Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Kawan Mummy muka Jawa..

This story was told by my friend, Mashar during our Class S4 reunion.

“Myra ! Anak ko kan pandai betullah.. Mentang – mentang muka aku jawa, dia cakap Melayu dengan aku. Ngan orang lain speaking. Bila dengan aku, “Abang… boleh tak Abang tolong saya ambil barang ?” Bila aku balas dengan speaking balik, baru dia “Uncle, uncle…” Apa, ingat aku tak tau cakap orang putih ke ?”

Keh keh… Sorry le, Mashar. Part tu aku tak leh tolong…..

This other story was told by Amelia when we went jogging on Friday. She said during our last gathering at the house, the kaum bapa were sitting outside, chatting and minding the children playing.

Umar… alahai Umar ku… Umar announced to his friends, “Mari kita menembak bola !” which is a direct translation of ‘Let’s shoot the ball ..’

From the patio, Sheik corrected him, “Mari kita menendang bola….”

He he… thank you for helping me to raise my son. Need all the help I can get…


liadevega said...

U dulu paper BM masa SPM dapat berapa ek? Maybe its in the genes kot..

Cik Puan Kamil said...

he he probably....