Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Umar in his mother tongue

“Mummy… boleh tak kita pergi bersenam ?” Said my son to me one day.

Eh ? Apa dia ? Meremang bulu roma cek sat. I think even my goose bumps had goose bumps.

“Saya nak pergi jogging dekat tasik. Saya nak bersenam sebab bersenam boleh menyihatkan badan.”

Help ! My hair remained standing on its ends.

“Cikgu cakap apabila kita sihat, otak kita pun akan….. errm……” He faltered.

Kesian pulak. “Cerdas ?” I helpfully suggested.

“Yes… cerdas….” He said smilingly, nodding his head.

Then.. “What does cerdas means ?” Errr…… Cergas means energetic, so cerdas is the cergas for brains ?

He he…. You do not want to hear me fumbling to explain that.

My son’s second attempt to speak full Bahasa Malaysia. Actually the right description would be Bahasa Malaysia dalam buku teks.

“Mummy, semalam saya sedang baring… Kemudian Gizmo datang dan menjilat kepala saya. Dia suka jilat kepala saya, Mummy !” I think my eyes were wide when I looked at him. Buat dah budak nih….

“Kenapa dia macam tu, eh ? Kenapa dia suka menjilat kepala saya ?”

Waaaaaaa !

“Kerana kau tu kuat peluh, rambut masin ! Dah pegi mandi !!”

He he… I have to chase him away as I do not want him to see me rolling around in mirth. Apalah skemanya anak aku ni….

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mummy ! Shaya....

“Mummy tolong shaya…” Said Ana to me while I was busy preparing dinner. I looked at her and saw her holding out her new, very pink (a must for little Ana) Power Puff Girls CD bought by Cik Ta.

As CD cases are wont to do, the front cover was unhinged.

“Shaya tak boleh buat sebab shaya ni kecik lagi….” She said again, as I took the case from her hand. She looked at me with her very thick hair framing her face, eyes looking at me forlornly.. like being little is such a hindrance...

How can I not kiss and hug her tightly until she complained after that ? Geram lah dia ni…. Geget kang…

Ana ni ikut mood. Kadang-kadang bila dia malas main, she prefers to memerap dengan aku and kacau aku masak. The questions that she asks ! Aduih.

“Mummy buat apa ni ?”

“Ini untuk apa ?”

“Ini sedap ke ?”

And every answer I give she will answer with an “Oooo….”

While I was busy cooking one day, and answering her barrage of questions, I heard an unfamiliar meow and Ana’s “Mummy look ! Itu kawan Gizmo yang Abah marah tu !”

I seized the opportunity to have a relatively peaceful cooking time so I told her, “Ana jaga pintu okay ? Jangan bagi meow tu masuk. Nanti Abah marah ….”

So my obedient little girl pun pegilah to do my bidding. But peace did not come because every movement the cat did she reported to me.

“Mummy dia dah jalan..”

“Mummy dia tengok saya….”

“Mummy dia jilat-jilat….”

“Mummy tengok shaya ni… Shaya duduk sini tak bagi dia masuk okay…”




Waaaaa….. !!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Muka Elsa

My daughter approached me last week and said, “Mummy… Aleesya kan .. kalau ada apa-apa new things.. She will always go first. Everytime Mummy. It is always her first, then me second and Ana third. Me and Ana could never go first…” I love seeing her face when she executed this speech. Eyes big, eyebrows knitted together…wonderful.

“Tell me, Mummy… Is that fair ? Is it ?”

I didn’t say anything but just looked at her, marveling at the play of emotions on her face.

“Mummy… Tell me, is that fair ? Ha ? Ha ?” She insisted after Mummy didn’t even attempt a reply.

He he…. Maybe that is why sometimes my kids are frustrated with me… I love to see their faces and therefore sometimes I didn’t respond to their questions. It wasn’t anything other than I was just too busy admiring their faces. Somehow Mummy is unable to multitask when she gazes at her babies’ faces.

Before that, we Mummy and Titi, had a discussion about Ana. “Titi kena sayang adik, jaga adik… Make sure she is okay, kena pandai mengalah, okay ?? Dia adik kan... macam U-um jaga Titi, sayang Titi. So Titi pun kena sayang Ana, kan ?”

She listened to me with had cocked to one side. I kept quiet after I concluded my nasihat for the day, waiting for her response. Then it came, her face turned up to me, eyes squaring up to mine, with a solemn face. “Mummy…. Tahu tak…. Esya kan….” Here she paused, shook her head and added, “Dia kan tak sayang adik dia….”

I raised my eyebrows. “Iya… sebab dia selaaaaaalu marah Ana, Mummy…..”

Mummy got all choked up when she said that because the face and the manner she said it was exactly the same as 4 years ago, when she said to me, “Abaah…. selaaaaaalu marah Titi….” That time, she had just learned to talk and her full sentence like that was precious and rare.. and somehow that one, that “Abaah… selaaaaalu marah Titi…” was the one that was firmly etched in my memory.

Alahai anak Mummy ni…..

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mummy... let's play

When Elsa asks me to play, we could either main kejar-kejar, or me pushing her around on her scooter, singing, dancing or play dress up. Or... play with my shoes.

"Mum ! Do you want to play with your shoes ?"

"It is sooo much fun !!"


She would try them on, and then prance around the room. The heels making a very satisfactory clickety clack on the floor.

Aahh... good choice. My favourite Russel and Bromley. "Mummy ... look at this. This one is sooo pretty... !" She said, eyes wide in appreciation when she first saw it. Exactly my feeling when I saw it in the shops, little girl.

Busy opening the boxes to look for masterpieces of the cobblers.

Putting this one back to its place before running off to get the other boxes... Abang likes to be with is but he did his own thing.
She is mine, isn't she ?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hal donia versi Umar Rashdan.

I am writing it down in paragraphs without pembuka or penutup kata. You will also notice the absence of my replies sebab mak yang ini tercengang tahap gaban campur ultraman bila anak dia bercakap. The hot chicken pie I made lay untouched on the plate with a few pieces remained pierced on the fork, hovered in front of my gaping mouth.

Mummy you know what happened ? Singapore kan ada buat documentary pasal orang Malaysia dancing-dancing. But it turned out that the dancers satu pun tak de Malaysians !! Semuanya Indonesians ! So sekarang the Indonesians dah marah and nak bomb kita ! They want to start a war dengan Malaysia sebab dia orang kata kita tipu. But… bukannya orang Malaysia yang buat, tapi orang Singapore. Jadi why not the Indonesians bomb aje Singapore ?

You know what.. Singapore is very tak malu because we give them water and sand … and food but they lied about us, kan Mummy ? Blah, blah, blah, blah….

I couldn’t hear the rest as I was busy trying to close my mouth and push my eyebrows back to its normal position.

Emmm… my answer ? I explained it was Discovery Channel instead of Singapore (or National Geographic ke ? Aku pun confuse). It was an honest mistake that does not warrant any bombings.

I do not know about sand but we did not give them water but they bought it off us. At a very cheap price.

And I do not think that we give them food. I am sure we export some, but that is not the same as giving away.

He looked at his food with a frown. Have I ever told you how beautiful he looked when he frowns ? Funny eh ? So imagine his beauty when he smiles. He just lights up the world, my little boy.

PS : Err…. Discovery Channel punya office tu kat Singapore ke ?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My sappy kids

I am not much of a telly watcher. Last night, for some reason I was more fed-up with it so I went upstairs to read. Elsa of course followed and after 10 minutes, Umar showed his face.

We talked while the 3 of us read. Elsa soon got bored of her book, took my handphone and started larking about with it, filming his abang reading. I grabbed the phone and suggested that we record our singing.

Me first and I belted out Torn by Natalie Imbruglia. Since it is the kids’ favourite song too, they joined in. Kacau aje.

Elsa sang lagu bodoh Aku bukan Superman which was funny because she made up the lyrics as she went along. Batman and Spiderman segala keluar. Umar sang a horribly nasal rendition of Suasana Aidilfitri. Poor boy. Even he winced when we played his singing.

And so it went on, taking turn to sing one by one. The kids went further under the duvet and I sighed; while singing Lost In Space, pretending to be the bald bloke from Lighthouse Family; as I knew the kids will definitely sleep with us that night.

Strategy baik punya.

As they smiled and laughed and talked with half-open eyes, I said, “Okay… I am going to sing a song for you, okay ? This song is for Mummy’s Um and Titi…”. And started singing Rock A Bye Baby.
Rock a bye baby
On the tree top
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock
When the bough breaks
The cradle will fall
And down will come baby
Cradle and all

After I finished, we listened to it again. When that was over, Elsa said, “This is soooo embarrassing…”

He he… What ? You found my singing embarrassing ?

No Mummy… She said. I feel like crying….. And she encircled my body with her tiny, tiny hands for a tight hug. I smiled. Then I reached for Umar’s face to stroke his cheeks, finding it wet with tears.

Apalah sentimentalnya budak-budak ni..

He he…

Monday, October 19, 2009

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Anna ?

Last Friday the kids rushed to my car as soon as I got into the driveway, asking for permission to go to next door neighbour’s. I watched them leave before I felt somebody tugging my hand.

Eh ? Anna ?

“Anna tak nak pegi ke ?”

“Shaya tak nak… Shaya nak duduk rumah saja.”

So I scooped her up, deposited her on the sofa, rummaged for a snack and plopped myself next to her. By the way, we were out of junk food so I grabbed the multi-compartment Tupperware where I keep my kuih raya. So we had a fun time agonizing between 6 types of kuih raya while watching Hope and Faith.

Then, both of us went to pasar malam. And she had a fine time soaking up Mummy and Me time. Punya manja dengan berdukungnya, wanting to pick out her own Yong Tau Foo. Plus the keropok lekor and air minum. Ajak Mummy main lompat-lompat lubang longkang while walking back to the car.

Before we left the house, I put on the seat belt for her. But when we were leaving the pasar, I had forgotten to do so. As I was about to turn right in front of surau sek 6, she yelled, “Mummy ! Mummy tak pasang fish-bet Anna !” Terkejut beruk Mummy sampai buat emergency break. Lepas tu dia gelak-gelak. I want to ask you, who can get angry at this face ?

Dah lah kiyut-miyut, clever pulak tu. After my emergency break, I resumed our journey. She looked at the scenery outside and asked, “Mummy nak pigi mana ni ?”

“Nak balik lah…”

“Balik rumah Tok ke rumah Mummy ?”

“Rumah Mummy lah ?”

“Tapi shini bukan pigi rumah Mummy…” but before I could answer she said, “Oh… nanti Mummy pushing ye ?”

He he… clever okay. A-ah, Mummy will have to pushing, illegal U-Turn (sorry) kat depan SUK.

Saturday they slept at my house so I had a whole day with them which was nice. Sent the kids to tennis then took the 2 girls to Cili Merah. Esya do not want any food because she ate with Umar and Elsa. Ana though had nasi impit and timun. Hmm…. Tambah kuah kacang then you are truly mine… he he…

Again when the kids went next door to play, she didn’t want to follow suit. When Bibik asked, she answered, “Saya malash….”

However after 1 hour, timbul penyesalan so she whined for her sister. So aku pun pegilah dekat pagar, jerit-jerit panggil budak-budak bertiga tu. Sorang pun tak dengaq. Memang tak dengaq ka saja ka, aku pun tak tau.

So I tried calling the neighbour’s kids, S*** and S*****. Anna by this time was sporting a deep frown and was sweating profusely. Especially at her nose, macam arwah ibu dia. No answer too. I opened my mouth to call their gorgeous little sister when I realized I had forgotten her name.

“Anna… apa nama adik dia orang ?” I asked.

She looked up at me with a very upset face and said, “Nama shaya Anna lah Mummy ....”


“Bukan your name lah Anna…” Said I between laughter. “Nama adik S*** !”

She laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. Super duper adorable, okay ?

“Saya pun tak tahu lah….”

He he…. Anna nih…..

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Don't Go Breaking My Heart

You guys remember me and Titi’s discussion on heart break ?

Well kelmarin dulu, after iftar Dan and I went up to bathe and pray. I was too tired really, so I decided to lie down for awhile. I know.. melengahkan solat, especially it was already 8 and as my boss put it, dalam masa injury time to pray. But I was sooo tired, what with work and rushing home to cook and running to the kitchen tearing off my work clothes, ala-ala Superman and the actual cooking of course, so baring sekejap kay ?

Anyway, Elsa of course joined us, sitting in the middle, as usual poring over books while Dan and I chatted. I had forgotten what we were nattering about but I remember saying, “Dan please, don’t break my heart.”, good naturedly.

Elsa gasped and looked at her Babah. “Bah, do you have a girlfriend ?”

Mummy’s turn to gasp, head swiveled to look at the cad. Eh, this entry for my blog ke my children ke ? To be decided later.

Babah who was flipping through a lad’s mag looked at his girls, and I don’t understand why, with flared nostrils. He smiled. Okay, I know why Elsa said it, it is in reference to our conversation a few entries ago, ha ha, but I just didn’t like the hidung kembang. Very suspicious.

Elsa apparently didn’t like it either. She cocked her head , screwed her eyes and asked in a sing-songy voice, “Babah ? Do you have a new girlfriend ?”, paused and added, “or a new wife ?” Eyes widen now, forefinger wagging. Mummy’s breath intake was sharper. Does this girl know something that I don’t ? Something wholly important ?A matter of life and death ?

“Have you seen Babah’s new wife ?” I asked her. Dan sengih. “Merepeklah korang ni…” He said.

“Emm… no…” She shook her head.

“So why did you say that ?” My attention is directed to her now, wanting to see her reaction. She looked at me with brows furrowed.

“O-kay…. Like this…” She paused to think. “Hari tu kan yang Mummy ambik saya sekolah dulu kan, pastu kita pegi ambik Umar kan….” Head cocked to the said.

“Okay, listen Mummy… Remember kan yang Mummy ambik saya mula-mula…. Okay ? Remember ? Pastu….. kita pegi ambik Umar….. Okay ?” Sighed, took a deep breath. “Pastu kita kan tunggu Umar…. Remember ? Okay…. Listen Mummy… Pastu kan….aaaa… Mummy where is your computer ?”

Eh ? Babah stopped hiding behind his mags to look at the troublemaker.

“Sebab cuba Mummy bukak computer dekat cerita about me and Umar tu…” He he… she was referring to my blog. I explained that I have left the computer at the office. She sighed for the twentieth time and shook her head.


She hugged her knees and thought a bit. Finally, “Okay… listen carefully okay Mummy…” Siannya budak ni, but I just want to see if she can explain herself. “Okay… listen….” Diam lagi.

“Okay… “ palms up…”remember hari tu kan yang saya pakai mask kan lepas tu kita ambik Umar kan ..”
Berapa banyak punya kan budak ni…

“Pastu kan saya nyanyi kan Dont Break My Heart kan.. Pastu Mummy cakap kan kalau Abah ada girlfriend it will break your heart kan ?”

She looked at me, waiting for my confirmation.

“So….” She continued while exhaling, “you just now said Abah break your heart kan… So Abah ada girlfriend lah kan…” She trailed off.

“Or… a wife !” She finished with a flourish, coupled with raised eyebrows.



Abah geleng kepala. ‘Itulah awak. Mengajar yang bukan-bukan…”

So.. Mummy spent some time talking to her, trying to put things right again.

Hopefully Mummy is successful. Hmmm…………

Friday, October 09, 2009

Elsa and Umar

Eons ago… well probably sometime before Raya, I was cooking and Elsa came down with wild, wet hair, fresh from her bath. To tease her, I said, “Is that really my daughter ? Is that my little girl ?” fully intending to add, “Because my daughter usually has her hair neatly combed…”

Didn’t get the chance. Don’t know what came over her, but upon hearing that, she ran to me and enveloped me in a fierce hug (well, she hugged my bottom le… kecik kan…).

“I love you, Mummy… I really do. I really do not love Babah more….” Ha ha…. Lain pulak jadinya. My fault really as I like to draw attention to the fact that she positively worships the ground her father walks on. That much is true.

Aku pun apa lagi, “Ye ke Titi sayang Mummy ? Titi sayang Babah je ….”

“Oh Mummy ! I love you so much, Mummy ! You are my mother and a very good cooker…”

“Cook…” Mummy corrected.

“Cook. I love your cooking Mummy, It is soooo delicious. So I really love you…”

Hmm… Is that all I will be remembered about ? My cooking ? What about my loving touch and patience and grace ? Hehheheheh….

I have often read columnists, especially the British ones, writing about their mother’s grace and poise and smell. They talk about her style and her patience and only sometimes they mention her cooking.

One lady columnist remarked that she loves kissing her mother as Mummy still wears the same perfume and the smell would always invoke the sense of nostalgia of her happy childhood.

I feel the same way about my late Tok Cik. I grew up watching her putting on her makeup after her bath, liquid foundation and mascara afterwards. The liquid foundation has this very lovely powdery smell that I love so much. I love watching her pour some one her very plump palm, rub it with her other palm then applying it all over her face and neck, all the while infusing the whole room with its lovely scent. I saw it on sale once, bedak Tok Cik as I call it. Opened it up, took a whiff and felt so bereft. I cried inside because the smell came with the memory of how she felt when I hugged her and how her cheeks felt on my lips. I also remembered the feel of her baju kurung kedah as my hands encircled her body. I could also see her ears and where all her moles were !

Kelmarin, Elsa was watching me preparing for work and when I reached for my perfume from Britney Spears ( don’t worry… pakai perfume ni tak bermaksud anda akan berjangkit ngan perangai gila-gila dia and mula mencukoq rambut. Perfume ini guna nama dia saja and takdak langsung guna peluh dia…atau apa-apa pun dari badan dia yang boleh mendatangkan bau…), she said, “Mummy, don’t wear that… Wear this… Red Door….” She picked up my Elizabeth Arden perfume and handed it to me.

“Why ?” I asked.

“I like it better when you wear this one, It smells nicer….”

I smiled and thought about my Tok and so I complied.

Janganlah Elizabeth Arden stop production perfume ni lak. Aku pok satgi.

Itu Elsa. Ramadhan baru ni, after my prayers I entered the kitchen and saw Umar sprawled on the sofa, munching on Pringles.

Yumm… I reached for it but Umar informed me, “Dah habis….” I made a face. I wasn’t that disappointed but just made a face anyway. Aku ngan memek muka aku… My English teacher masa I was in form 3 Puan Jamilah once sighed, “Myra… why that face now ?” He he he he he…

Umar I suppose felt guilty. He does love his Mummy kan.

“Is it okay, mummy ?” he asked.

“Yeah… takpelah….” Pouted a bit.

“Are you sure ?” And aku kan kuat mengusik, so I replied with a sigh, “No it is fine. Mummy nak pi Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup je… I think kat situ ada jual lagi kot…”

The effect was immediate. He sprang from his chair and scrambled to the larder. Kelam kabut budak tu bukak almari and looked for food. Kebetulan Babah got some hampers from his clients, and habih semua dia bawak keluaq tunjuk kat kita. One by one tayang depan muka tanya mana yang Mummy mau.

“You want this, Mummy ?”

“This one looks nice….” He said, face bright like trying to entice a baby.

“What about this one ?”

Aku gelak tengok anak aku ni. My baby boy….

“Jomlah kita pegi beli Slurpee…..” Said I…

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Sure what she did bukannya lah teruk sangat but the issue is.....

Yesterday, we had makan-makan on Dan’s side. The first problem of the day happened when Ana and Esya protested about being sent home, asking why can’t they come for the makan-makan too.

I felt so bad but can’t take them because this is Dan’s family’s occasion. They pouted and hugged themselves and when I let them inside Tok’s house, they stomped all the way upstairs.

I feel so wretched. They are my kids too but well… if I can’t, I can’t, yeah ?

So today, my darlings Babah promised to take us to Subway, okay ?

The second bad thing happened while we were already at the restaurant. I noticed my little girl's happy face turned sullen. In fact she had her head on her still empty plate. Aku tanya dia sengap, muka seposen. Tanya and tanya still no answer. When I went to her to dish out food, she suddenly started crying, the silent one which indicates that the hati got terguris a bit. Apparently she felt left out because on her left, cousin Hannah was whispering with cousin Aida and on her right, cousin Dahlya was happily talking to cousin Harith.

She felt ignored, tak de orang nak kawan dengan dia. Sian Mummy tengok.

So what to do but invited her to exchange seats with Harith which is next to mine. She refused. But when I had wanted to leave, she wouldn’t let me go. So again, I asked her to follow me to my seat. Tak nak..

While this was going on, ayaq mata tu dok berjurai-jurai turun and everybody was looking at her, her cousins and her uncles and aunties and her grandparents. Plus her brother and her father, with a deep frown on his face.

I asked her to join me again (and again and again and again), but she refused. So be it lah. Aku memang tak nak layan sangat benda-benda macam ni. Janganlah ketegaq sangat kan. Taulah hang dok sebek, tapi Mummy dah panggey tu, mai lah ikut. However as I was about to leave her and re-join my husband, Dan’s sister ordered her son to shift to my place, Dahlya to Harith’s place, leaving me to sit at Dahlya’s chair, next to her.

Then she said, “Dalam hal ni, Mak kena lah mengalah…”

And aku adalah tak suka. Because I was not allowed to handle the situation my way.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that she just wanted to help. That is another story.

My story here is, I do not tolerate that kind of behaviour. She is my child and therefore she listens to me. It is not the other way around. This is not about power but about respect and listening to your elders, to your parents.

By wanting to return to my seat, I was hoping to tell her that I do not like what she was doing. Crying or throwing tantrums in public like that while people are trying to be merry, trying to have a good time just don’t wash. Have you no shame ? Have you no regard for other people’s mood and feelings ? Some people would say “Come on she is 6 so give her a break…” Yes true, sure she is 6 and therefore this is when I impart my wisdom and knowledge on good behaviour and faux pases (can I pluralise a French word ?). Abiding to her whims, during bad behaviour is condoning it. It will be a bit hard to do so when she is 16. Melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya.

Furthermore, it was in front of food at that. My parents have very clear view on the ways and the hows when you are in front of rezeki. No crying and no fighting and just eat whever that is on your plate. Tak baik marah-marah, nangis-nangis depan makanan. I want to teach my children that too, table manners and more importantly what not to do at a party, i.e. crying. Ha ha !

Bukan aku tak kesian. Sure I do. If she had followed me to my seat, I would have hugged her to my side, and pujuk dia and geletek-geletek dia a bit. If all else fails, I would have taken her out of the restaurant for a time out. But then, she would have had a some notion (clear or blurried) that she had done wrong. I would have had the opportunity to explain it to her while she is still doing it. While it still fresh and raw.
And no matter what you do, no matter how angry you are, you follow Mummy and Babah. Not the other way around.

I just do not reward bad behaviour with acquiescence, by giving in as then when will she learn ? That is so wrong. She has to know what she did is not right. If she didn’t know it before (she is only 6, plenty of time to make mistakes ), she knows it now. It is my job to raise her to be a lady with a sense of propriety, yang solehah dan muslimah and simply polite.

I have seen enough rude children who turned into ungrateful adults. Aku pernah dengar ada orang bagitau mak aku, “Zaman sekarang, bukan anak dengar cakap kita tapi kita yang dengar cakap anak…” Astargfirullahaladzim. Look, I once read that one of the small signs of the apocalypse is children who rule their parents. That is a translation of ‘Ibu bapa yang bertuankan anak’ but in English it is put as ‘A slave who gives birth to her master’. Doesn’t that sound bad ?

This is my way and I am not writing an entry on how to raise your child. I am writing on how I am raising mine. I am hoping by doing this I am not breeding ingrates and orang perasan yang ingat the world revolves around them. I have seen enough of this type of people and their parents to know that it could happen. Aku tak nak when I finally realised what a horror my children are, it will already be too late.

I have to teach my kids and that is that. For now, she has to listen to me as that is how the world works. Allah suruh pun. There will be one day when we will be of equal footing, but still she has to respect me as her syurga is bawah my tapak kaki. There will be times when I would be wrong but then if I have raised her right, she would tell me gently and not proudly dengan suara macam guruh. And for her to get there, I have to guide her. She has to move her seat, not me.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Umar's cute friend and Elsa yang.... hmmmm...

Saturday Umar went on his frist field trip. Err… probably the first from his Sekolah Rendah. I remember him going to McDonald’s and Gardenia factory, but I think that was all during his kindie years.

Anyway, the trip was organized by UiTM’s Physics Faculty for his class specifically. Camp Genius namanya… keh keh… The initial plan was to go to Petrosains in July but it was cancelled and replaced with this one to Bukit Cherakah.

(When we agreed to let him go to Petrosains back in June, Umar had a nice time pushing that fact to his sister’s face. Adik of course took the bait and was considerabky upset that she can’t go too. Umar kept saying, “Ini trip sekolah lah, Ti. For orang-orang besar aje…” dengan lagaknya.

It turned out, Elsa went first in August !! Kah kah ! Umar was super bengang when after the trip, Elsa memulangkan paku buah kerasnya with, “Um.. saya dah pegi pun Petrosains. When are you going, Um ?” Padan muko … he he…)

Anyway, Dan went to the school to pick him up. When Umar got out of the bus, he told his Babah, “Bah ! There is somebody who wants to meet you, Bah ! Come here !”

Dan was a bit surprised, wondering who could possibly want to meet him when Umar returned with a classmate.

“Bah, this is my best friend Daniel…” Introduced our son. Daniel, said Dan, looked just like Umar, with his spiky hair and fair complexion. The only difference is that he is slimmer.

“Hai …. !” Said Daniel with a wave. Not the lambai-lambai type, but the one wher he moved his palm in an arc, making a semicircle.

Dan returned his cheerful Hai before the boy added, “I am Umar’s bestfriend..” Dan for some reason got a bit segan and gave a conscious, “That is nice…..”

He he… apalah Babah ni.

Not knowing what to say (according to him because he was struck by how much alike they both are.. yelah tuh…), Babah asked, “So is Umar naughty in class ?”

“Oh… as naughty as I am…” He he… patutle korang ni bestfriend. Cara cakap pun sama. Cute.

Then he cemented Dan’s suspicions on how very similar they are by asking , “Do you want to meet my mother ? She is over there…” He he…. Tahap merepek sama je ngan my Um.

Sadly though the super shy and apparently hidung-less Umar’s father replied “Errr….. no… It’s okay…. Just kirim salam okay ?” If it was me, I would have marched over to her and strike up a friendship straight away. I do not know why grown men could get spooked with the prospect of meeting someone new.

Anyway, that night we went out for dinner. In the car, Umar of course regaled us of the things that happened during the trip. From his stories, the trip was deemed a raving success. There were peacocks and bunny rabbits, and Explorace (macam Amazing Race only they called it Explorace), and paddy fields and Taman 4 musim and what nots.

According to him, “Beessstt sangat Mummy !!”

Suddenly we heard a few slapping sounds and Umar went “Auuwww…. !!!” I looked behind and saw Elsa raining blows on Umar. “Eh ! Awatnya ni ? Elsa ! Stop !!”

“Dia marah saya because I had fun, Mummy….” Said Umar. I looked at my daughter in shock. “Elsa.. you went to Petrosains kan ? You went there alreadykan ? Umar tak jadi pegi Petrosains so dia pegi this trip lah… Why are you hitting him ?”

“But it wasn’t as much fun as Umar punya…” She complained. Err… there is nothing anybody could do about that, okay.

A few minutes after that, I heard a familiar sound coming from the back seat and saw Elsa hitting her brother again. Umar just took it in. “Bukit Cherakah, ye….” She said. Geram sungguh dia dengan abang dia.

I looked at my daughter in awe, in shock and a hoard of other feelings before ordering her to stop.

What is this ?

Friday, October 02, 2009

The little ones

Tengok rambut Ana itu. Masa kat Perak, Umar tanya Ian, "Uncle Ian, you know Ana right ? The one with the very thick hair ?" HAHHAHAAHHHAHAHAHA

This happened last week. I went up to mandi and I was about to step in the bathroom when Elsa pushed the door opened with a mighty force and a cry of “Wacha !!”, leg up and hands crossed macam Ultraman.

Aku geleng kepala je nengok budak nakal ni.

She then announced, “Mummy, I am here to kacau you !” He he….

“Aiyoo ! Don’t kacau me lah !” Said I, like every single day.

“But you always kacau me …”

“What ? Never ! Mana ada…”

She went quiet a bit. Then said, “Yes you do. Mummy kacau saya tidur. Suruh bangun sahur. Ada pun !"

He he…

This is Mummy’s story with her littlest girl pulak.

We were at the dining table, I was watching her colouring some pictures and making small talk.

“Mummy…. Mummy beli rumah ni kat ane ?” Tanya dia.

“Eh ? Beli apa, sayang ?”

“Rumah ni… Mummy beli rumah ni kat ane ?” I will remember her face when she asked me this forever. She wasn’t facing me, but her eyes were looking at me from the side. Comelnya ! Gigit karang..

“He he…. Kat sini lah…”

“Kat sini ?” Berkerut-kerut muka… Macam tak percaya aje.


“Kat sini aje ?” She asked again, thumping her forefinger on the table. Again, this I will be etched in my memory.

Wei… Ana ingat Mummy beli rumah ni kat kedai pastu angkut bawak balik dalam plastic ke ?

Ana nih.