Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Maybe it is funny when you are there.... ha ha

The funny things that came out when my children opened their mouths.

Elsa was hanging at the fence (bergayut bukan kat telefon tapi kat pagar rumah) talking to girl next door. Dan and I were weeding nearby. They were talking and the girl mentioned U-um.

Najwa : Elsa panggil U-um. Amin nak jumpa.

Amin : Elsa, panggil U-um cepat…

Elsa : Hmm…. His name is Umar. You can call him Umar Rashdan, okay ?

He he…..

My little girl is a real burper. No, she doesn’t burp. She belches. It is really embarrassing especially if she does it in public. A loud one is usually followed by a satisfactory grin. We were always reprimanding her, telling her over and over again how rude it was.

So 2 days ago we were having dinner at… well where else (the place where we sometimes bump into the new residents of sek 9) when she gave a loud “BURP!”

“Elsa .. Stop it. How many times must I tell you to stop doing that ?”

“Sorry ! But I can’t help myself, okay ?”

Oh yeah, that was not funny. That was rude….

The funny one came in the wee hours of that very morning. Dan was supposed to fetch his niece and nephew for school as their mother had to send their father to the airport. Umar was of course very excited at the prospect of riding to school with his beloved cousins.

We were very much deep in slumberland when we were rudely woken up by a very loud, “Bah !! We are late for school. Kita kena ambik Hannah and Hakeem !”

Babah jumped from the bed with a loud “What ?” and grabbed his phone.

“Umar ! It’s only 5 lah …” Said Babah as he slumped back on the bed.

Umar gave a startled “Oh !” and said, “Sorry. Carry on…” and he too went back to bed and promptly snored.

Carry on…. He he….