Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Perkara Umar

One day my children and I saw a little boy in a Superman suit. His costume of course attracted onlookers, my children especially so. They kept staring at him and that boy was proudly showing off his costume. So cute.

“I wonder if he could fly ?” I asked cheekily.

Umar and Elsa stared some more. I saw Umar opened and closed his mouth a few times. He finally succumbed to temptation.

“Can you fly ?” He asked.

The boy looked at him blankly and kept modeling his outfit.

“Maybe you have to ask him in Bahasa Malaysia…” I suggested.

He looked at the boy again.

“Dik, awak boleh terbang ke ?” He he … Dengan mata bulatnya, his face so curious. I know he was thinking of asking for one himself if the boy answered in the affirmative.

The Superman shook his head.

“Tak boleh lah Mummy !!” Said Elsa with a clearly disappointed laugh.

He he…

There was this one time when Elsa had started crawling, my children and I were sitting about on the first floor family room. I remember Elsa was sitting next to me reading a book. Umar who was sitting in front of his sister suddenly leaned over her and looked closely at her face. I just watched him.

He suddenly said, “ Mummy, kenapa muka dia ni macam kambing ha ? ”

Cess !! Tetapi… that is why we sometimes call her kambing…. He he…

Guna, Dan’s good friend went to Australia last month visiting his lovely daughter (seriously, the daughter is gorgeous beyond reason). He came back and brought us lovely family bar Kit Kats and huge Crunch. We were very grateful for the thoughtful gift.

One day I noticed one whole bar of Kit Kat was gone and as I was wondering what happened to it, out came abang and adik from the playroom. One was clutching a red, shiny foil wrapper and one was licking her fingers.

“Did you guys finish off the whole bar ?”

All I got was one attempt to give me a straight face and one a really schooled straight face.

“Both of you habiskan the whole Kit Kat ?”

“It was very yummy, Mummy !!” Said Elsa smiling nervously.

“It was really good, Mummy..”Said Umar.

“I am sure it is good but why must you guys habiskan the whole thing ?”

Both of them grinned but I refused to back down. Bukan apa… saja je carik gaduh.

Suddenly Umar said, “Hey… I thought you said no Nestle’s products allowed ? I thought you said no Nestle’s product at home ?” One fat finger up. His face lit up with glee with the thought of Mummy did a no-no.

I was actually flustered. I closed and opened my mouth a few times, trying to find a reason why the chocolates were in my fridge.

“Eii !! It’s a present lah. If somebody gave you a present you can’t refused it. That is rude. It is more berdosa kecik kan hato orang, you know….” Said I dengan penuh goody-two-shoesnya. He… he….
Oii betul dak ? Takkan lah aku nak kata “Oohh… no thanks. It is against my principals. But, enjoy your chocolates all the same…”. Dah pandai dah anak aku sekarang nak menyelamatkan diri...


Anonymous said...

May I know why Nestle products are not allowed in your house?

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Orangelady... actually it is quite a personal reason and therefore not many people know why...