We have been lepaking with Shazmi 2 weeks in a row now. His wife was doing locum duty at DEMC so to fill his time, he came and lepak with us before picking up Nadia at 11pm.
We were in the car with him last Friday plus Elsa. Umar wanted to watch a very important Ben 10 Alien Force episode, so he decided not to come. Anyway in the car Shazmi asked Elsa her age, the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) of an adult to a child.
“I am six !” She answered.
“No, no…” Said Mummy. “You are still five. You turned 5 last month and you have a whole year to be 5 still….”
“But Mummy, I am in 6 years old class. Teacher put me there !” She protested.
I sighed.
“Sure you are, but since your birthday is at the end of the year, you cannot be 6 yet, okay ?” I explained. I don’t know why I am so anal about it, but I am. Maybe in July I will concede that she is 6… he he…
“But… my file at school said that I am 6 !!”
“Iyelah, but your 5th birthday was not 2 weeks ago, Elsa.” Why can’t I just leave it ?
We were already at our destination. As Babah parked the car and turned off the engine, she angrily said, “Do you want me to show you the file ? It said 6 ! Nak ? Nak ?”
Amboi……. Sakitnya hati ku.
Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.