Today seperti biasa Abang bangun pagi mencecer. Ada saja benda penting yang dia nak cakap. Mummy asked you to hush many times but you just refused to listen, and then the thing that I dreaded most happened, Adik opened her eyes. Here goes another tear-filled morning.
"Adik nak ikut Mummy...."
"Yes tapi Mummy kena work,"
"Adik nak Mummy...," x 10
*Sigh... Okay Adik let us hantar abang to school. As usual before sending Abang to school, we swing by Tok Mi's house first. Alas, Tok Mi takde so we disturbed Mamu Il ( who is home for the holidays ). Then hantar abang to school and Adik looked happy.
"Adik ngan Mummy okay ?" She said happily, her head already planning her day with me ( agaknya lah ). Kesian my baby.
I couldn't go through the act of abandoning her. I don't want to betray her. According to reliable sources, yesterday she kept repeating "Mummy tipu.." over and over again. I carried her to the front door, put her down and she was still smiling and chattering when she saw Dewi. Her head snapped to look at me, every sign of bliss gone from her face.
"Adik nak Mummy.." and I ran for the door. Dewi managed to close the door grill before she escaped and there she was, my little angel, screaming for me. I stood there for the longest time, listening to her "Mummy no !!".
In the car, as I reversed to get out of the driveway I heard she cried "Mummy please. Adik nak Mummy !"
I feel like a criminal. For going to work.
"Mummy nak Adik !!"
It's always hard doing that kan? Ayesha dah 3 tahun, tapi everytime she cries when I leave her, I cry too....waaa...
I know. Tapi kan Ya sometimes I wonder dia ni kena dera ke sampai teruk2 macam ni ? Atau transition from old maid to new maid. Sebab last time my maid ada yang dera depa, macam tu lah Titi...
kesianya.. i almost cried reading this!
I baca balik my entry and I nangis already. Kesiannya anak ku
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