Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Titi's friends

“Mummy… Hakim kan……” Is how my baby girl usually starts when I got home from work. Or sometimes, “Tadi kan at school kan Haiqal……..” Or sometimes other boys’ name would come up.

One day after a story involving yet another boy, I asked her, “There are a lot of boys in your class, kan Ti ?”

“Yes…..” She agreed, nodding her head.

Umar who was nearby and was obviously listening to our conversation helpfully said, “Titi has 3 boyfriends, Mummy !”

I looked at my smiling daughter. My raised eyebrows was answered with a smiling, nodding head, confirming her brother’s little tale.

“How come you have 3 ? That is a bit much…” Said Mummy.

“Because semuanya handsome-handsome, Mum….” Was the reply. But it didn’t come from her. Her abang said that.

He he…. How do you know that, Um ?