Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, July 17, 2009


One day, I was watching the telly with my kids, yeah ? Elsa was lying across my winged chair, her head on one arm rest and her legs was on the other. Suddenly she announced,

“Um… I am the queen today.”

She put her hand out, palm flopped royally and decreed, “Umar, get me some berries…..” Then added, “Or better still… junk food…okay ?”

He he…

Umar of course ignored her.

Ha ha..

Then there was this one time when I had a sudden stomach ache in the car and so needed the loo. We were like half and hour away from home and I was already sweating. When we got home, Dan couldn’t find the keys and was frantically ransacking the car.

I was desperate I tell you. My daughter I think can see my distress, suddenly shouted an advice, “Mummy ! Run around in circles ! Quick ! Run around in circles !”

I forgot my urgency and looked at her.

“Why should I do that ?”

“If you run around in circles you will be better ! I know ! Do it quick !”

“Says who ?”

“I don’t know ! But I know it is going to work ! Cepat lah !!”

Luckily Dan found the keys then and opened the door. I was saved from making the decision to follow her advice or not.

If I did… urrgghh… I don’t think I can hold my head up high in front of my husband anymore.

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