Last Sunday was Ana’s birthday party. Happy Birthday, Mummy’s little girl !!
She came down wearing this. Babah and Mummy was shocked. Shocked ! The tiara, the earrings ! She looked like a meringue ! Luckily she is gorgeous beyond reason, a sack would look couture on her. Ha ha
She came down wearing this. Babah and Mummy was shocked. Shocked ! The tiara, the earrings ! She looked like a meringue ! Luckily she is gorgeous beyond reason, a sack would look couture on her. Ha ha

"Ana tak panas ke ?" Asked the very concerned Babah.

"Ini baju Ana pin-shesh..." She said, muka keras for some reason. Maybe nak maintain lawa. Okaylah, Pin-shesh punya pasal, panas pun panaslah.
Inang-inang Pin-Shesh Ana. Nak minum or anything please ask from the inangs. They are distinguishable by the butterfly head piece. (Sungguh comel, rasa macam nak bawak pi keje....)

Presents opening time. Yang sibuk si Elsa. "Ti, your birthday was not a month ago, okay ?" Warned Mummy. By this time Ana was already out of the now torned Princess gown. I was trying to change her clothes, in front of her Pak Cik, and Aunty Ann and Aunty Nurul but she refused. Suddenly she hugged Mummy and asked to be dressed away from her admirers. "Nanti owang nampak, Mummy...." She said. Malu rupanya. Mummy yang tak tau malu, ek Ana ? Sorry.
Mummy changed her into the birthday dress Mummy bought her.

Time to kemas after, back to reality. Thank you Mamu Jat for taking over sweeping the driveway. He symphatised with his old sister, terbongkok-bongkok menyapu. Tapi older sister bila tengok dia punya pakaian, said "Ko ni Jat, balik-balik je tunjuk spender..." He he... Ijat is a good boy.

Sleep time for the Pin-Shesh. Didn't want the party to be over, she took it to Tok's bed. Tok's very comfortable bed yang Babah punya suka, he bought the same one for his room.