When Elsa asks me to play, we could either main kejar-kejar, or me pushing her around on her scooter, singing, dancing or play dress up. Or... play with my shoes.
"Mum ! Do you want to play with your shoes ?"
"It is sooo much fun !!"
She would try them on, and then prance around the room. The heels making a very satisfactory clickety clack on the floor.
Aahh... good choice. My favourite Russel and Bromley. "Mummy ... look at this. This one is sooo pretty... !" She said, eyes wide in appreciation when she first saw it. Exactly my feeling when I saw it in the shops, little girl.
Busy opening the boxes to look for masterpieces of the cobblers.
Putting this one back to its place before running off to get the other boxes... Abang likes to be with is but he did his own thing.
She is mine, isn't she ?
Elsa ni boleh gang dgn my third and fourth. They love to play dress-up and habis kasut2 I and my mom jadi mangsa.
These two girls of mine, kalau pergi beli baju senang je nak suruh tukar2 they don't mind at all siap parade and pose lagi.
Wah ngam sangatlah tu kalau jadi Elsa punya sister-in-law. Tp boleh pilih satu je ye Um Um. ahak ahak.
Ye ke Kak Puteri ? Girls and shoes macam lagu dan irama... he he... You have beatiful daughters Kak Puteri and I don't mind any of them to be my daughter ... He he... Planning awal2
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