Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Habis lah Mummy

Ooo-oohh…. Terrible news. Auta aku dah tak menjadi dah. I use them too much probably so my children are immune to it by now.

I had breakfast with Dan and Elsa yesterday. We were to pick up my car from Segambut so we had to go to the office late. Plus mechanic didn’t want to keep the car due to space constraint and insisted we pick it up pronto. Makan dulu sebelum pergi.

Elsa asked for nasi lemak and drumstick. When she got up to wash her hands I noticed there were still plenty of nasi in her plate.

“Oii…. Tu … nasi tu tak habis. Nanti nasi cry…..” Said I.

You know what she did ? She rolled her eyes, looked at me squarely and gave a determined “Tak !”

Errrkkk ! Foolishly I had nothing to say.

So tell me, how can a mother survives without her autas ?


Nuyui said...

Oh my, why it's not working anymore? My mom did that to me when I was little. Until now, I dare not to let the rice cry. Like sebutir pun tak boleh. Mesti kasi licin or let the rice have some friends to accompany. Like lots of rice. It must be more like 5 suapan portion of rice. I think my mom is garang that is why I'm scared? It was, and still is a good lesson to learn in life. : ) Tak boleh membazir. Kan kan kan? hehe

Cik Puan Kamil said...

I dunno why dah tak menjadi... He he... so cerita nasi nangis tu digunakan oleh org Brunei jugak eh ? Funny...

liadevega said...

Oh oh..Elsa tak leh hang out ngan Ayesha for the time being...nanti taktik aku pun dah tak menjadi...! heheh...joking ok.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Alahai Kamalia... itu le ceritanya.. I dont want the same thing to happen to you !