Luckily Elsa goes to a pre-tahfiz school so she is very comfortable in the surrounding. She was very quiet but her AMIN was loudly heard each and every time.
Terkejut beruk Mummy bila first time dengar.
She was okay until about the third and fourth rakaat.
“How many more, Mummy ?”
“Err… 2 more rakaat…”
“Just 2 ? The last 2 ?”
‘Err… no… 2 more rakaat of the…..” nasib baik orang dah start bagun so I don’t have to answer.
After that, “2 more ?” She asked.
“Okay…..” She said with resignation.

But she soldiered on, good girl.
She was so happy to be out of the surau and seeing her brother. They hugged macam dah lama tak jumpa. Drama queens….

Then off to Tesco. Mummy wanted to make bingka before buka but Babah couldn’t find any santan. Mummy ajak pi Giant because I know Giant ada santan, but Babah said, “Giant tu jauh ke dalam… I pakai kain ni….”

Don’t know what has that got to do with anything but bulan posa kan, and Mummy has to be extra mithali….. so ikut ajelah.
True to her words, there were no santan in Tesco.
And Babah yang selalu tanya, “Macamana dia boleh pakai kain pelikat pegi supermarket… Tak takut terlucut ke ?” everytime he sees a guy in one, well… did what he deemed as unthinkable. Because I have been hearing him saying kain pelikat, supermarket and terlucut in one sentence many, many times, got a bit spooked.
“You pakai underpants dak ?”
“Tak….” He said. Berderau darah Mummy.
Especially when Umar jumped around Babah, and was hanging himself on Babah, Mummy got more worried. Until finally when Umar was tugging his Babah’s kain Mummy got bloody seriau, okay ?
“Umar ! Stop it ! Nanti jatuh kain Babah ! Babah tak pakai underpants !!” Ada lah dua, tiga orang yang pandang.
Dan looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes. “I pakailah….”
Well, too late Babah. Words had spread like wild fire.

Wife aku selalu marah kalau aku tak pakai underpants.
Aku kata:
1. kalau tempat nak pegi tu DEKAT...maka tak payah pakai. This include berkain pelikat ke surau/ masjid berdekatan.
2. kalau jauh baru pakai. sebab berjalan jauh kadang-kadang ada risiko. Mana la tau eksiden ke...tetiba kena bering atas stretcher nanti nurse terkejut..eowww!! malu!!!
Aku setuju dengan bini hang... kalau dekat pun buleh accident tau dak ? Nurse kat tempat dekat2 pun buleh nampak okeh ?
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