not ready ?

Babah and Mummy looked at each other. Dah start merepek dah budak ni.

Babah : Merepek lah ko ni Abang.

Abang : Bah, is it because you have another girlfriend Bah ?

Dengan itu Mummy dengan muka yang berkerut dan tangan kat pinggang swiveled around to look at Babah. Babah looked shocked, then scared.

Babah : Apa ko merepek ni Abang ?

Abang : Yelah, usually the fathers tak nak kawin because they are not ready Bah. Because they have another girlfriend Bah.

Aiseh, buku apa yang ko baca, cerita apa yang ko tengok ni Abang ?

Friday, September 28, 2007

My baby Adik…

My baby Adik. Ha ha…

Yesterday while I was sitting in front of my dressing table, getting ready for work, Adik came to me. She was watching a Disney video.

“Mummy, Belle kan dia bau du-yan ( durian ).” Said she.

“ Really ? Euuuwwwww…..” was my reply since I abhor durians.

“ Ee….” Agreed my daughter when she stopped halfway. She looked confused.

“But mum… I like du-yan…” Her face contorted in wonder.

“You don’t like du-yan ?” She asked me.

“No..” said I.

“Why ?” She asked again and before I answered, she added, “Because they smell yucky ?”

I nodded my head.

“But I like du-yan Mum,” She said again and left me. He he..

Last night Yaya ( Babah’s sister ) came running to my room. I was just folding my telekung when she appeared very much scared.

“Tolong ! Tolong ! Ada ular kat bawah,”

I jumped on the bed. My children who was in their room heard what their aunt said ran to my room crying. Especially Abang le. Babah went down to check it out but returned with the news that he couldn’t find the snake. Oh seramnya. After things calmed down, we went out to Shah Alam Mall, wanting to buy groceries.

As Babah backed out of the driveway, his mother stood at the door, wanting to see us out. My baby Adik scrolled down the screen and said, “ Be careful Wan. The snake is coming !!!

Merepeknya kau anak ku.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Alahai anak ku Adik…

3 weeks ago, Adik's piano teacher got a new student, a boy about 7 – 8 years old. This boy usually would barge in the class even though my daughter was still in there. Anyway, on his first day, I was waiting for Adik outside but she didn’t emerged. After 5 minutes I went to check on her and found her watching the boy playing his piece.

" Itu abang.. " she said.

" Oh really ? " was my reply.

" Yes… he is my boyfriend… "


I of course told on her to her Babah. Babah was amused.

" Adik ada boyfriend ? " Babah asked.

She smiled and started to swing her body left and right.

" Ha… abang…. " .

Okay, okay…. Mummy dah panic. There was another person who was not amused. Her own abang.

" Adik… you cannot have a boyfriend. Only teenagers can have boyfriends !! You are still a baby !!
" Babah and I went quiet. Both of us looked at Adik. She stopped her body swing, eyes wide looking at Abang

" Ha ?? " Was all she said.

Last Saturday we went to piano class again. This time Tok Mi followed us. When Adik came out of her class, I asked her, " Was that your boyfriend ? "

She of course smiled and said yes.

" My boyfriend is abang, Tok. " She informed my mum.

Before my mother could reply, her own abang hissed, “ Adik !! You are so embarrassing !! People is going to laugh at you. You are a baby !! “

Haa… luckily I have Abang at hand to deal with her in 10 years time when she starts giving me boys’ problems.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Adik hilangkan barang

This is the story told to us by Babah’s parents. Abang came home from school looking for his GameBoy. When he asked his sister on its whereabouts, she said she had lost it. Abang was livid.

Abang : Adik main GameBoy dekat mana ?

Adik : Dekat rumah lah…

Abang : So, where is it ?

Adik : Dah hilang.

Abang : Adik main kat bilik Atuk ke, bilik Mummy ke ?
Adik : I don’t know….

Abang : Adik, jangan buat abang marah tau. Abang puasa !!

Adik : Let me go find it…

Abang : You better Adik. Jangan buat abang buka puasa !!

At that point, his Atuk called him and asked what was he talking about. Abang went quiet.

When I came home, Abang just returned from his sekolah agama. The first thing he told me was of course about Adik losing the GameBoy. I went upstairs and called her name. She didn’t answer. When I went to look in their room, she was putting on her panties, helped by Bibik.

Mum : Adik, mana GameBoy ?

Adik: Dah hilang.

Mum : Hilang mana ?

Adik : I don’t know. It is gone Mum.

Mum : You have to find it Adik. Before Babah balik.

I threw myself on the bed. Adik was pretending to look for the GameBoy around the room. She was about to land beside me when something caught her eyes and she gave a little gasp.

Adik : Oh my God …

And she quickly scrambled up and reached on top of the shelves next to the bed.

Adik : I found it !! Mum.. look !!

When I looked she was opening a box that used to house a GameBoy game cartridge. She took out the GameBoy from its hiding place and brandished it at me.

Adik : Look ! I found it all by myself !!

Abang who came to check what the commotion was all about was ecstatic. She gave the GameBoy to Abang and settled next to me. I then noticed her empty wrist. My blood drained.

Mum : Adik, where is your gelang ?

She quickly got up to face me.

Adik : Ha ?

Mum : Where is your gelang, Adik ?

Adik : Emmm… let me go and find it.

Unfortunately, while that conversation took place, Babah entered the room and heard us. He ordered her to look for it. She peered behind the telly, she went behind the bed and looked under the chair.

Adik : I couldn’t find it Mummy.

Mum : Adik, go look for it.

She left for her room. After awhile Babh asked me if I am not going to check on my daughter. Why, I asked. She has been standing behind the door for quite some time, said Babah. I found her sitting on the bed, all pouty.

Mum : Where is the gelang ?

All I got was silence and lips jutting dangerously out.

Mum : Twice in a day, Adik. You lost 2 stuffs today.

More silence. I sighed. I went back to my room and before long I heard her laughing and saw her tumbling happily on the bed. Hmm…. Abang yang dah nak batal puasa tu dah pujuk.

It turned out, Babah’s mom took the gelang from her for safe keeping.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Berbuka Frenzy

Last weekend we stayed at the Crowne Plaza KL because Babah had a few coupons still. Went there after art class, checked in, performed Dzuhur and off we went to KLCC for Raya stuffs ( read clothes ). Went back to the hotel at 5, performed Asar and rested a bit. At 6.30 Babah was yapping that we were already late for the buka puasa buffet but Mummy said that since it was just an elevator ride away, we could leave at 7.05 if we wanted to.

Babah insisted. So off we went. We were 25 minutes early. Abang is not much an eater and a very picky one at that. But as we were shown to our table and passed rows and rows of food, Mummy saw Abang eyeing the offered fare hungrily. That was the first for us. Mummy was enjoying the sight of her son salivating.

We sat down. And looked at each other. After about a minute, Abang wanted to go and take some food. Mummy was against it because the last 10 minutes is the hardest and with scrumptious food in front of our face … well it will be just torture. Abang insisted and grabbed his Babah’s hand. Off they went.

Mummy laughed out loud when she saw her son’s plate. Nasi tomato ( that is the first time she saw Abang chose nasi tomato willingly… in fact it was the first time she saw him ate it ), fried calamari and fried chicken. There was also 3 pieces of oreos at the side of the plate.

As Mummy have predicted, 15 minutes went by slowly. Abang asked for the time repeatedly at very, very short intervals that Babah had to put his watch arm on the back of Abangchair, for his easy viewing. 2 – 3 minutes before adzan, Abang wanted to go to the loo. While he was there, the call for maghrib prayers started. As Mummy was eating her cempedak goreng, Abang came hurtling down the restaurant, jumped on the chair and started to scoop up his food with his hand. Abang detested eating with his hand. He always requested for cutleries. Therefore when Babah saw him doing that he offered his cutleries. But nope Abang was not to be disturbed. He pushed it away and started eating. It was a sight to behold.

Being parents of non-eaters, seeing your child eating in a frenzy was oddly comforting. Then it started to get worrying when he didn’t stop for air at all. Mummy had to ask Abang to stop and rest for a while when Abang ate his rice berlaukkan oreos. Surely that combination is bad for the taste bud ?

After he finished his plate, Abang slumped on his chair. Mummy asked him to take a rest. She was shocked when Abang said he saw the pasta counter and wanted macaroni with bacon and white sauce. Really, darling ? Second plate ?

So Babah took him again and Mummy went to get some keaw tiaw goreng to share with Babah, which was so delectable, she almost swooned. When she got to the table, Abang was already there, nose buried in his plate. As soon as he saw his Mummy he waved excitedly. “ Mummy come here for a while and smell my food !! “ He said. So Mummy went and obliged him. “ Smells wonderful kan Mum ? “ Mummy smiled at her precious one and pat his head. And then he started shoveling. Ya Allah, anak ku, she thought.

Ha ha… For somebody who had always snubbed food, this puasa taught him a lesson. His Babah’s advise rang true. Earlier while we were in KLCC, Adik wanted to be fed and so Babah gave a fiver to Abang and asked him to buy Adik some fries at A&W. Abang went grudgingly and when he handed the mouthwatering friend potato to his sister, he said “ Now get away from me … “. Babah told him puasa is about patience and being tested by Allah. Furthermore, said Babah, when you finally eat, the food will taste 100 times much better than usual.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Satu Ramadhan

Yesterday Abang started puasa. He was okay waking up for sahur and ate heartily. During sahur I told him why we must puasa ( don’t ask me what I told him as I am sure when I write it down it will sound like crap…. ). His eyes was big when he looked at me explaining, nodding his head.

Before he left for school, I reminded him that he cannot eat until maghrib. “ Okay, Mummy.. “ said he.

About 2 pm Babah called me up. Abang called him to seek permission to eat half of Adik’s vanilla bread. “ I am hungry Bah… “. Babah told him if he could just withhold a few hours longer would be really great. But if he can’t, by all means he should eat.

Ha ha….

Anyway, yesterday we berbuka at sek 8 ( my mom’s house ) and therefore I went straight there from work to help my mom cook. Babah and my children arrived about 10 minutes before buka. When he saw me he jumped up and down. When he saw Alisya and Alyana he jumped higher and more vigorously. “ Nampak sangat tak puasa… “ said I, chiding him.

Babah gave me a horrified look and said, “ Eei.. dia puasa lah…. Dia tak makan pun … “. Oh ? Abang gave me a smile and nodded his head. “ Saya puasa Mummy !! “ said he.

My son is not an eater. He is a very picky one and very selective of what is in his plate. But yesterday, his rice was piled high and he requested for curried potatoes and daging kicap, stuffs that he usually turned his nose from.

Congratulations my darling baby. Let’s see if you can keep this up. I am so proud of you….

PS : I think I have successfully clogged my arteries yesterday. Berbuka was kari telur and kari ikan ( don’t ask ) and sahur was kari ayam…. Aduih…
Oh, Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan..

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I blame it on the telly

It is quite a challenge to teach our children our Islamic values nowadays, it being a science and technology era and all ( read, television is essential to our lives as the air to breathe ). We constantly have to fight to make our Islamic values heard in the midst of the noise of the telly and games consoles.

Last month, my son told me that celebrities do not eat. Celebrities ? “ Yes, ”said Abang. “ They cannot eat. Why ? ” Excactly, why ? Apparently he got it from Mrs Fosters Home for Imaginary Friend, and Blue, the fiendish blue coloured imaginary friend became a celebrity and was refused food. Okay, how do I explain this to him ? Especially since I keep teasing how chubby he looks and he absolutely loved it. He would laugh delightedly when I called him fat. Would he still laugh when I explained that celebrities have this stupid notion that stick thin is beautiful and therefore starve themselves to look good ? How can I explain while not turning him into a 7 year old anorexic ?

Then on Tuesday I was preparing for work and since there is no school, Abang and Adik was perched on our bed watching cartoons after our Subuh prayer. When I put on my top, Abang asked, “ Why are you wearing that Mum ? Are you going to work ? ” After Adik asking me to change my clothes the other day, I was rather indignant. “ Excuse me, this is a long sleeved baju, okay. ”

“ No Mummy, it looks like a Chinese baju…” He said. True enough, it is a pink cheongsam inspired blouse. “ Yes it is and it is okay for work…, ” I said, thinking how critical can my children get. ZAdik all the while was too absorbed with the cartoon and was not giving us any heed. My son then gave me his lovely grin that I love so much and said, “ You look nice Mummy…” nodding his head happily. I beamed at him before he added, “ Nice and sexy…”. My smile faded but my son was still nodding his approval.

“ What is sexy, baby ? ” I asked cautiously, not really sure that I want to hear his explaination. He pondered for awhile before saying “ It means pretty…” I went to him and said, “ No it is not. You have to be careful with the words you use because it could come out wrongly..” At that his face fell. “ I am sorry Mummy….” He said. My face went a few degrees lower. He was so happy just now, proudly thinking that he had done the right thing and here came his awful Mummy pulling him straight down into the dumps. I smiled again, kissed him and thanked him for the compliment he so generously bestowed upon me.

Then yesterday at dawn, I was rushing to buka puasa, sembahyang Maghrib and organizing my kids for prayers. Babah went to play football straight from work. The three of us prayed and at the end when it is time for doa, Abang was hesitant. “ Mum, do I have to doa ? ” he asked. I looked at him, my palms already upwards, ready to seek forgiveness from my Maker. “ You don’t need anything ? ” I asked. “ Well, my exams dah habis….” I sighed. Maybe it is too much to ask from a 7 year old.

Since I was born with a funny bone and a serial teaser from small, I mischievously asked, “ You do not want to ask for a bike or anything then ? ” My face smiley and playful. He sat down again, contemplated for a while then said, “ It is okay lah Mummy. I will ask for a bike when I next see a wishing star…………” Ternganga lah emak yang Melayu ni. He either got it from the telly or from his Enid Blyton… Payah….

Monday, August 20, 2007

A crowded arts class

Amir and Alesya ( my niece from my eldest brother ) decided to join Abang and Adik’s art class. Mummy reminded everybody that it starts at 11.30 am and described the location. Apparently she gave the right location to Ibu Amir and the wrong one to Ibu Alesya. Alesya ended up going to another art school for half an hour before joining Abang, Adik and now Amir.

The boys sat together at the front and the girls together at the back. Amelia observed that the girls were socializing with each other, talking and admiring each other’s work. The boys though were quiet. As we sat looking at the boys, Abang and Amir were quietly regarding each other. No smiles exchanged what-so-ever, just looking. Probably they were just sizing each other up…

Aiman, Rafidah’s daughter was also there. He had started the class much earlier and was already a pro. Ibu Amir and Mummy went to him to say hello and squeezed his cheeks. As we were leaving him, Mummy saw Abang talking to him. And when we returned to the sofa, he had already joined Abang and Amir’s table.

“ Look Mum… “ said Abang excitedly, “ 6 years old, 5 years old and 7 years old “.

Mummy laughed. She laughed harder when Abang, Amir and Aiman were silently checking each other up. Apa hal ?
Anyway, the girls were realky whiny. " Teacher, I want to paint !! " " Teacher, mine is not pretty .. " or " Teacher, let me do it.. " Tecaher this and teacher that. Coupled with Yana ( Alesya's sister ) cryings, the teacher had had enough. " Aiyoo.... don't call teacher so much aaa... teacher is going crazy already..... ".
Waa ha ha ha ha... !!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Go change Mum !!

This morning too as usual Adik watched the telly as I prepared myself for work. I was putting on a sleeveless number when Adik called me.

Mummy : Yes ?

Adik : Why are you wearing that ?

Mummy : What ?

Adik : Are you going to sleep, Mummy ?

Mummy : No, I am going to work.

Adik : Mum… that baju is not for work. Go change, Mum.

It must be my sleeveless shirt. So I put on my cardigan, and gave a little twirl. She beamed.

Adik : That is better, Mum.

To test her theory, I kissed her goodbye, took my keys and headed for the door. She screamed.

Adik : Mummy !! Your kepala !!!

Ha ha… I snapped up my tudung and blew her a kiss.

Mummy : See you later, alligator.

Adik : In a while, croco-dial.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Adik’s Piano Class

After much pleading and whining on Adik’s part and asking and enquiring on mine, Juliette, the lovely and very helpful administrator of the music school, found a piano teacher willing to teach my 3 and a half, unschooled daughter. Last Saturday was her first class.

On the way to class, I asked her many, many times if this is what she really wants. Her eyes were glazed when she said, “ Yes, sure… “. Hmmm….. When we got there, 30 minutes early as usual, her teacher Dahlia was not there yet. At 10.30 Abang went to his class and it was just Adik and I waiting at the corridor.

Then I saw a girl peeking at us from the lobby. I looked at her and resumed my reading. Then I saw her peeking at us again and started hesitantly at us. “ Are you Abang's mother ? “ She asked. I said yes and she said she is Dahlia, Abang’s sister’s teacher.

I took a good look at her. She is still a baby herself, fresh from school and oh so cute. I like it. From her kind face and demeanour, I know she will be patient with my daughter.
“ She really wants this. She has been pestering me and I asked Juliette and she said too young until last month she said she found someone who is willing to try, “ said I. She smiled and told me not to worry.

She took Adik’s hand and led her to Studio 5. When the door closed, I fidgeted. I heard her talking to Adik and Adik answering back. I resisted the urge to peek at the little window.

Then I heard the key being pressed and another and another. I looked. She was teaching Adik the fingering. I went back to my bench and waited. I do not know for what, but I just waited. Then I suddenly heard Twinkle Twinkle Little Star being played. Uh – uh. I peeked again and heard my daughter happily singing. Adik usually pretended playing that song on the piano. I just knew she asked the teacher to play it for her.

When I looked again, Dahlia was showing Adik the C-key. She in turn pointed at the A on the piano lid that spelt the piano's maker and said that is an A. Dahlia had to cover the letterings with her hand. I ran.

Abang came out of the class and eagerly asked about his sister. We then waited. When they finally came out, they were holding hands. Adik had a happy look on her face and Dahlia a more cautious one. I was wavering from disappointment and hopeful.

Dahlia : She is small, it will take a long time to teach her.. But she is cute and adorable… ( and squeezed Adik’s cheek ).

Me : I know. But she wanted it so much I just had to ask. Juliette did ask me to join in the Junior Music Class but I can’t because my son has a class at that time.

Dahlia : Yeah, that programme is very good. It is really going to be very slow with her. She needs a fun class with a lot of music. Let me give you the book…

Me : I know it will take long. I have no expectations. I am just happy that somebody is willing to teach, that is all.

She smiled. I like her. When I wanted to pay for Adik’s fees, Juliette said she would talk to Dahlia first. Aaa….. I want to pay because when money is exchanged everything is already assured. I do not want to go next week, my little girl all happy and then, they changed their minds… Waaa………….

I know she is expecting to go back to her music class next week. Hmmm….Like her art class. Adik enjoys her arts class. she would wake up excited every Saturday morning. Even Ivy got caught up with Adik’s enthusiasm. “ Your daughter aaaa is so cute. She is very interested in painting. Using crayons aaa she is okay only but when painting aaa, aiyoo… she would go hahaha and hohoho while she paints.
When I apologized for not sending Umar to her on Tuesdays for extra Mandarin, she told me it is fine. Whenever I am ready, she said. Then she added, “ Start next year also can. Maybe Adik can join in Mandarin together lah with Abang…. “. You want to teach my daughter Mandarin, I asked. I was shocked because Adik is certainly a handful. “ Yesss….. She is cute lah. Aiyaa… so fun to have her … “ she said. Really aaaa ? You don’t get rimas aaa when she calls you all the time ?
" Okaylah Ivy... Thank you. "

Friday, August 03, 2007

Abang's Sembahyang Camp

Yesterday we had a missive from Abang’s school. Babah who read it said tomorrow ( today le tuh ) is Solat Camp. Students were advised to wear slippers and songkok ( for boys ) and bring a small bag with 2 fresh writing books, pencil case and colour pencils. I did not read the memo. I relied on my husband for the information. So this morning Abang went to school in his baju PJ ( Thursday is his PJ ), songkok and slippers, carrying a small bag with all the stuffs.

I car-pooled with Babah today so this morning after a long time, I sent my boy to school. As we walked to the school compound, I noticed all boys were dressed in their usual uniform. None wore slippers or have a songkok on their head. Oh – oh. When I told Babah about it, he panicked. “ Takpe lah, “ Said I, “ Let’s see how he handles the situation….. ".

My conversation with Abang, en-route to school, was of course focused on his sembahyang etiquette. I lectured on how important for him to sembahyang correctly and therefore have to pay real attention to what his Babah was doing when we pray together and how embarrassed I would be if his teacher tested him and he failed. “ He would think that we are a family of irreverents. “

He gave his customary “ Yes Mummy “ and “ I know Mum “ and “ Okay, Mummy “.

By 1 pm, Babah called me up to ask me to give his son a call. “ I just want to check if he dressed correctly to school and if he was in trouble… “. Okay.

Abang : Hai Mummy.

Mummy : Hai sayang. How was school ?

Abang : Oh hari ni just tulis – tulis je. I got all right Mummy.

Mummy : Really ? That’s nice. Were you in trouble ? Because just now I saw everybody else pakai kasut sekolah and bawak normal bag sekolah.

Abang : Tak de apa – apa pun.

Mummy : So hari ni tak belajar sembahyang ?

Abang : Hari ni ustaz test ambik wuduk. Ustaz nak tengok siapa yang tak tahu.

Mummy : Well… how did you do ?

Abang : Abang Cuma salah dekat kaki ….

Mummy : Itulah. I told you many times about the way you ambik wuduk at your kaki. I told you kan you have to use your hand to sapukan air tu to your kaki…. Blah blah blah. Nag nag nag…

Until I was interrupted by …

Abang : Okay Mum. I love you. Bye ! Toot. Toooot. Tooot…

Cess… he hang up on me….

Tak tahan kena leter lah tu. Dah besarnya anak aku.

Monday, July 30, 2007

An eventful weekend

What a weekend Abang and Adik had. They started with a makan2 at Amir’s house where they played non-stop with the host and later Ayesha. The party broke up at half past midnight.

Then they started early next day too. By 11 am they arrived at Ayesha’s new house and inspected her great new abode. Mummy and Babah liked the breezy and un-hectic neighborhood.

They were joined by Amir at 12 pm and the party proceeded to Lukman and Baby Umar’s house for a visit. Luke ( as per Uncle Sib ) was not around but they played, all 4 of them again. Babah was holding the gorgeous ( and pouty lipped Baby Umar – Hey Umar, Mick Jagger called and wants his lips back !! I tell you even Angelina Jolie pun jealous tengok his stunning lips ! ) Baby Umar when he couldn’t take it any longer. Baby Umar let out excited screams, wanting to join in the game. Aunty Amelia took Baby Umar from Babah and let him join in the play. He was so clever, playing with the big boys and girls.

We left Aunty Jubei’s house around 2.30 pm ( we thought we were going to follow Aunty Kamalia from behind, but when Mummy entered the car, Babah quickly swung the car around and headed home at full speed. Babah needed the toilet which is really typical of him… ).

We rested for awhile before leaving for a birthday party at Pantai Dalam. Nadirah, Babah’s cousin, Uncle Eddie’s daughter, 10th birthday party. We partied and played games again and by 9 pm we slept like a baby… which we still are anyway. Anyway on the way to Nadirah's party, Mummy instructed Adik to present her presants to her, Adik asked in a quiet voice, " What is her name ? " He he..... clever girl, she knows you have to wish somebody a Happy Birthday with the name attached it.

Mummy was pleased. She liked being in a group of people who are fond of each other and not fighting who has the biggest salary, the most important jobs and the cleverest kids. She is tired of that kind of group and she believes being with friends should be relaxing and fun. Not stressed.

There, everybody accepted that each other’s job is important, not measured by the size of their paycheck. They exchanged stories of their jobs and no bragging was involved. Everybody was interested in each other’s work and the stories told.

This circle of friends also accepted that every kid is clever and laughed at each child’s antics and agreed how clever each and everyone of them is. Like how clever of Ayesha thinking her kehidupan is better now that they live in a bigger house or Amir’s clever use of the word either. The moms commented on how clever Ayesha at finishing her plate. We also made a date to take Amir to an Engineering class which he is very interested in. No jealousy here. Everybody genuinely wanted every child to get what he/she wants and to help in any way they could. Each set of parents took a real delight on all the children’s antics, their own or not.

Mummy is really tired of being in a self-important, bragging environment. But how could she get out of it ?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Adik tattling

“ Mummy… “ Adik whispered. “ My croco-dial is missing … “.

“ Your crocodile ? What crocodile ? “

“ Croco-dial yang kita beli dekat zoo…. “

“ Okay…..”

“ Hannah took it Mum… “ She whispered again, eyes wide.

“ Okay… And then what ? “

“ I told Hannah mum. I told Hannah mummy not allow play with the croco-dial. She doesn’t listen mum.. “

“ Okay…… “

“ She hit the croco-dial on the floor. Dah pecah…. “ She whispered again. All the while she was saying all these, I was thinking how cute could she get ?

“ So whose fault is that ? “ She suddenly straightened her body.

“ Hannah mum. Not Adik fault. “

“ No Adik. If it is your toy, it is always your fault. “

“ Hannah doesn’t listen Mum…… “ She insisted.

“ Okay, that is fine. But if she broke it, it should still be around. Where is it ? “ I asked.

“ Dalam bilik study…. “ she said. She sometimes refers her room as bilik study. I don’t know why.

“ Just now you said it is missing ? “

“ In my room !! “ She said again.

“ Okay, show me…. “

Quiet. Eyes getting bigger.

“ I love you Mum…. “ She hugged me and showered me with kisses.

Hmmm……………. Where did she intend for the conversation to go ?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Art class pulak

I checked out one art class at section 9 on Saturday. Abang is very keen on arts and wants to attend the arts and crafts classes at Klinik Adek every Saturday. His father though thinks that if he is that interested, why not we find him a real class.

There are 2 at that seksyen, both on the same row of shops. I contacted both and chose to visit Ivy’s because they teach Mandarin too. So off we went after piano class. Ivy showed all the drawings her students had done and we sat for the last 20 minutes of her class. Adik and Abang wanted to try and so joined the next class.

Waaa…. My children have no shame, whatsoever. All the children were quiet, except for mine. They keep calling the teacher to come and look at their progress and asked loads of questions. The theme of the day was drawing and colouring the ocean. They have to draw the sun and birds too.

When Ivy was giving them pointers on how to draw the birds, she said, “ Please do not draw the wings to small aaa…. After the birds won’t be able to fly… “. Then my smart-mouth son added, “ Because if the wings are too small, it will not be able to carry the birds. The birds are too heavy….. “. Okay mister. This is not science, it is arts. Mortified, I pretended to look elsewhere.

After awhile, the teacher gasped. My heart skipped a beat. “ Look at this little girl. She drew clouds. Aiiyyaa… I have missed the clouds. Okay everybody, please add a few clouds…. “ she instructed. Abang looked at his sister and beamed, “ Adik, you are so clever…. “. I was again mortified when my daughter said, “ I know…. “ and blinked her eyes dramatically.

After all the colouring with crayons done, Adik’s work is finished. Abang was not though as he has to fill the white space with water colour. Adik gasped when Abang held a paint brush in his hand.

“ Hey, what is the big idea ? Where is my brush ? “

“ No Adik. You are to small to use paint okay ? You use crayons only… “ said the teacher.

I hissed at Adik to come to me. She came, face thunderous. I told her to sit next to me. She sat for a few seconds then went back to her teacher.

“ Teacher, I want to paint.”

“ No.. you cannot aaa…. Because you are too small…. “.

“ Adik, come here and sit with me… “ said me again.

That girl gave me a petulant look and leaned to her teacher, “ Teacher look at my mummy. She keep calling me to sit down… “.

Waa….. geramnya aku. Kalau kat rumah tu memang dah kutil – kutil dah….

Abang is no better. He kept calling the teacher over and giving suggestions on how to make the picture better. Pantang ciikgu tu bergerak tengok students lain, Abang dah panggil. I hissed and hissed for them not to hog the teacher so much until I could feel my tongue splitting in two.

Adik followed the teacher everywhere, telling her about her cousins and her toys. I kept telling her to not bother the Ivy as she has other students, but she ignored me. I fully intended to enroll them in the class as Abang is very interested and I can see Adik benefiting too. But I was afraid Ivy will tell me although she will be thrilled to accept Abang ( under one condition : That he remains quiet during class ) but she cannot teach Adik !

That is why when the class finished, I quickly waved the month’s fees to her. Luckily she accepted. Next week, I am just going to leave them there.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Japanese class Mummy

Amelia and I enrolled in a Japanese class at UiTM. Our first class was yesterday. We were of course late, as working people are wont to do and was surprised to see a different lecturer from the one we were introduced to on Tuesday during orientation.

This guy was good though as he forced us to practice on each other.

Of course I went home and eagerly demonstrated to my son what I learnt.

“ Hajimameshite ! Watashi wa **** desu. Dozo yoroshiku ! “ and bowed. Abang was delighted. Since he is used to learning a foreign language, he quickly emulated me.

“ Hajimemeshite ( part ni dia salah sikit ) ! Watashi wa Abang desu ! “ but instead of bowing he clasped his hands together like a Buddhist.

Waaaa ha ha… salah he……
But the sweet thing was when I got home, they were already waiting for me at the door. When I got out of the car, Abang smiled at me and asked " How was your class Mum ? Any good ? "
I was touched because he cared. " Well yes ! " said I.
He then asked me to teach him a few phrases, things that I haven't learnt yet.
" Abang, today was my first class. Of course I don't know how to say that... ".
" Okay Mum.... but can you ask your teacher next time. I am very curious... "
He he ... curious..... Good. Keep on being curious and inquisitive. I like that.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Abang, Abang

What a day last Wednesday was. I was taking a leisurely shower when I heard my name called repeatedly. I ignored them because well, as I was saying, it was a leisurely shower. Then I heard Adik calling my name. Again I ignored her. Then there was a sharp knock on the door. Can’t ignore that one… sigh…

I yelled out a “what ?” when I heard Babah’s mom’s voice. I was told to go to school to check up on Abang. Ai ya ya ya ya…

I quickly bathed, put on my work clothes, which I had thankfully, chosen and hanged on the closet door. I then raced to school. On the way there, Babah’s sister called me to inform me of what had happened. During the morning assembly, Abang had inserted a pebble into his nose and that particular pebble had remain lodged inside his nose despite his repeated attempt to take it out.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. When I called my boss to warn him of my late arrival to work, he laughed. Yup….

Anyway, I went to his class. His teacher showed me the pebble, wrapped in tissue and handed me the doctor’s bill. RM 25 to get a pebble that my son had willingly put in his nostril out.

When he saw me, his face went white. His classmates though were excited and crowded around me, each with their own version of the tale. Abang dared not approach me. Pn Wan shooed them away and my son was pushed to me.

I looked at him and he looked at me. I asked why with just my shoulders, hand gesture and questioning face. No word came out of my mouth. He shrugged and shook his head.

Mum : What was the big idea ?

Abang : Nothing.

Mum : Why did you put it in your nose ?

Abang : I want to shoot it out my nose…. I am sorry Mummy.

Mum : You know, if it had one up further they would have to operate you, you know. You will have scars so huge, you will not be handsome anymore.

Abang : Okay Mum. I am sorry.

Teacher Wan then came to me. According to her, the assembly had not started yet when Abang approached her. He told her there was a pebble in his nose and he couldn’t get out. She was shocked and was quite worried because he had started sneezing. They then took him to the clinic. She said luckily Abang was very calm while the doctor tried to take it out of him, because if he struggled they had to take him to the hospital.

When they asked him why he did it, he said “ Saja nak test… “. Waaa………….

Abang's face was contrite while I was talking to his teacher. I didn’t know what else to say and I left after saying goodbye to Pn Wan and Pn Zalida and thanking them profusely.

I called my husband up to mengadu. He laughed. Lunchtime he called Abang up. Abang refused to talk to him. When he had no choice but to talk to his father, before Babah could say anything, he apologized and then handed the phone to Adik.

He was teased mercilessly from then on. Mercilessly…… he he.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Take it easy, Mum

Abang is so going to write a memoir of his life when he is grown. It will be titled “ My crazy Mummy and I. “ Hmmm…………

On Tuesday Babah had to attend his company dinner. So I took my children out. Abang jumped in the front seat first and Adik whined because she too wants the much coveted seat. Since Abang was there first fairly and squarely, I told Adik she can sit in front on our return home.

I could feel her sulking behind me.

When we get to UiTM café, Adik walked with both her arms folded. I then teased her to get her smiling again. She started crying instead. How can I take a crying child to dinner ?

I turned my family back to the car and tried to make her quiet. All my kind questions were ignored which of course then turned into orders for her to hush and my shooting daggers stares came to naught. I didn’t want to bribe or pujuk because her behavior was unacceptable. I didn’t want her to think that she has the one-upsmanship on me with her cryings.

Then I sent Abang to do the job. He too was unsuccessful. I then asked Abang to get inside the car and I started the ignition. As I sat there in my car with the background of my daughter howling like there is no tomorrow, I was reminded of a time when Abang was younger and started to wail at the supermarket because I refused to buy him something. I did what all parents should do ( according to me and my way of parenting lah. I have to say, it is not for everyone ) wailed a few times louder than him. I stopped at throwing tantrums and rolling on the floor of course, but I did wail and stomped my feet. People looked but I got what I wanted. Abang stopped crying. My antics embarrassed him. Ha ha.. back at ya, my son. Back at ya…

So, I started to scream. My children who rarely hear my raised voice were shocked. Adik stopped crying immediately and looked at me in terror. She then let out a little repressed cry and I started screaming again. Just a healthy ‘Arrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! ‘.

When I looked at Abang, his eyes were wide and his face.. well was priceless. He came to me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “ Take it easy Mummy. Take it easy, “ he said while rubbing my arms.

When we returned home, Adik was quiet and Abang had a thoughtful look on his face. They went to bed straight away without protests. I left their door ajar so that I could see the going-ons in the room. Abang scrambled to his sister as soon as he thought I had close the door and gave her a hug.

“ Please don’t cry anymore Adik. You know Mummy tak suka, “. Adik gave a teary “ Okay Abang. “.

“ Mummy is old and tired Adik, “ He reminded her. Cess !

“ I’m sorry Abang. “

I let them be. Let them reflect on the happenings of the day as I need to sit down and reflect too.

The next morning, as I was preparing Abang for school, I heard him called my name. When I looked at him, he smiled but with a mature look on his face.

“ Mummy, next time kalau Adik cry, you don’t go crazy okay Mummy ? “

“ Oh? “ said I .

“ Just take it easy Mum… “ was all he said and hugged me.

Hmmm………. So who taught whom a lesson ?

Would he had felt differently about it if I had always been a yeller ?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

My men.....

Yesterday morning, I did my Subuh with my son only. Babah was detained somewhere else…( he he read : in the toilet ).

Anyway, of course I was in front. My son is not ready to lead and whenever we pray together we would usually recite the prayers out loud to perfect his reading. As I was about to say my Bismillah, I heard a hoarse voice reciting the Qamat behind me. I was shocked because he did it without me asking him. Usually his Babah would do it, and him stepping in, in his Babah’s absence moved me beyond belief.

I did not turn while he was doing it because I was afraid I would cry. I did anyway. I was weeping with joy. When he finished, I hugged him close and very, very tight. After prayers, I quickly ran to find Babah to tell him of my wonderful experience. As I swung the toilet door open, I saw my husband taking the wuduq. That is the sexiest thing I have ever seen my husband do. He looked so sexy as he bent down and covered his arms with water. When he looked at me questioningly, I just smiled and withdrew.

My men…. What a sentimental day for me.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Adik duduk rumah lagi Bah

Oh kesiannya anak ku Adik. Today as I was preparing for work, Amelia called me up to inform that there was a massive traffic jam that started at Batu 3 tol. Then my husband called me up to inform me of the same thing plus the NPE was also badly congested at Bangsar. Okie dokie. What would a commuter do but wait for the jam to ease up.

I was having a wonderful morning with Adik, colouring, drawing and watching the telly. At 8.50 am I started to iron my tudung. She accompanied me when I did that, chattering away. Then I put on my tudung and resumed watching the telly with her waiting for 9 am to come.

When it came, I bid my goodbye. She hurriedly switched off the telly. I was shocked.

Mum : Why did you switch off the telly ?

Adik : ( Head bowed, looking lost and awkward ) Adik nak ikut Mummy.

Mum : Nak ikut pegi mana sayang? Mummy nak pegi kerja Adik.

Adik : Mummy kan hantar Adik pegi school ?

Aiseh. She said it very quietly and how can I say this… like so full of hope and scared at that the same time. Afraid that I would say no ? She looked sheepish too.

Mum : Adik tak pegi school lagi okay ? Nanti kita cakap dengan Babah lagi ye ?

Adik : Adik nak pegi school, Mum.

I dialed her father’s number.

Mum : Adik cakap dengan Babah okay ?

Adik : With the telephone ? You are calling Babah ?

I nodded.

Mum : Babah… your daughter wishes to speak with you.

Adik : Bah…. Adik duduk rumah lagi Bah. Adik tak pegi school…..

I heard Babah’s voice and then,

Adik : Thank you Bah… Bye !!

Mum : Babah ?

Babah : I told her next week. New month.

Mum : Okay.

The thing that made me pity her more is her demeanour when she switched on the telly. Embarrassed, resigned… I don’t know…

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bukit Jelutong is too far away ?

Yesterday Babah’s parents went to Singapore. Abang was to be sent to Babah’s eldest sister’s house and Adik to Babah’s youngest sister in Bukit Jelutong. As we rushed to prepare, Abang who was sitting next to his sleeping sister said, “ Mum what about Adik ? Do you know Wan is going to Singapore ? “

Mum : Yeah, I know.

Abang : What about Adik Mum ? Wake her up and send her to Aunty Wawa’s house.

Mum : I will be sending her to Aunty Su’s house.

He went quiet. Brows furrowed, he looked at me.

Abang : It is too far away Mum. Send her to Aunty Wawa’s house.

Mum : Tak boleh Abang. Aunty Wawa could not take care that many of you.

I resumed our preparation.

As I ushered him to the door, Babah was carrying his sister. They sat next to each other in front of the door, huddled close.

Abang : Mum, Bukit Jelutong is so far away. Nanti Abang tak tahu what is happening to her.

Mum : Abang… what is going to happen to her ?

Abang : I don’t know. Just anything.

I ran to get my shoes and put Adik’s things in my car.

Abang : Mum, please.

Mum : I have to send her to Bukit Jelutong Abang. Nobody can take care of her at rumah Aunty Wawa.

Abang : I can. I will be there.

Mum : You will be at school Abang. Please Abang....

Abang : Bukit Jeluting is too far away.

Mum : It is still Shah Alam.

I stood there watching him. He looked at Adik who at that time had move to sit across him. He made a face at her. She smiled.

Mum : Give your brother a hug Adik.

Adik : Bye Abang.

His hug was tight.

Abang : Bye Adik…..

As she loosened her hug to withdrew, Abang tried again, “ Mummm……… “. “ Quit it, Abang. ” I said. “ Your sister will be safe. She will be all right. ” I assured him

In the car, Adik was quiet. She suddenly broke her silence as we approached Bukit Jelutong.

Adik : Are we going to rumah Aida ?

Mum : Yes.

Adik : Is it okay Mum ? Can I go to rumah Aida ?

Mum : Yes… I am sending you there. But…. Let’s not make this a habit….

She went quiet.

Mum : Will you be a good girl Adik ?

Adik : Yes Mum.

Mum : Will you listen to Aunty Su ?

Adik : Yes mum.


Adik : Mum… where is Abang ?

Mum : Abang pegi sekolah.

Adik : Mum…….. nanti lepas sekolah ?

Mum : Abang pergi rumah aunty Wawa.

Adik : Why Abang pegi rumah Aunty Wawa ?

Mum : ( Sighed… not this one too… ) Because Aunty Wawa jaga boys and Aunty Su jaga girls. It’s okay… you can play with Aida kan ?

She didn’t answer.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Attitude grading

Last weekend on our way to Cili Merah before Abang’s piano class, Abang found his old report card from Kindergarten time. He diligently studied it and was making comments on his findings. He however was extra excited about the page on his attitude.

Abang : Mum look !! I get G for everything mom. G is good right ?

Mum : Yes, I suppose so.

Abang : I am friendly, helpful, willing to share… willing tu apa Mum ?

Mum : Willing tu is like you don’t mind doing things. Willing to share means you don’t mind sharing.

Abang : I am so nice kan Mum ? What is independent ?

Mum : Independent means you can do work on your own. You don’t need people to help you.

Abang : That is right. I have always been clever kan Mum ? I always know what to do…

Mum : Yelah tu… Jangan dok perasan sangat. If you need help, never be afraid or embarrass to ask for help. You cannot know everything…

He took his report card with him into the restaurant. As usual, one teh limau suam for me and one teh tarik for my children to share. And as usual they will fight for the bubbles. After one heated argument that made Mummy put her hands on her waist ( woii… apa cekak pinggang dalam bahasa omputih ? ) , lips one straight line, Abang and Adik withdrew. But Abang was not satisfied. He snatched open his report card and showed it to Adik.

Abang : Look Adik, I am willing to share okay ? See ? See ? I will not minum the bubbles sampai habis.

Adik whose ego is the size of watermelons ( that is big considering her itty bitty size ) started to pout. She ate without looking at her brother. Abang’s problem is this, he can’t stand people being angry at him. He wants everybody to love and cherish him all the times. Seriously, Adik’s sulking shouldn’t hurt or disturb him, but it did.

Again he opened his report card.

Abang : Look here. Teacher Devi said I’m friendly. So I want to be friends. Okay Adik ? I’m sorry.

Adik : It’s okay Abang……

Everybody is smiling again. Mummy was mentally writing their blog already.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Missing piece

After Babah’s piano class, at Amelia’s urging we joined Amir at Klinik Adek’s playgroup for a clock making session. It was fun for them, mucking about with scissors, glue and glitter, especially good for Adik as it exposed her to student/teacher relationship ( although it looked like she was ordering the teacher about ) and good for the mammies as they could sit down together for a good chat ( and gossip ).

Amelia showed me a board game that she bought called Make and Break. She assured me of family fun times and so I bought it. She was right. The game was a whole lot of fun. Babah and Abang, the two fiercest competitors fought often. I like to watch my little girl do it though. She was calm, collected, and not at all fuzzed by the ticking clock as she slowly build her blocks. Clever.

And then our tranquillity was shattered by a missing piece. Mummy of course withdrew most privileges until it is found. And being their mum I know which benefit hurt them most, the new playgroup at Klinik Adek.

Adik had a stricken look on her face and Abang sported a thoughtful one when they scurried to look for the piece that can assure the return of their luxuries. He heh…. After a few fruitless searches, Abang conceded defeat. He approached me and apologised profusely for their mistake. Then he started to bargain. The thing that he wanted to keep the most was as I suspected, the novel class.

Every attempt to convince me was not giving him the results that he wanted until he said, “ Mum, I need to learn new crafts !! “ Both Babah and Mummy looked at him enquiringly. Crafts ?

“ I already learnt how to make clocks, now I have to learn other crafts, like stamping or make a mask… It will be very good for me to learn all this… “ he begged. Crafts ? Where did he get that ? Like the other day, I took him to task for being extra bouncy and noisy when he explained that, “ I just want to cheer my sister up !! “ Cheer ?

He had Babah at ‘craft ‘ and so Babah went to look for it but the piece stubbornly remained elusive. Mummy got really tired of seeing her children shuffling about, pretending to look for the now cursed piece, threw her hands up and went down on all fours to locate it. It took her just 2 minutes. 2 whole minutes to find something that her children had tried for hours and for her husband to give up after 15 minutes.

As I held the piece up high triumphantly, I said, “ It takes a woman to do it right. “ Babah looked bored and the children looked relieved. He he…

Friday, June 22, 2007


We went to Pizza Hut for dinner yesterday due to popular demand. I sat next to Adik and Abang was with his Babah. Sometime during the meal, Adik dipped her fingers in her drink. Babah sternly told her to quit doing it and I questioned her need to do so.

That night she chose me as the orang jahat. She sat stonily, facing other tables. She decided to un-join herself from her family. Okay, takpa. Garlic bread arrived, no movement. Babah kindly placed one on her plate. She ignored them. Pizza arrived and still not a stir from her. Babah again placed a slice next to her bread.

I then picked up her plate and offered it to Babah. She stared at her plate with a horrified look. Finally some movement. Her face scrunched, eyes narrowed, she finally gave an indication that she was upset. Kalau tidak tadi pretended like she didn’t belong at all.

I put it back and she resumed her indifference. I picked up her plate again and this time she emitted some sound from her mouth. Babah told me to switch places.

As soon as Babah sat next to her, barulah ayaq mata nak bergenang. After a hug and a reassuring cuddle from her Babah, she said she wanted to eat. Oh… But Mummy wanted to create some trouble. I looked at her with narrowed eyes. I kept on staring, my gaze steadily on her.

She looked at me worriedly. She looked away and then landed her eyes on me again and still I kept on looking. “ Bah… mummy is looking at me… “ she complained. Babah gave me an exasperated look which I of course ignored. Then Babah placed the standing menu at a spot where our view of each other is obscured.

“ Thank you Bah, “ she said happily. Then she began to eat.

Okay, takpa Adik… it’s okay.

In the car Babah gave a lecture on neraka and fighting with one’s parents. It worked as when we arrived home, while she was taking off her clogs, she apologized which followed by a hug.

I tucked them into bed. She of course asked me if I wanted to sleep with her. Ohh…. I dengan bangganya said, “ Siapa yang tak nak kawan Mummy tadi ? Marah Mummy, tak nak tengok Mummy… “. I looked at her pointedly. She came to me and whispered, “ I already said sorry Mum. Sudah lah…. Okay ? I said sorry already…. Takpa, takpa kay ? “.

O-kay. I switched on the telly and we settled to watch cartoon. Lucky for me there was a scene that involved a huge roaring fire and therefore took the opportunity to preach about neraka again.

“ Haa.. tengok tu api besar. Macam tulah kat neraka nanti. Kalau orang yang tak hormat mak bapak dia, selalu marah – marah mak bapak dia… masuk neraka macam tu lah… “ I started.

“ Siapa yang naughty mesti masuk neraka. Sapa nak nasuk neraka duduk dengan api besar ? “ I asked.

“ No… I don’t want Mum, “ said Abang. But my little girl… hai…. She said “ It’s okay Mum. I can bring a water gun… “. Apa nak kata ?
Tak terkata apa.
But I did preach about the futility of water guns in neraka. Coupled with a lof disdain for the contraption. Hope she understands. Please….