Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Can... what ?

“Mummy… your next birthday kan I will buy you a car….” Said my son last Thursday.

“Ye ke ? That is nice…”

“I will have 2 bags of money ready. Your car is 10 thousand kan so I will get a bag and put 10 thousand ringgit in the bag… full of money tau…” His face was very animated. Berangan.

“I will get Babah a 10 million car…” cess Babah punya 10 million Mummy punya 10 thousand je ?

“So I will get another bag to put 10 million in it… erm… a heavier bag, with a big ribbon… Then I take the 2 bags full of money and pegi beli kereta for you and Babah…”

“That is nice… but where are you going to get the money ?” I asked.

“Hmm…. That is a good point….” He said thoughtfully. He was quiet.

Then…”Semalam kan Mummy I found a 1 penny (1 sen) coin !” He announced happily.

1 sen….

“Um…. You want to buy Babah a 10 million car kan ? You right now have 1 sen. You still need 9 million 9 hundred and 99 thousand, 9 hundred and 99 ringgit and 99 sen to make 10 million !”

He looked shocked. Tak pegi sekolah ke ?

“Say it again, Mum..”

I repeated.

“Whoa… that’s a lot.”


“Where is my duit raya ?” He asked, hand rubbing his chin.

“Your duit raya is only 2 ribu Umar. You still need 9 million 9 hundred and 98 thousand !’

He winced. He heh…

“Then if I want to buy your car ?” He is very persistant….

“Okay, you still need 8 thousand … but what car can you buy with 8 thousand ? This stupid Gen-2 is 65 thousand ….”

“That is a lot, Mum……” He said. Kesian pulak.

“Then Mummy, I cannot get you a car this year. Maybe your next, next birthday or even the one after the next, next…..”

“Umar….” I said gently. “You might afford to buy me a car when you are over 30….”

“That is a long time !”

“Yes it is… You wouldn’t even know if I would still be around then…..”

“Mummy….. people usually die when they are 70 right ?”

“No… people can die anytime, sweetheart… A friend of mine right, her brother died when he was 3…”

“Three !!” He shouted, horrified. “But why ?”

“Cancer….” I answered.

“Does that mean he died?”

“Ermmm… yes….”

“That is so rude. Saying people die as cancel… Like you cancel a tv programme…” He fumed, shaking his head.

I was shocked.

“Cancel ? Not cancel. CANCER.. with an R ….It’s a name of a disease.”

He laughed. “Oh, I thought you said cancel…. Like canceling something….”

He he… aku tergelak sampai sekarang.