This is Elsa with her favorite toy.
About two months ago I heard her turning her room (and mine) upside down looking for C****.
Last month I realised that I haven't seen C**** for quite a while so I asked her of C*****'s whereabout.
Without batting an eyelid she replied, "Oh... dia dah tua.... so she is dead...."
Trying to keep my laughter in on her selamba badakness, I asked "So kat mana dia ?"
"Dah tanam lah !" She said and promptly left my side.
Keh keh....
When C***** made a re-appearance I voiced my shock as how could a dead being is alive again ?
"Macam nyang lah. Kan nyang dah mati pastu hidup balik.."
Ha ? My heart promptly fell to my feet. What are you talking about lah ? Nyang is dead.
"No...!" She shook her head. "Hari tu dah tanam kan ? Pastu kan hari tu Nyang pegi rumah Tok Mi ?"
Hei... apa budak ni. You really made me dizzy just now.
"Itu nyang lain lah. Yang hari tu yang dah meninggal tu is Abah punya grand mother. Yang pegi rumah Tok Mi tu is my grand mother. 2 different people lah .... "
She screwed her face questioningly (I love it when she does this... Don't know why...) then said, "But she looks the same. Same ! Muka dia sama lah.... !"
"No she doesn't...." I can't help but frown myself. She looked at me sceptically, up and down, up and down.
"Trust me.." I insisted. "Once you die, you remain dead. If you bangun you are either a zombie or a hantu...."
Her eyebrows went up. Muka macam tak percaya aje.
Teruk lah dia ni.... You don't believe your own MOTHER ?
Well... can't blame her. With the amount of autas I have spinned... well.... He he..
Eh, Elsa punya toy tu looks like my favorite's cat toy la..I called it a pet, a non-living one that is...and have kept it for more than 20 years now.
Ha ha... u mcm budak2 ni... They call their stuffed toys their pets !!
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