Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Umar in his mother tongue

“Mummy… boleh tak kita pergi bersenam ?” Said my son to me one day.

Eh ? Apa dia ? Meremang bulu roma cek sat. I think even my goose bumps had goose bumps.

“Saya nak pergi jogging dekat tasik. Saya nak bersenam sebab bersenam boleh menyihatkan badan.”

Help ! My hair remained standing on its ends.

“Cikgu cakap apabila kita sihat, otak kita pun akan….. errm……” He faltered.

Kesian pulak. “Cerdas ?” I helpfully suggested.

“Yes… cerdas….” He said smilingly, nodding his head.

Then.. “What does cerdas means ?” Errr…… Cergas means energetic, so cerdas is the cergas for brains ?

He he…. You do not want to hear me fumbling to explain that.

My son’s second attempt to speak full Bahasa Malaysia. Actually the right description would be Bahasa Malaysia dalam buku teks.

“Mummy, semalam saya sedang baring… Kemudian Gizmo datang dan menjilat kepala saya. Dia suka jilat kepala saya, Mummy !” I think my eyes were wide when I looked at him. Buat dah budak nih….

“Kenapa dia macam tu, eh ? Kenapa dia suka menjilat kepala saya ?”

Waaaaaaa !

“Kerana kau tu kuat peluh, rambut masin ! Dah pegi mandi !!”

He he… I have to chase him away as I do not want him to see me rolling around in mirth. Apalah skemanya anak aku ni….


liadevega said...

Smlm Ayesha pun mengeluarkan madah pujangganya..
"Mama, org yg kaya itu bukanlah org yg banyak duit, tapi org yg pandai menguruskan duitnya"

Pening terus kepala aku dengar....

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Hahahhaha ... ini lagi... Financial Talk terus.... Well done Ayesha...

Ah-Zee said...

Speaking of Bahasa Melayu/ Malaysia, i dulu ada this Pakistan-born student, abt 15yo. I was her Malay tutor (the parents were obviously clueless abt my atrocious Malay then. janji can speak Malay terus amik jadi tutor for their kid) Anyway, we were bantering light-heartedly, laughing and all. Then suddenly, she exclaimed with much confidence and gusto, "Cikgu, anda sungguh azjaaaiibb(ah)!!"<-- (amik kau, siap dgn qalqalah dia). Tgh syok gelak terus my face jadi contorted, "Errkk? Ajaib?" Judging from my buruk punya face expression, she guessed rite that she had said something wrong. Her reply was "Ermm... coz u make me laugh". Apa lagi, sambung gelak maha besar bila I dengar jawapan dia. hahahaa.
My hypothesis is that at some point or rather, she learned the English translation of ajaib as "weird" (don't ask me from where, I was but a clueless tutor). And therefore created her own sequence of synonyms starting with ajaib = weird = peculiar = funny = funny(haha) = kelakar. Jadinya...

What I wanna say to Umar is... anda sungguh azjjaaaiibb(ah)!!

PS: ermm.. anyone here needs a Malay tutor for their kids? hehehe


Cik Puan Kamil said...

Ah Zee... he he... that is a funny story... and u r azjaaaiiiibb... Ha ha...

Errr... thanks for the offer but we're good... HA ha....*wink*