Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, January 30, 2009

We go walking

We had a great Monday walk. Not exactly a weekend walk but a holiday walk all the same. It came about when we passed by the lake in the morning and I commented on the nice scenery and the families having picnics.

“Bah… why don’t we come here this afternoon, Bah…We can go jogging…” Umar suggested.

Babah said, “Why don’t we walk here ? Our house is very near… We could walk from our house…”.

The kids were ecstatic. I who love walks (that I get from my years in England) was very much so.

We started from our house at around 6. The kids were running ahead, anticipating the adventure. We walked slowly, pass by the sekolah agama, found a dead cat. Passed by the row of shops and crossed the road to walk next to Sekolah Seksyen 4. By then we had decided to circle Seksyen 4. Passed by the tasik and Mummy showed her children where she, Aunty Esmalina and Aunty Suhaila main longkang when they were eeemmm….. 14… he heh.

Elsa collected sticks, pretending she was an old person, goofing around. Umar talked and talked and talked. At the unused bus stop in front of the lake found another dead cat. We soldiered on. Passed by the Masjid roundabout and walked alongside seksyen 4.

Walked some more and in from of the small lake next to the courthouse, saw a live cat this time. So yeay !! Showed them Aunty Shazleen’s house where Mummy lepaked most of her last 2 years in high school.

Then crossed the road at the pasar, went in for a shortcut to 7-11. Went inside the Seksyen 6 business area and showed the kids where Mummy and Babah used to have their dates…. He he…. Passed by the shop where Cik Shera used to work and where she met their Mamu and in we go inside 7-11.

Bought drinks and retraced our steps halfway through the business centre and when we were about to cross the bridge, saw an itty bitty black kitten meowing mournfully. He looked so pitiful but Babah refused Mummy’s entreaty to bring him home because Babah is allergic. Babah then saw a box, peered inside and saw the kitten’s dead sibling. 3 dead cats and 2 live ones so far.

As we crossed the bridge, Babah called out to us excitedly and pointed to a beautiful bird in the big drain. “Bangau…” said Babah. Eh ? Bangau ? What is bangau in English ? Stork ke ?
Walked again, passing seksyen 6/1D, 6/1C. 6/1B, the pasar and turned right at the junction. Crossed the road again to walk alongside seksyen 4 and then crossed the road after the roundabout.

Babah pointed to another bird with a long beak. I forgot what he called it. I think he said Kingfisher. Or Raja something… We arrived home at 7.15. Just nice.

When we got home, Umar whipped up his shirt and looked at his belly.

“I’m a bit thinner kan, Mummy ?” He asked proudly.

Okay lah…..

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Opportunity missed

“Mum… yesterday kan something happened..” said my daughter on the way to her school this morning.

“Oh yeah ?” Was my very non-committal reply and what a waste ! I wasn’t listening to her until I heard the word air-cond then, “Uhhh…. I think… it is a MYSTERY !!” She shouted, punching the air.

“What is ?” I asked, suddenly very interested.

“I love mysteries, Mum…” She said with a twinkle in her eyes. “ Because I can…..” he heh.. stumped for words. “Solve ?” I helpfully suggested. She looked at me, not convinced it was the right word, however I think for lack of a better choice, she agreed, albeit wearily. “Yes… solve….” She said, tasting the foreign word.

But the most important factor is, what is the mystery ?

“So.. tell me about the mystery again ?”

“What ?”

“The mystery that you want to solve. About the air-cond ? You said Um pasang air-cond is it, then something happened ?” She looked blank.

“Come on, Ti…just now you said something about the air-cond…..” trying to cajole the memory from her. “Emmm….. “ she said. “Semalam Um pasang air-cond….”

“Then ? The mystery ?”

“Itu sajalah… the room got cold because of the air-cond…” She said.

Aiseh. Either I misheard or she has gone totally forgetful, I have missed a good story. This is a good lesson for me. Listen next time, will you Mummy ? Listen…

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Titi's friends

“Mummy… Hakim kan……” Is how my baby girl usually starts when I got home from work. Or sometimes, “Tadi kan at school kan Haiqal……..” Or sometimes other boys’ name would come up.

One day after a story involving yet another boy, I asked her, “There are a lot of boys in your class, kan Ti ?”

“Yes…..” She agreed, nodding her head.

Umar who was nearby and was obviously listening to our conversation helpfully said, “Titi has 3 boyfriends, Mummy !”

I looked at my smiling daughter. My raised eyebrows was answered with a smiling, nodding head, confirming her brother’s little tale.

“How come you have 3 ? That is a bit much…” Said Mummy.

“Because semuanya handsome-handsome, Mum….” Was the reply. But it didn’t come from her. Her abang said that.

He he…. How do you know that, Um ?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nak ? Nak ?

We have been lepaking with Shazmi 2 weeks in a row now. His wife was doing locum duty at DEMC so to fill his time, he came and lepak with us before picking up Nadia at 11pm.

We were in the car with him last Friday plus Elsa. Umar wanted to watch a very important Ben 10 Alien Force episode, so he decided not to come. Anyway in the car Shazmi asked Elsa her age, the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) of an adult to a child.

“I am six !” She answered.

“No, no…” Said Mummy. “You are still five. You turned 5 last month and you have a whole year to be 5 still….”

“But Mummy, I am in 6 years old class. Teacher put me there !” She protested.

I sighed.

“Sure you are, but since your birthday is at the end of the year, you cannot be 6 yet, okay ?” I explained. I don’t know why I am so anal about it, but I am. Maybe in July I will concede that she is 6… he he…

“But… my file at school said that I am 6 !!”

“Iyelah, but your 5th birthday was not 2 weeks ago, Elsa.” Why can’t I just leave it ?

We were already at our destination. As Babah parked the car and turned off the engine, she angrily said, “Do you want me to show you the file ? It said 6 ! Nak ? Nak ?”

Amboi……. Sakitnya hati ku.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ana is THREE !! Yeay !

Last Sunday was Ana’s birthday party. Happy Birthday, Mummy’s little girl !!

She came down wearing this. Babah and Mummy was shocked. Shocked ! The tiara, the earrings ! She looked like a meringue ! Luckily she is gorgeous beyond reason, a sack would look couture on her. Ha ha

"Ana tak panas ke ?" Asked the very concerned Babah.

"Ini baju Ana pin-shesh..." She said, muka keras for some reason. Maybe nak maintain lawa. Okaylah, Pin-shesh punya pasal, panas pun panaslah.

Inang-inang Pin-Shesh Ana. Nak minum or anything please ask from the inangs. They are distinguishable by the butterfly head piece. (Sungguh comel, rasa macam nak bawak pi keje....)

Presents opening time. Yang sibuk si Elsa. "Ti, your birthday was not a month ago, okay ?" Warned Mummy. By this time Ana was already out of the now torned Princess gown. I was trying to change her clothes, in front of her Pak Cik, and Aunty Ann and Aunty Nurul but she refused. Suddenly she hugged Mummy and asked to be dressed away from her admirers. "Nanti owang nampak, Mummy...." She said. Malu rupanya. Mummy yang tak tau malu, ek Ana ? Sorry.
Mummy changed her into the birthday dress Mummy bought her.

Time to kemas after, back to reality. Thank you Mamu Jat for taking over sweeping the driveway. He symphatised with his old sister, terbongkok-bongkok menyapu. Tapi older sister bila tengok dia punya pakaian, said "Ko ni Jat, balik-balik je tunjuk spender..." He he... Ijat is a good boy.

Sleep time for the Pin-Shesh. Didn't want the party to be over, she took it to Tok's bed. Tok's very comfortable bed yang Babah punya suka, he bought the same one for his room.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Can... what ?

“Mummy… your next birthday kan I will buy you a car….” Said my son last Thursday.

“Ye ke ? That is nice…”

“I will have 2 bags of money ready. Your car is 10 thousand kan so I will get a bag and put 10 thousand ringgit in the bag… full of money tau…” His face was very animated. Berangan.

“I will get Babah a 10 million car…” cess Babah punya 10 million Mummy punya 10 thousand je ?

“So I will get another bag to put 10 million in it… erm… a heavier bag, with a big ribbon… Then I take the 2 bags full of money and pegi beli kereta for you and Babah…”

“That is nice… but where are you going to get the money ?” I asked.

“Hmm…. That is a good point….” He said thoughtfully. He was quiet.

Then…”Semalam kan Mummy I found a 1 penny (1 sen) coin !” He announced happily.

1 sen….

“Um…. You want to buy Babah a 10 million car kan ? You right now have 1 sen. You still need 9 million 9 hundred and 99 thousand, 9 hundred and 99 ringgit and 99 sen to make 10 million !”

He looked shocked. Tak pegi sekolah ke ?

“Say it again, Mum..”

I repeated.

“Whoa… that’s a lot.”


“Where is my duit raya ?” He asked, hand rubbing his chin.

“Your duit raya is only 2 ribu Umar. You still need 9 million 9 hundred and 98 thousand !’

He winced. He heh…

“Then if I want to buy your car ?” He is very persistant….

“Okay, you still need 8 thousand … but what car can you buy with 8 thousand ? This stupid Gen-2 is 65 thousand ….”

“That is a lot, Mum……” He said. Kesian pulak.

“Then Mummy, I cannot get you a car this year. Maybe your next, next birthday or even the one after the next, next…..”

“Umar….” I said gently. “You might afford to buy me a car when you are over 30….”

“That is a long time !”

“Yes it is… You wouldn’t even know if I would still be around then…..”

“Mummy….. people usually die when they are 70 right ?”

“No… people can die anytime, sweetheart… A friend of mine right, her brother died when he was 3…”

“Three !!” He shouted, horrified. “But why ?”

“Cancer….” I answered.

“Does that mean he died?”

“Ermmm… yes….”

“That is so rude. Saying people die as cancel… Like you cancel a tv programme…” He fumed, shaking his head.

I was shocked.

“Cancel ? Not cancel. CANCER.. with an R ….It’s a name of a disease.”

He laughed. “Oh, I thought you said cancel…. Like canceling something….”

He he… aku tergelak sampai sekarang.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Maybe it is funny when you are there.... ha ha

The funny things that came out when my children opened their mouths.

Elsa was hanging at the fence (bergayut bukan kat telefon tapi kat pagar rumah) talking to girl next door. Dan and I were weeding nearby. They were talking and the girl mentioned U-um.

Najwa : Elsa panggil U-um. Amin nak jumpa.

Amin : Elsa, panggil U-um cepat…

Elsa : Hmm…. His name is Umar. You can call him Umar Rashdan, okay ?

He he…..

My little girl is a real burper. No, she doesn’t burp. She belches. It is really embarrassing especially if she does it in public. A loud one is usually followed by a satisfactory grin. We were always reprimanding her, telling her over and over again how rude it was.

So 2 days ago we were having dinner at… well where else (the place where we sometimes bump into the new residents of sek 9) when she gave a loud “BURP!”

“Elsa .. Stop it. How many times must I tell you to stop doing that ?”

“Sorry ! But I can’t help myself, okay ?”

Oh yeah, that was not funny. That was rude….

The funny one came in the wee hours of that very morning. Dan was supposed to fetch his niece and nephew for school as their mother had to send their father to the airport. Umar was of course very excited at the prospect of riding to school with his beloved cousins.

We were very much deep in slumberland when we were rudely woken up by a very loud, “Bah !! We are late for school. Kita kena ambik Hannah and Hakeem !”

Babah jumped from the bed with a loud “What ?” and grabbed his phone.

“Umar ! It’s only 5 lah …” Said Babah as he slumped back on the bed.

Umar gave a startled “Oh !” and said, “Sorry. Carry on…” and he too went back to bed and promptly snored.

Carry on…. He he….

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The moon on Monday night was beautiful, so round, so bright.

My children and I of course talked about werewolves.

“Mummy…. Werewolves are half wolf have human, right ?” Asked Umar.

“No lah. That one is like a centaur, half human half horse. The head is human and the butt is horse…” Waaa ha ha haaa…. My children loves it if the posterior is ever mentioned.

“Werewolves are human but wheeeennnn the mooooonnnnnn is fuuullllll woooooooooo …….. they turnnnnnned into WEREWOLVES !”

Waaarrgghhhh ! Screamed the children. I am my father after all.

“So they are shape shifters then ?”

“I don’t know…” Jacob Black is a shape shifter. A gorgeous one at that… he heh… sempat tuh.

“So… if you see a werewolf… you have to run right ?” Asked Umar again.

“Yep. Werewolves eat people. But if you run, you cannot escape because they are faster than you. And if you managed to run anyway, but they scratched you first, all the werewolves’ cooties will be transferred to you. Anndd…… the neeexttttt fuuuuulllllll mooooonnnn… wooooooo…..….. yoooouuuu willlll be ONE ! Muahahahaah !!!”

“Mummy ! Stop that !” Said the little one. Ha ha.

“So…. You imagine okay. You turned into a werewolf, then the next day you noticed that your parents are missing. You searched and searched everywhere but you couldn’t find them. Then the very next day if the moon is still full, you turned again and when you woke up the house is very empty because your bibik and your siblings are gone.”

“The very next month your grandparents went missing. Then your cousins…. And you were burping all the time……”

The car was very quiet. Babahnya pun diam…. He he….

“Lepas tu your neighbours and your teachers…. And you realized that when the moon is full, your tummy is also full and all these people went missing at the same time……”

“Mummyy…..” Said my son. I was waiting for his conclusion and I tell you I was not disappointed. He he… tergelak den.

“If I ever become a werewolf kan… I will scratch my parents and my sister so that we can be werewolves together….” He said with a quiver in his voice.

Ha ha !

And this very inconsistent Mummy gets angry whenever her son quavers at the thought of going anywhere dark alone.

Okay…. I will tell him there is no such thing as werewolves tonight. He knows that by the way but I will just drive the message home.

PS: He said a werewolf can be killed by a silver spoon. A spoon ? Why not chopsticks, said Mum, because they are sharper. He he…

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just a case of miscommunication

Elsa took something from 7-11. This episode happened on the day of their birthday party. They went out with their Babah to get ice from 7-11 and when they came home, Babah was enraged.

Apparently Elsa came home with a packet of Sugus (grape flavour by the way) that Dan didn’t pay for. In Elsa’s defense she claimed that she had informed Babah that she wanted the candy and didn’t hear Babah’s order to put it back where she got it from… he he. In the car Dan noticed her munching away and was shocked with the discovery of the Sugus in her hand.

Titi was bewildered, Umar was scared, Mummy was…. No biggie lah… go back to the store and pay. Just a miscommunication.

So the very next day all of us bundled into the car and went to the 7-11. Babah had the offending candy in his hand and Elsa on the other. I of course was up to some mischief or… err…. wanted to teach my children a lesson, to instill good values in them, teach them the perils of stealing ….

The shop was behind us so I was on my knees, hugging my seat as I looked at the shop. I could see Babah and Titi clearly. Umar though kept his body facing front, his face rigid, eyes narrowed.

“Habis lah, Titi…(Titi is a goner..)” said Mummy.

“Umm…. They are waving their hands about, I think they are angry… Itulah Titi ni….”

“O-oh… one of them is talking on the phone… I think he is calling the cops…. She is so gonna spend today in jail….”

“Here comes the police car…. They are drawing out their guns…. Oh man…. Titi had her hands up…..”

But as I was giving my so-called live commentary, I noticed that my son was unusually quiet. His body was ramrod straight, his face set in a stony mask. Then I noticed his fists. His hands were formed into tiny fists.

Dear me… he looked like he was restraining himself from doing something. I’d better shut my trap. Titi and Babah were on the way to the car anyway.

He looked slowly to his side when he heard footsteps. Elsa climbed into the car with an embarrassed grin, looking at me and Um. Um just looked at her but this time with a resigned look on his face.

“What happened, Ti ?” He asked, eyes huge as plates (not saucers because normally they are the size as saucers anyway…)

“Nothing…. He heh…”

“The police ?”

“What po….”

“No… the police gave her a warning lah.. She cannot do it again…. They already put her in their book…. They know where she lives….” Evil Mummy cut in.
“There was no police, Mum….” I have forgotten that she has grown.

“Laa…. Abang yang lagi satu tu polis lah…. Dia tak pakai baju polis je sebab dia detective…”

Titi gulped. He heh…

“Don’t do it again, Ti…” Abang said in a quiet voice. No tears, no high pitch voice but a serious, authorative tone that scared the hell out of his mom.

My son had become a man….


PS : Kesinambungan ceritanya ialah kelamrin we had dinner at Subway. Elsa ordered 2
cookies (apart from the sarnies of course) but since her tummy is teensy weensy, she had to take it home. Abang saw Elsa grabbed the cookies and put it in her handbag (don’t ask).

“Mum… is Titi allowed to take the cookies home ?” He asked. He was smiling though but he asked all the same.

He he……

Monday, January 12, 2009

Muka U-um...

This morning for the umpteenth time, my kids bickered.

“Itulah, Ti ! Um dah cakap dah. Itu Um….. pot pet pot pet…”

“Waaarggggggh !!!” That came from Elsa.

“Ti ! Why must you cry ? Um tak marah pun. Um cakap je….. Titi ni suka saja menangis….”

“Then why is your face like that ?”

Abang diam sekejap.

“Okay lah…. Dah, my face is not angry anymore….” Said abang, mengalah.

He he….

Thursday, January 08, 2009


I waved goodbye to my children this morning. I saw Elsa trying her hard to look at me from the car’s window as Babah backed down the driveway, her tudung almost covering her eyes. Somehow that scene reminded me of a conversation I had with her a day before her birthday.

“Mummy….” Said my daughter. It was early morning and as I passed her bed, she stirred so I lay down beside her and gathered her in my arms.

“Hmmm…” My eyes were still closed and I was sure hers were too.

“I can’t wait for my birthday, Mummy….”

“It’s tomorrow, little girl…”

“ When it’s my birthday… kan, when I wake up people will be around me and say ‘Surprise !!’ Then I will say, ‘Thank you for coming to my party…’…” She clasped her hands together, brought it to her chest, eyes fluttered. Berangan sungguh. Sapa lah yang nak datang birthday party pukul 6.30 pagi. I do not want to wake up at 4 am to prepare, either.

“Pastu kan…. I will get a PSP for my present…..”

I sighed.

“You are not getting a PSP, Elsa…”

“Why not ? Aida ada. Dekat kedai ada PSP.”

“Mummy tak de duit lah sayang….”

“Why don’t we ask Aida ? Aida ada satu. I can ask Aida where she got the money, okay ?”

“Aida punya Mummy dia lah belikan. Mummy dia banyak duit, Mummy Elsa tak de duit….”

She went quiet. “What about my duit raya ? You can use my duit raya …”

He he… “Your duit raya dah jadi Sijil Simpanan Premium lah, little girl. Itu untuk Titi nak pergi sekolah nanti, okay ? School is very important, PSP is not. In fact because of PSP you might not be able to go to school. Okay ?”

I can see the disappointment in her face. Kalau ikutkan hati memang aku pegi beli, tapi fikir kan masa depan untuk dia and abang dia, tak payah lah. Game Boy ada, PS2 pun ada. Jadi lah….

Dear Elsa, actually I am very selfish if Mummy ikutkan tak sampai hati Mummy ni. I want to give you everything but then if I do that I would not be thinking how all those will spoil you in the long run.

I want you to be one of the best people in the world and accepting our limitations is one of the traits. Setting your priorities right is another important one too. I do not know what the future would be like but I hope that at least I am in the right path to guide you.

Trust me. Forgive me.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Umar's life style

“Umm…..” Said I yesterday. All of us were already in the room, lights out waiting for sleep to come.

“Huh ?”

“Semalam kan when I was waiting for you at school I saw one guy bawak dia punya pet pegi sekolah…..”

To my kids their stuffed toys are their pets. Umar’s favourite is his giraffe given to him by his uncle Anu and Aunty Sheena for his 4th birthday, Emot. Elsa’s favorite is a cat she calls Kitty and the green teletubby she re-named Bathtub. Apart from that is a stuffed Eiffel Tower called Monsieur Bonjour (he he), a turtle they call Mr Floppy Head and entah sapa-sapa lagi. Umar is very attached to Emot that once when he left him somewhere in KLCC Dan made a desperate dash to get him back… he he…

When he was smaller Umar used to sleep with his favourite cars underneath his pillow and Emot in his arms. Now no more as I think he could feel them at the back of his huge head. Emot and friends are softer, so they stay… ha ha..

“Really ? What pet does he have ?” He asked excitedly.

“A cat… a brown one … but he is sooo huge…. Bigger than Emot…..” Said I.

“Whoa….” Said Elsa. I laughed.

“Best kan Um kalau kita boleh bawak pet pegi sekolah ?” She asked her brother wistfully.

“Don’t be funny lah, Ti. That is not our life style !!” Said Umar.

Aku ingat Dan dah tidur when I felt his body shaking. He he…. Life style apa, Umar ?

Before that we had an argument on whose turn was it to switch off the lights. I asked Titi to do it but after standing on 2 pillows, she still can’t reach it.

Umar grumbled as he got up from bed and switched off the lights.

“I am too small lah, Um..” Said Titi, noticing her brother’s annoyance.

“Okay… next time I am going to hang you on the fan, switch on the fan so that you will fly and slam on the wall. On your way down, you switch off the lights, okay ?”

Dahsyatnya ! Titi laughed.

“Umar if you dah switch on the kipas, then why don’t you just tutup the lampu ?” She asked after a long silence.

He he…..