Yesterday the kids didn’t go to school. Umar has been coughing throughout the night so it is best if he just stayed home. Elsa seeing that, pleaded exhaustion. I expected nothing less really.
Yyesterday’s episode brought back a memory of not so long ago. Umar was sick, down with a fever. It was bedtime and I was in the room with them.
Titi.. I am tired Ti. Can you please urut me ?, asked my son. I remember a very flushed face. Kesian.
But adik said, I am tired too, Um.
Abang pouted a bit then said good naturedly, It is okay, then. Therefore Mummy went over to him, volunteered her services and gave him a massage to soothe the pain.
While I was doing that he said, “Mummy, don’t wake me up tomorrow okay sebab Umar tak pegi sekolah kan. Elsa saja. I am tired and want to sleep late. I want a good rest. I want to sleep until 9 o’clock baru I feel good.”
Yelah tu Umar. You have never, ever woken up at 9. Hari cuti pun bangun pukul 6, tiba2 nak bangun pukul 9 ?.
Tapi… the next day, memang dia miss Subuh. I let him sleep and he woke up at 7.30, just in time to appease his wailing sister who insisted to see her brother before she goes off.
“Mana U-um, Mummy ?” She demanded.
“U-um tidur Ti.”
“Asyik tidur saja U-um… Nanti will he wait for me at home ?” Lah, where else will he be ? Why are you being so stroppy ?
“Wah ! Wah ! U-um ! U-um ! Wah ! Wah !
Nasib baik I decided to check if Umar was awake. He was and ran down to say goodbye to his little sister when I asked him to. Adik was duly delighted and the waterworks stppoed. Before we left, she warned “Um, nanti saya balik Um kena ada kat rumah tau…”
He he… mana lah Abang tu nak pergi, sayang ?
Yyesterday’s episode brought back a memory of not so long ago. Umar was sick, down with a fever. It was bedtime and I was in the room with them.
Titi.. I am tired Ti. Can you please urut me ?, asked my son. I remember a very flushed face. Kesian.
But adik said, I am tired too, Um.
Abang pouted a bit then said good naturedly, It is okay, then. Therefore Mummy went over to him, volunteered her services and gave him a massage to soothe the pain.
While I was doing that he said, “Mummy, don’t wake me up tomorrow okay sebab Umar tak pegi sekolah kan. Elsa saja. I am tired and want to sleep late. I want a good rest. I want to sleep until 9 o’clock baru I feel good.”
Yelah tu Umar. You have never, ever woken up at 9. Hari cuti pun bangun pukul 6, tiba2 nak bangun pukul 9 ?.
Tapi… the next day, memang dia miss Subuh. I let him sleep and he woke up at 7.30, just in time to appease his wailing sister who insisted to see her brother before she goes off.
“Mana U-um, Mummy ?” She demanded.
“U-um tidur Ti.”
“Asyik tidur saja U-um… Nanti will he wait for me at home ?” Lah, where else will he be ? Why are you being so stroppy ?
“Wah ! Wah ! U-um ! U-um ! Wah ! Wah !
Nasib baik I decided to check if Umar was awake. He was and ran down to say goodbye to his little sister when I asked him to. Adik was duly delighted and the waterworks stppoed. Before we left, she warned “Um, nanti saya balik Um kena ada kat rumah tau…”
He he… mana lah Abang tu nak pergi, sayang ?
Elsa ni cerdik dan kelakar. Mcm-mcm cerita dia, how does the abang tolerate the sis punya comical behaviour ni ye?
Abang very, very tolerant... Kesian I tengok Umar kadang2...
That is why Dan and I decided we have to find his wife for him. Kalau tidak kak Puteri, teruk anak I kena control !!
why the 'saya'...? aku tak pernah dgr adik-beradik bahasakan diri sendiri 'saya'...anak2 hang ni mmg lawak la.
Sebab I tak bagi... Dulu Umar dengan I pun cakap aku kena sebiji.. so sekarang keluaq bunyi skema semacam pulak.. Kah kah
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