Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Don't Go Breaking My Heart

You guys remember me and Titi’s discussion on heart break ?

Well kelmarin dulu, after iftar Dan and I went up to bathe and pray. I was too tired really, so I decided to lie down for awhile. I know.. melengahkan solat, especially it was already 8 and as my boss put it, dalam masa injury time to pray. But I was sooo tired, what with work and rushing home to cook and running to the kitchen tearing off my work clothes, ala-ala Superman and the actual cooking of course, so baring sekejap kay ?

Anyway, Elsa of course joined us, sitting in the middle, as usual poring over books while Dan and I chatted. I had forgotten what we were nattering about but I remember saying, “Dan please, don’t break my heart.”, good naturedly.

Elsa gasped and looked at her Babah. “Bah, do you have a girlfriend ?”

Mummy’s turn to gasp, head swiveled to look at the cad. Eh, this entry for my blog ke my children ke ? To be decided later.

Babah who was flipping through a lad’s mag looked at his girls, and I don’t understand why, with flared nostrils. He smiled. Okay, I know why Elsa said it, it is in reference to our conversation a few entries ago, ha ha, but I just didn’t like the hidung kembang. Very suspicious.

Elsa apparently didn’t like it either. She cocked her head , screwed her eyes and asked in a sing-songy voice, “Babah ? Do you have a new girlfriend ?”, paused and added, “or a new wife ?” Eyes widen now, forefinger wagging. Mummy’s breath intake was sharper. Does this girl know something that I don’t ? Something wholly important ?A matter of life and death ?

“Have you seen Babah’s new wife ?” I asked her. Dan sengih. “Merepeklah korang ni…” He said.

“Emm… no…” She shook her head.

“So why did you say that ?” My attention is directed to her now, wanting to see her reaction. She looked at me with brows furrowed.

“O-kay…. Like this…” She paused to think. “Hari tu kan yang Mummy ambik saya sekolah dulu kan, pastu kita pegi ambik Umar kan….” Head cocked to the said.

“Okay, listen Mummy… Remember kan yang Mummy ambik saya mula-mula…. Okay ? Remember ? Pastu….. kita pegi ambik Umar….. Okay ?” Sighed, took a deep breath. “Pastu kita kan tunggu Umar…. Remember ? Okay…. Listen Mummy… Pastu kan….aaaa… Mummy where is your computer ?”

Eh ? Babah stopped hiding behind his mags to look at the troublemaker.

“Sebab cuba Mummy bukak computer dekat cerita about me and Umar tu…” He he… she was referring to my blog. I explained that I have left the computer at the office. She sighed for the twentieth time and shook her head.


She hugged her knees and thought a bit. Finally, “Okay… listen carefully okay Mummy…” Siannya budak ni, but I just want to see if she can explain herself. “Okay… listen….” Diam lagi.

“Okay… “ palms up…”remember hari tu kan yang saya pakai mask kan lepas tu kita ambik Umar kan ..”
Berapa banyak punya kan budak ni…

“Pastu kan saya nyanyi kan Dont Break My Heart kan.. Pastu Mummy cakap kan kalau Abah ada girlfriend it will break your heart kan ?”

She looked at me, waiting for my confirmation.

“So….” She continued while exhaling, “you just now said Abah break your heart kan… So Abah ada girlfriend lah kan…” She trailed off.

“Or… a wife !” She finished with a flourish, coupled with raised eyebrows.



Abah geleng kepala. ‘Itulah awak. Mengajar yang bukan-bukan…”

So.. Mummy spent some time talking to her, trying to put things right again.

Hopefully Mummy is successful. Hmmm…………


wanshana said...

Salams Mrs Kamil,

LOL! This is too cute! :)

Kids do say the darnest things! But, they do teach us a lot of things, too, kan?

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Salam Wanshana...

Yes this episode taught me that I really cannot simply say stuffs without thinking... Help me !