Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Elsa Rashdan

Elsa loves to help me cook. Actually Umar likes it too as everyday he would ask if he could do something to help. He is actually quite rajin with his cookies making as he would make sure his entire cookie cutting is nice and perfect and would actually finish off the whole batter.

But Elsa totally loves cooking. She loves watching cookery shows, especially Nigella, like father like daughter… (one day while quietly watching Nigella in action, she suddenly exclaimed, “Ummm…. Sedapnya ….” I looked and Ms Lawson was at her best, eating…. And I have to admit she makes everything looks super duper delicious….) and would always stand next to me, on a stool for better height, when I cook, offering her help and wanting to dig in. Blending is her job now. I cut the ingredients and she will put everything in the blender, put the lid on nicely and starts the process. And yes, even the chillies. Selagi tak kena, she will never learn. Cakap saja no point because dia tak percaya… But so far belum lagi panaih tangan pegang cili… he he…

So yesterday, again she was restricting my movements by standing so perilously close to me. Perilous because she was standing on a stool. Anyway, I was about to clean the squids when she again asked for the umpteenth time that day, “Can I help you with that ?”


I showed her the ways and the hows and soon she was on her merry way. I took the first squid that she cleaned and said, “I just have to check to make sure all the nasty bits are out, okay ?” and found that it was to my satisfaction. I praised her. “Pandailah Elsa ni… the squid is nice and clean……”

She beamed at me while her hands busy with more squids, “Mummy, girls kan kena pandai masak… Girls have to cook… they must be clever ….”

“Oh ? Who told you that ?” Asked me expecting my name to be mentioned.

“Oh… no one… I just figured it out all by myself….”

He he…. You are so cute !

Then come the cutting bits. I allowed her to cut some onions earlier, under strict supervisions of course. As she cut her first one, the very rubbery squid squeked. She looked at me with this look that I can only describe as full comprehension and said, “Now I know why his name is squid… because he squeaks ! Kan Mummy ?”

Err…. Okaylah….. Ha ha
She asked for the name of all the ingredients. Onions, garlic and chillies she is already well acquainted with. She had forgotten ginger though, and tomatoes. "Potatoes ni Mummy masak dengan Squidwork ?"
That is not potatoes lah, tomatoes.... I told her. You know what she did ? She rolled her eyes and went, "Potatoes, tomatoes....." He he... penggunaan salah.
I told her, "You don't use it like that lah, Titi... You use it To-may-toes, to-Mah-toes or po-tay-toes, po-tah-toes..... Same word tapi different pronunciation... That...," I pointed to the tomatoes, "will remain tomatoes as it will never be potatoes, which is a totally different thing...."
She blinked at me a few times. Yeah, it was a bit too hard for her to understand, I know....

PS : My sotong kunyit turned out black instead of yellow… Who missed the ink sac ni ? Mummy ke Elsa ?


liadevega said...

Ayesha pun sukaaa sangat nak memasak....tgh tidoq pun boleh bangkit kalau I ajak tolong. One day we shud buat pot-luck and ask depa buat they dishes la..

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Good idea... Buat pizza and grilled cheese sandwich... sebab tabuq2 and bakaq