Our merdeka plans went very very wrong. Babah was suppose to finish work at 4 pm, fetch you guys and check in the Concorde. Abah called me around 9 am to say that he is not sure if he can do so because of blah blah blah... So mummy panicked a bit as I really do not want to get you guys after work and then try to enter the city again !! Then Cik Ta called to say that she is spending merdeka at the Pan Pac. So, I told her to collect Adik and Abang and babah or mummy will go and get you guys there. Then Cik Ta called again to say that she will be taking you guys to KL Sentral first !! Another brilliant idea as it is better if I meet up with you two there and send you to your babah as I really don't think I want to go to The Mall and then to Concorde, sure jam punya. So I pushed off at 3, pick you guys up, sent a letter to a client at Jalan Klang Lama then head to Jalan Sultan Ismail. Then Babah called to say that blah blah blah..
What am I going to do with my 2 kids, during office hours ? Called my boss and he said no issue. Bawak lah masuk dalam office. Thank you En Azman. Sampai office I whisked them to the surau, which is just above my own desk. Tetapi, although the CEO is fine, there is another anasir that is not happy with you guys being in the office. So mummy and Cik Su told Abang to be quiet as there is a bad man down there that will be mightily upset if he knew of their presence. Adik was fine but Abang was really spooked about the bad man and started to cry if were left alone as do not wish to be murdered. Pulak.... So things didn't work out brilliantly after all.
The room was okay, the dinner was fine. All of us fell asleep and suddenly we woke up when we heard the loud bangs. All of us except for Adik, ran to the window to watch the fireworks. We lasted for 1 minute and drifted back to sleep. Well that was better than last year when Abang didn't even wake up and here Babah and Mummy have a very funny story about fireworks and last merdeka, kan Bah ? Let's try to keep our eyes open for 2 whole minutes next year okay sweetface ?
PS: En Azman said he stayed at Prince Hotel last year and the building shook !! Maybe we should change venue next year Babah ?
What a merdeka eve adventure!
Yup adventure yang diikuti dengan lempangan(yang penuh dengan kasih sayang) untuk suami ku......
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