Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mummy ! Shaya....

“Mummy tolong shaya…” Said Ana to me while I was busy preparing dinner. I looked at her and saw her holding out her new, very pink (a must for little Ana) Power Puff Girls CD bought by Cik Ta.

As CD cases are wont to do, the front cover was unhinged.

“Shaya tak boleh buat sebab shaya ni kecik lagi….” She said again, as I took the case from her hand. She looked at me with her very thick hair framing her face, eyes looking at me forlornly.. like being little is such a hindrance...

How can I not kiss and hug her tightly until she complained after that ? Geram lah dia ni…. Geget kang…

Ana ni ikut mood. Kadang-kadang bila dia malas main, she prefers to memerap dengan aku and kacau aku masak. The questions that she asks ! Aduih.

“Mummy buat apa ni ?”

“Ini untuk apa ?”

“Ini sedap ke ?”

And every answer I give she will answer with an “Oooo….”

While I was busy cooking one day, and answering her barrage of questions, I heard an unfamiliar meow and Ana’s “Mummy look ! Itu kawan Gizmo yang Abah marah tu !”

I seized the opportunity to have a relatively peaceful cooking time so I told her, “Ana jaga pintu okay ? Jangan bagi meow tu masuk. Nanti Abah marah ….”

So my obedient little girl pun pegilah to do my bidding. But peace did not come because every movement the cat did she reported to me.

“Mummy dia dah jalan..”

“Mummy dia tengok saya….”

“Mummy dia jilat-jilat….”

“Mummy tengok shaya ni… Shaya duduk sini tak bagi dia masuk okay…”




Waaaaa….. !!!!!

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