Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Elsa's Sports Day

Sunday was Elsa's Sports Day. She is in the Red House, House of Umar Al-Khattab. How appropriate I think.
The event was very disorganised. Plus, I could smell cat crap no matter where I go. Plus it was hot. Despite all that, I love it.
The air crackeld with excitement, the kids were jumping about and the parents were armed wth cameras and video cams alike.
The kids were cute. I had chosen a few that I had wanted to take home with me, but didn't to avoid lengthy jail sentences. I pointed to each and every little one that took my heart to my husband and he eagerly looked.
We should have another baby really but... well, you know why we are not going that way.
Dan, the naughty boy conveniently pleaded a summon from his parents so he sent us to the event then went off to his parents and therefore missed the speeches. He came back when the kiddies did their dance.

By the way, it is always easier with pictures.

Doing the hokey-pokey. So cute.

She had to participate in the 5 year olds' game as Rumah Merah didn't have enough players. She was chosen for her itty bitty size, I think.

This is her year's game. Running to the obstacle and crouching to wiggle underneath ropes.

There she goes but stopped halfway to rub her eyes.

Jumped on the way back to her mates. Well done !

Mucking about with her brother before her second game, the tepung and the sweets game.

O-oh, some flour entered her eyes and she started crying for her Babah

Luckily she was the last one and the game was already over so we just stopped her from continuing.

Ran to Babah for much needed comforting. If we were in England I could have sued the school for Health and Safety reason, failure to provide goggles where hazardous small particles in involved. But this is Malaysia and my daughter need not be covered in bubble wrap anyway.

Never mind, this would make you tougher I am sure and teach you that it is prudent to close your eyes when there are flour flying about.

Well done, little one.

Reminds me of Umar's Sports Day during his kindie years. It was held at Satdium Bukit Jalil and well organised (I am anal about events going smoothly for some reason. The school was good in organising sure but did not teach my son to read Quran and hafaz surah. Pros and cons of each schools).

Anyway, my darling Umar loves to play. Which kid doesn't yeah but this boy loved it so much that he went twice. Uh-hmmm..... after his turn, he should have gone to the back of the line and put his behind down but instead he went back into the line and went again. By the time the teachers realised it, it was too late and one poor boy did not get his turn at all. At the end of the event, Dan and I swiftly whisked our son away to avoid confrontation with the boy's parents who must have been cursing my son.


Desert Rose said...

Permainan tiup tepung tu patut diharamkan, kesian wo torture budak2, masuk idung tau. Kalau ada asthma lagilah kan. Anyway way to go Elsa dear.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

That is true about asthma kiddies.

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

aku sendiri pun tak pernah main tepung tuh..

well done elsa! so rumah merah dpt no berapa?

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Errr... tak tahu sebab kita balik awal... org datang betulkan gate... Keh keh....

liadevega said...

Aku suka main tiup tepung pasal aku selalu menang..hehe. The trick is to tarik nafas panjang and hembus sekali dgn kuat then close yr eyes and use yr mouth to find the gula. Kena makan byk tepung br blh menang.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Ya.. Elsa patut berguru dengan you dulu !! Ha ha !