Last Friday the kids rushed to my car as soon as I got into the driveway, asking for permission to go to next door neighbour’s. I watched them leave before I felt somebody tugging my hand.
Eh ? Anna ?
“Anna tak nak pegi ke ?”
“Shaya tak nak… Shaya nak duduk rumah saja.”
So I scooped her up, deposited her on the sofa, rummaged for a snack and plopped myself next to her. By the way, we were out of junk food so I grabbed the multi-compartment Tupperware where I keep my kuih raya. So we had a fun time agonizing between 6 types of kuih raya while watching Hope and Faith.
Then, both of us went to pasar malam. And she had a fine time soaking up Mummy and Me time. Punya manja dengan berdukungnya, wanting to pick out her own Yong Tau Foo. Plus the keropok lekor and air minum. Ajak Mummy main lompat-lompat lubang longkang while walking back to the car.
Before we left the house, I put on the seat belt for her. But when we were leaving the pasar, I had forgotten to do so. As I was about to turn right in front of surau sek 6, she yelled, “Mummy ! Mummy tak pasang fish-bet Anna !” Terkejut beruk Mummy sampai buat emergency break. Lepas tu dia gelak-gelak. I want to ask you, who can get angry at this face ?
Eh ? Anna ?
“Anna tak nak pegi ke ?”
“Shaya tak nak… Shaya nak duduk rumah saja.”
So I scooped her up, deposited her on the sofa, rummaged for a snack and plopped myself next to her. By the way, we were out of junk food so I grabbed the multi-compartment Tupperware where I keep my kuih raya. So we had a fun time agonizing between 6 types of kuih raya while watching Hope and Faith.
Then, both of us went to pasar malam. And she had a fine time soaking up Mummy and Me time. Punya manja dengan berdukungnya, wanting to pick out her own Yong Tau Foo. Plus the keropok lekor and air minum. Ajak Mummy main lompat-lompat lubang longkang while walking back to the car.
Before we left the house, I put on the seat belt for her. But when we were leaving the pasar, I had forgotten to do so. As I was about to turn right in front of surau sek 6, she yelled, “Mummy ! Mummy tak pasang fish-bet Anna !” Terkejut beruk Mummy sampai buat emergency break. Lepas tu dia gelak-gelak. I want to ask you, who can get angry at this face ?

Dah lah kiyut-miyut, clever pulak tu. After my emergency break, I resumed our journey. She looked at the scenery outside and asked, “Mummy nak pigi mana ni ?”
“Nak balik lah…”
“Balik rumah Tok ke rumah Mummy ?”
“Rumah Mummy lah ?”
“Tapi shini bukan pigi rumah Mummy…” but before I could answer she said, “Oh… nanti Mummy pushing ye ?”
He he… clever okay. A-ah, Mummy will have to pushing, illegal U-Turn (sorry) kat depan SUK.
Saturday they slept at my house so I had a whole day with them which was nice. Sent the kids to tennis then took the 2 girls to Cili Merah. Esya do not want any food because she ate with Umar and Elsa. Ana though had nasi impit and timun. Hmm…. Tambah kuah kacang then you are truly mine… he he…
Again when the kids went next door to play, she didn’t want to follow suit. When Bibik asked, she answered, “Saya malash….”
However after 1 hour, timbul penyesalan so she whined for her sister. So aku pun pegilah dekat pagar, jerit-jerit panggil budak-budak bertiga tu. Sorang pun tak dengaq. Memang tak dengaq ka saja ka, aku pun tak tau.
So I tried calling the neighbour’s kids, S*** and S*****. Anna by this time was sporting a deep frown and was sweating profusely. Especially at her nose, macam arwah ibu dia. No answer too. I opened my mouth to call their gorgeous little sister when I realized I had forgotten her name.
“Anna… apa nama adik dia orang ?” I asked.
She looked up at me with a very upset face and said, “Nama shaya Anna lah Mummy ....”
“Bukan your name lah Anna…” Said I between laughter. “Nama adik S*** !”
She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. Super duper adorable, okay ?
“Saya pun tak tahu lah….”
He he…. Anna nih…..
comeinya....rasa mcm nak peluk ngan gomoi je ngan budak ana nie....u just a wonderful and super duper great aunty!
Thank u anon... I love her to bits..
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