Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mummy Mengaji

Abang and Adik ikut Mummy pegi mengaji semalam kat rumah Tok Mi. Aunty Melia tak datang sebab kurang sihat. Adik duduk dengan Mummy, dok dengar Mummy mengaji while Abang dah melilau naik atas cari gang nak main. Dah 1/2 hours baru Abang turun to listen. Tapi, you guys listened for awhile saja, after that started being your boisterous selves. Orang nak mengaji lah. Mummy pun tahan sabar je sebab ada ustaz kan ? Nasib baik bila ustaz nasihat pelan2, korang dengar, tapi tak sampai 10 minit, start balik. Hmmm......
I don't really mind you guys playing around us when we mengaji because that is what I want. Mummy wants Abang and Adik to grow up in that kind of environment, so that my darlings are used to majlis agama and your ears are fed with His words. Later when you are grown, whenever you hear Al-Quran being recited or you yourselves were reciting them, you will remember the good old days when you were little and you were playing with Amir, near your mum and your Tok and your Aunty Amelia, who were learning to recite verses from the holy book. Tapi can you do it quietly ? Please ?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Mummy balik lambat

Mummy balik lambat semalam. Dah pukul 11 baru sampai rumah. Luckily my little ones belum tidur lagi. Mummy was on the john when the door suddenly opened and I saw a little girl shouting "Adik here mummy!!" with both arms opened wide. What an awesome welcome.
However after a few repetitions with loud kisses, I found I couldn't perform. Ha ha. That is okay, there is always tomorrow. It is the Monster's Inc marathon again. It was the Pokemon season for about 3 months and frankly Mummy more than welcome the respite.
Mummy and Tok Mi were reminiscing about the good old days yesterday. Your mamu Jat's movie was the American Tail and your mamu Il was besotted with Katy the Caterpillar cartoon. I suppose the older set of your mamus and ciks do not have any cartoons to obssessed due to our lack of ownership of a VCR. Angels, I think, both of you have not even seen a VCR. Anybody still has one ?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Titi buat perangai lagi

Apalah si Adik ni. Yesterday buat perangai lagi. Tak tau apa kena menangis from start of Dr House on AXN sampai Dr tu dah berjaya operate patient dia. What is wrong Adik ? Tak dak pun orang usik. Abang was reading with Mummy at that time ( a lovely book called The Gym Teacher from Black Lagoon ), and Babah and Mummy pretended we didn't notice her racket.
Abang gave up after reading half of the book, he said "The thing is Mummy, I couldn't concentrate. She is too noisy !!". Ha ha.
Abang pun buat perangai jugak dulu but only for 2 days sebab we just let him cry. Abang dulu dia ada jugak dived macam Jurgen Klinsmann lepas scored goals, tapi Babah and Mummy buat tak reti je.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Start of a diary

I am inspired to write a blog for/of my children when I read Lia and Min's blog for their own respective offsprings. I agree on the significance of it as it will be a reminder of their cute antics ( while it is still cute ) when we grow old. Also it will be a good place for us parents to share parenting skills and most importantly to realise that our children are normal after all !!
At this very moment, my darling Abang is 5 and will be 6 in December and my little princess ( and I do mean this literally, she does think she is a Princess ) Adik is 2 going to be 3 in December too.
Abang has stopped being really gentle with his sister as he have started to really play rough with her. Yesterday, Adik was going for her 1 hour crying session ( she just developed this some 2 weeks ago, tak boleh tersilap langsung !! Everybody is naughty and degil ) in the car and I threatened to leave her by the roadside if she kept it up. Abang quickly hugged her with "Takpe2 Adik" but she refused to stop. Last - last he gave her a smart smack at the side of her head and shouted "What is wrong with you ? I don't want mummy to leave you outside!" and started to bawl too !! Astarghfirullah-haladzim !! Nak stop 1 cry and I ended up with 2..... hmmm... what is a mother to do ?
Both of them blamed me pulak tu !!