Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hal donia versi Umar Rashdan.

I am writing it down in paragraphs without pembuka or penutup kata. You will also notice the absence of my replies sebab mak yang ini tercengang tahap gaban campur ultraman bila anak dia bercakap. The hot chicken pie I made lay untouched on the plate with a few pieces remained pierced on the fork, hovered in front of my gaping mouth.

Mummy you know what happened ? Singapore kan ada buat documentary pasal orang Malaysia dancing-dancing. But it turned out that the dancers satu pun tak de Malaysians !! Semuanya Indonesians ! So sekarang the Indonesians dah marah and nak bomb kita ! They want to start a war dengan Malaysia sebab dia orang kata kita tipu. But… bukannya orang Malaysia yang buat, tapi orang Singapore. Jadi why not the Indonesians bomb aje Singapore ?

You know what.. Singapore is very tak malu because we give them water and sand … and food but they lied about us, kan Mummy ? Blah, blah, blah, blah….

I couldn’t hear the rest as I was busy trying to close my mouth and push my eyebrows back to its normal position.

Emmm… my answer ? I explained it was Discovery Channel instead of Singapore (or National Geographic ke ? Aku pun confuse). It was an honest mistake that does not warrant any bombings.

I do not know about sand but we did not give them water but they bought it off us. At a very cheap price.

And I do not think that we give them food. I am sure we export some, but that is not the same as giving away.

He looked at his food with a frown. Have I ever told you how beautiful he looked when he frowns ? Funny eh ? So imagine his beauty when he smiles. He just lights up the world, my little boy.

PS : Err…. Discovery Channel punya office tu kat Singapore ke ?


Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

ada bakat jadi PM ni anak hang ni...

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Jenuh lah kalau dia jadi PM. Aku nak kena betulkan fakta2 dia selalu... he he

liadevega said...

hmm..as always..the Umar that I know..

bagi recipe chicken pie boleh?