Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Opportunity missed

“Mum… yesterday kan something happened..” said my daughter on the way to her school this morning.

“Oh yeah ?” Was my very non-committal reply and what a waste ! I wasn’t listening to her until I heard the word air-cond then, “Uhhh…. I think… it is a MYSTERY !!” She shouted, punching the air.

“What is ?” I asked, suddenly very interested.

“I love mysteries, Mum…” She said with a twinkle in her eyes. “ Because I can…..” he heh.. stumped for words. “Solve ?” I helpfully suggested. She looked at me, not convinced it was the right word, however I think for lack of a better choice, she agreed, albeit wearily. “Yes… solve….” She said, tasting the foreign word.

But the most important factor is, what is the mystery ?

“So.. tell me about the mystery again ?”

“What ?”

“The mystery that you want to solve. About the air-cond ? You said Um pasang air-cond is it, then something happened ?” She looked blank.

“Come on, Ti…just now you said something about the air-cond…..” trying to cajole the memory from her. “Emmm….. “ she said. “Semalam Um pasang air-cond….”

“Then ? The mystery ?”

“Itu sajalah… the room got cold because of the air-cond…” She said.

Aiseh. Either I misheard or she has gone totally forgetful, I have missed a good story. This is a good lesson for me. Listen next time, will you Mummy ? Listen…