Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Bukan I !!

I came home yesterday to see a frowning husband and a missing daughter. My son was his usual happy self. He however showed me his remote control car that looked brand new yesterday morning when I left for work and Adik was playing with it. That evening though, the aerial was broken.

“ Adik did this Mummy, she broke my toy.” informed my son, eyes round, face solemn. “ But the problem is dia tak mengaku !! She lied in front of everybody !! ” He added. Ohh…. That is serious indeed.

“ Where is she ? ” I asked. “ In Wan’s room. She went there when Abah marah dia…. ” Abang answered, tone scandalous. I instructed him to fetch his sister.

As usual since Abah was still in the room, she entered with eyes covered by her hands. She ran to me and gave me a hug.

Mum : Adik broke Abang’s toy ?

Adik : Noo... bukan I.

Mum : Adik…. You know what we feel about lying. Adik rosakkan toy Abang ?

Adik : Bukan. Not me.

Mum : Adik, orang yang tipu masuk neraka remember ? Adik nak masuk neraka ?

Adik : Tak nak. I don’t like here anymore. I want to go to bilik Wan.

Mum : Adik, dalam neraka ada apa ?

Abang : Ada api ( menyampuk pulak budak ni. He was standing next to Adik, looking intently at his sister ) and big, humongous monsters that will eat you.

Mum : Adik nak kena makan api ke ? Tak nak kan ? Okay, say sorry to Abang.

Adik : Sorry Abang… ( She leaned on her brother, looking remorse )

Mum : Sorry for what Adik ? Say sorry because I broke your toy.

Adik : Bukan I ( body instantaneously erect ).

Mum : Adik, remember neraka ? ( at this point the abang was squirming )

Adik : Not me.

Mum : Adik, say sorry to Abang !

Adik : Sorry Abang ( this time she hugged her brother and Abang was holding her tight. She did look sorry so I was very hopeful ).

Mum : Sorry for what Adik ? Come on. You are sorry because you broke his toy.

Adik : ( again she was defiant ) Not me. Bukan ( and shook her head ).

Mum : Adik, nak kena bakar dengan api ke ?

Abang : Adik, it is okay Adik. Abang tak marah pun. It’s okay.

Mum : Go on then, say sorry because you broke his toy.

Adik : Sorry Abang because I broke your toy… waaargghh….!!

Abang : It’s okay Adik. I will still love you even if you break my toys. Many, many toys.

And they hugged. And Adik was smiling again. Ya Allah, please lembutkan lah hati si Adik ni macam abang dia…..

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