This happened last week. I went up to mandi and I was about to step in the bathroom when Elsa pushed the door opened with a mighty force and a cry of “Wacha !!”, leg up and hands crossed macam Ultraman.
Aku geleng kepala je nengok budak nakal ni.
She then announced, “Mummy, I am here to kacau you !” He he….
“Aiyoo ! Don’t kacau me lah !” Said I, like every single day.
“But you always kacau me …”
“What ? Never ! Mana ada…”
She went quiet a bit. Then said, “Yes you do. Mummy kacau saya tidur. Suruh bangun sahur. Ada pun !"
He he…
This is Mummy’s story with her littlest girl pulak.
We were at the dining table, I was watching her colouring some pictures and making small talk.
“Mummy…. Mummy beli rumah ni kat ane ?” Tanya dia.
“Eh ? Beli apa, sayang ?”
“Rumah ni… Mummy beli rumah ni kat ane ?” I will remember her face when she asked me this forever. She wasn’t facing me, but her eyes were looking at me from the side. Comelnya ! Gigit karang..
“He he…. Kat sini lah…”
“Kat sini ?” Berkerut-kerut muka… Macam tak percaya aje.
“Kat sini aje ?” She asked again, thumping her forefinger on the table. Again, this I will be etched in my memory.
Wei… Ana ingat Mummy beli rumah ni kat kedai pastu angkut bawak balik dalam plastic ke ?
Ana nih.
Aku geleng kepala je nengok budak nakal ni.
She then announced, “Mummy, I am here to kacau you !” He he….
“Aiyoo ! Don’t kacau me lah !” Said I, like every single day.
“But you always kacau me …”
“What ? Never ! Mana ada…”
She went quiet a bit. Then said, “Yes you do. Mummy kacau saya tidur. Suruh bangun sahur. Ada pun !"
He he…
This is Mummy’s story with her littlest girl pulak.
We were at the dining table, I was watching her colouring some pictures and making small talk.
“Mummy…. Mummy beli rumah ni kat ane ?” Tanya dia.
“Eh ? Beli apa, sayang ?”
“Rumah ni… Mummy beli rumah ni kat ane ?” I will remember her face when she asked me this forever. She wasn’t facing me, but her eyes were looking at me from the side. Comelnya ! Gigit karang..
“He he…. Kat sini lah…”
“Kat sini ?” Berkerut-kerut muka… Macam tak percaya aje.
“Kat sini aje ?” She asked again, thumping her forefinger on the table. Again, this I will be etched in my memory.
Wei… Ana ingat Mummy beli rumah ni kat kedai pastu angkut bawak balik dalam plastic ke ?
Ana nih.
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