Last week,
“Mummy… my kaki sakit.” Complained my little girl.
“Ok let me have a look at it.”
“I don’t think I can go to school today. My kaki sakit….”
Hmm… dulu dok bising nak pi sekolah sekarang dah pandai ngelat.
“It’s okay. Let me urut your kaki. If mummy urut mesti baik punya because I’m your mother. I have Magic Hands.”
She looked at me skeptically as I massaged her tiny feet. Dear me… they are really tiny.
“You do have Magic hands, Mum !! I am all better !!” She said in wonderment after a few minutes.
He he….
3 days ago,
“Mumm… can you use your Magic Hands ? My kaki sakit lagi lah….” She complained.
I rolled up my sleeves and massaged her tiny legs.
“Look, Bah. I am all better ! Mummy has Magic Hands !” She announced happily.
But then…
“Tapi kan Bah, teacher cakap hari ni cuti.” Said she.
“Mana ada cuti.” Replied her Babah.
“Ya, Bah !! teacher cakap cuti…..” Her eyes big and reound.
“Cuti apa ?” Challenged her Babah.
“Cuti lah… cuti saja lah….”
Babah looked at her, his lips thinned.
“Takde takde… pegi mandi….”
He he….
Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Umar ku yang tembam
I was eating keropok sayur last week when Umar entered my room. I offered him the keropok, knowing it is one of his favourites.
“No, thank you. I don’t want it…”
“Are you sure ?”
“Yes…. I’m trying to lose weight so I cannot eat crunchy stuffs…” Mula dah teori merepek dia nih.
Umar has been complaining about his knee lately… well for about 3 months already. Jalan pun terdengkut-dengkut, especially after he’d been sitting for a long period. We took him to see Dr Woodhull and he diagnosed over-weight-ness… he he… The good doctor said his legs couldn’t support his wide girth.
Okay. So we have been watching his food. Him not so but lately he has been quite cautious about what he eats. His tennis coach had been quite good. Incorporating workouts that would him build his muscles in his lessons.
“Okay. I am glad that you are starting to take care of yourself…” said me, putting the keropok away. Well if my son is on a diet, I will support him.
“Yup. I cannot eat crunchy stuffs because they can make me fat. My friend Iddin is very thin mummy… because kan mak dia kan bagi dia makan soft food. Nasi lah… mee lah….”.
“Okay, so you want to take that to school instead of the usual stuffs I give you ?”
“Tak payah. Dia beli kat canteen je…..”
Ha !! That one is a no-no… Mummy tak percaya the level of kebersihan at any canteens. So that is why nowadays Mummy cooks Umar’s bekal malam-malam.
“No, thank you. I don’t want it…”
“Are you sure ?”
“Yes…. I’m trying to lose weight so I cannot eat crunchy stuffs…” Mula dah teori merepek dia nih.
Umar has been complaining about his knee lately… well for about 3 months already. Jalan pun terdengkut-dengkut, especially after he’d been sitting for a long period. We took him to see Dr Woodhull and he diagnosed over-weight-ness… he he… The good doctor said his legs couldn’t support his wide girth.
Okay. So we have been watching his food. Him not so but lately he has been quite cautious about what he eats. His tennis coach had been quite good. Incorporating workouts that would him build his muscles in his lessons.
“Okay. I am glad that you are starting to take care of yourself…” said me, putting the keropok away. Well if my son is on a diet, I will support him.
“Yup. I cannot eat crunchy stuffs because they can make me fat. My friend Iddin is very thin mummy… because kan mak dia kan bagi dia makan soft food. Nasi lah… mee lah….”.
“Okay, so you want to take that to school instead of the usual stuffs I give you ?”
“Tak payah. Dia beli kat canteen je…..”
Ha !! That one is a no-no… Mummy tak percaya the level of kebersihan at any canteens. So that is why nowadays Mummy cooks Umar’s bekal malam-malam.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Perkara Umar
One day my children and I saw a little boy in a Superman suit. His costume of course attracted onlookers, my children especially so. They kept staring at him and that boy was proudly showing off his costume. So cute.
“I wonder if he could fly ?” I asked cheekily.
Umar and Elsa stared some more. I saw Umar opened and closed his mouth a few times. He finally succumbed to temptation.
“Can you fly ?” He asked.
The boy looked at him blankly and kept modeling his outfit.
“Maybe you have to ask him in Bahasa Malaysia…” I suggested.
He looked at the boy again.
“Dik, awak boleh terbang ke ?” He he … Dengan mata bulatnya, his face so curious. I know he was thinking of asking for one himself if the boy answered in the affirmative.
The Superman shook his head.
“Tak boleh lah Mummy !!” Said Elsa with a clearly disappointed laugh.
He he…
There was this one time when Elsa had started crawling, my children and I were sitting about on the first floor family room. I remember Elsa was sitting next to me reading a book. Umar who was sitting in front of his sister suddenly leaned over her and looked closely at her face. I just watched him.
He suddenly said, “ Mummy, kenapa muka dia ni macam kambing ha ? ”
Cess !! Tetapi… that is why we sometimes call her kambing…. He he…
Guna, Dan’s good friend went to Australia last month visiting his lovely daughter (seriously, the daughter is gorgeous beyond reason). He came back and brought us lovely family bar Kit Kats and huge Crunch. We were very grateful for the thoughtful gift.
One day I noticed one whole bar of Kit Kat was gone and as I was wondering what happened to it, out came abang and adik from the playroom. One was clutching a red, shiny foil wrapper and one was licking her fingers.
“Did you guys finish off the whole bar ?”
All I got was one attempt to give me a straight face and one a really schooled straight face.
“Both of you habiskan the whole Kit Kat ?”
“It was very yummy, Mummy !!” Said Elsa smiling nervously.
“It was really good, Mummy..”Said Umar.
“I am sure it is good but why must you guys habiskan the whole thing ?”
Both of them grinned but I refused to back down. Bukan apa… saja je carik gaduh.
Suddenly Umar said, “Hey… I thought you said no Nestle’s products allowed ? I thought you said no Nestle’s product at home ?” One fat finger up. His face lit up with glee with the thought of Mummy did a no-no.
I was actually flustered. I closed and opened my mouth a few times, trying to find a reason why the chocolates were in my fridge.
“Eii !! It’s a present lah. If somebody gave you a present you can’t refused it. That is rude. It is more berdosa kecik kan hato orang, you know….” Said I dengan penuh goody-two-shoesnya. He… he….
“I wonder if he could fly ?” I asked cheekily.
Umar and Elsa stared some more. I saw Umar opened and closed his mouth a few times. He finally succumbed to temptation.
“Can you fly ?” He asked.
The boy looked at him blankly and kept modeling his outfit.
“Maybe you have to ask him in Bahasa Malaysia…” I suggested.
He looked at the boy again.
“Dik, awak boleh terbang ke ?” He he … Dengan mata bulatnya, his face so curious. I know he was thinking of asking for one himself if the boy answered in the affirmative.
The Superman shook his head.
“Tak boleh lah Mummy !!” Said Elsa with a clearly disappointed laugh.
He he…
There was this one time when Elsa had started crawling, my children and I were sitting about on the first floor family room. I remember Elsa was sitting next to me reading a book. Umar who was sitting in front of his sister suddenly leaned over her and looked closely at her face. I just watched him.
He suddenly said, “ Mummy, kenapa muka dia ni macam kambing ha ? ”
Cess !! Tetapi… that is why we sometimes call her kambing…. He he…
Guna, Dan’s good friend went to Australia last month visiting his lovely daughter (seriously, the daughter is gorgeous beyond reason). He came back and brought us lovely family bar Kit Kats and huge Crunch. We were very grateful for the thoughtful gift.
One day I noticed one whole bar of Kit Kat was gone and as I was wondering what happened to it, out came abang and adik from the playroom. One was clutching a red, shiny foil wrapper and one was licking her fingers.
“Did you guys finish off the whole bar ?”
All I got was one attempt to give me a straight face and one a really schooled straight face.
“Both of you habiskan the whole Kit Kat ?”
“It was very yummy, Mummy !!” Said Elsa smiling nervously.
“It was really good, Mummy..”Said Umar.
“I am sure it is good but why must you guys habiskan the whole thing ?”
Both of them grinned but I refused to back down. Bukan apa… saja je carik gaduh.
Suddenly Umar said, “Hey… I thought you said no Nestle’s products allowed ? I thought you said no Nestle’s product at home ?” One fat finger up. His face lit up with glee with the thought of Mummy did a no-no.
I was actually flustered. I closed and opened my mouth a few times, trying to find a reason why the chocolates were in my fridge.
“Eii !! It’s a present lah. If somebody gave you a present you can’t refused it. That is rude. It is more berdosa kecik kan hato orang, you know….” Said I dengan penuh goody-two-shoesnya. He… he….
Oii betul dak ? Takkan lah aku nak kata “Oohh… no thanks. It is against my principals. But, enjoy your chocolates all the same…”. Dah pandai dah anak aku sekarang nak menyelamatkan diri...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Elsa's problems
I think Elsa has a problem with her height.
“I do not want to go to sekolah kebangsaan lah Mummy.” She told me one day as were passing my old SRK Seksyen 6.
“Why ?”
“Because there are so many people there. I just want to stay at Ikhlas because there are only small people there. No big people.”
Alahai kesiannya.
Last week, her Babah put something on our tallboy and she wanted to look at it. She stood on her toes and jumped and jumped but she just couldn’t reach it. When her Babah returned to the room, she complained, “I am to small lah, Bah !!” Her eyebrows furrowed.
Alahai kesiannya. Macamana nak buat tu ?
She also has a problem with her school attire.
“Mummy, I tak nak pakai uniform.”
“School uniform ?”
“Yes…. It is so boring.”
“Why ?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugged her tiny shoulders.
“Well, you have to wear them all the same because nanti teacher tak bagi Titi pegi school.”
“Alah…” She tilted her head. She looked worried.
“Apa masalahnya ? What is the problem ?”
“I wear the same baju over and over again… It is not nice…”
Pulak…. Dah pandai dah….
Today, when I want to put on her tudung for her, she said, “ Nanti sajalah Mummy…”
Why ? I asked and she said sheepishly, “ Because I look funny. I don’t want to look funny. Like a Pokemon….
Pokemon yang mana pakai tudung, Ti ?
She also had something to say when I asked her to finish up her food.
“Elsa, finish up your food, kalau tak nanti nasi tu nangis,” I warned Elsa for the umpteenth time. And for the same amount of time she looked indolently at me.
“Mummy, nasi tak de mata lah Mummy.”
“So ?”
“Then nasi cannot cry lah.. Dia tak de mata….” She scrutinized one grain of rice and showed it to me.
“See ? See ? Tak de mata pun….”
Arghhh !!
“I do not want to go to sekolah kebangsaan lah Mummy.” She told me one day as were passing my old SRK Seksyen 6.
“Why ?”
“Because there are so many people there. I just want to stay at Ikhlas because there are only small people there. No big people.”
Alahai kesiannya.
Last week, her Babah put something on our tallboy and she wanted to look at it. She stood on her toes and jumped and jumped but she just couldn’t reach it. When her Babah returned to the room, she complained, “I am to small lah, Bah !!” Her eyebrows furrowed.
Alahai kesiannya. Macamana nak buat tu ?
She also has a problem with her school attire.
“Mummy, I tak nak pakai uniform.”
“School uniform ?”
“Yes…. It is so boring.”
“Why ?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugged her tiny shoulders.
“Well, you have to wear them all the same because nanti teacher tak bagi Titi pegi school.”
“Alah…” She tilted her head. She looked worried.
“Apa masalahnya ? What is the problem ?”
“I wear the same baju over and over again… It is not nice…”
Pulak…. Dah pandai dah….
Today, when I want to put on her tudung for her, she said, “ Nanti sajalah Mummy…”
Why ? I asked and she said sheepishly, “ Because I look funny. I don’t want to look funny. Like a Pokemon….
Pokemon yang mana pakai tudung, Ti ?
She also had something to say when I asked her to finish up her food.
“Elsa, finish up your food, kalau tak nanti nasi tu nangis,” I warned Elsa for the umpteenth time. And for the same amount of time she looked indolently at me.
“Mummy, nasi tak de mata lah Mummy.”
“So ?”
“Then nasi cannot cry lah.. Dia tak de mata….” She scrutinized one grain of rice and showed it to me.
“See ? See ? Tak de mata pun….”
Arghhh !!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mohamad dan Ayesha
We went to visit Kamalia and her new baby Mohamad last Sunday. It is always nice to see babies. Their cuteness of course but I love to see innocence.
When we got home, Elsa who was drawing and colouring quietly suddenly said, “I like baby Mohamad, Mummy.”
“Really ?” Said I.
“Yes,” she said. “Mohamad wasulah.”
“Muhamad wasulah ?”
“A-ha. Muhamad wasulah wasalam ….”
He he…
While we ate at Kamalia’s house, Ayesha joined us. What a polite girl, she came to accompany us because her mama was busy nursing her baby brother. While we ate and talked, I was marveling at how much she looks like her papa.
“Ada ramai orang tak yang cakap kat Isha muka Isha macam muka papa ?”
“Tak …” She said, smiling.
“Okay, biar aunty jadi orang yang pertama cakap kat Isha muka Isha sebijik muka papa Isha…”. She just smiled at me. So comel.
But the shocker came in the car. Dan said, “Ayesha tu senyum pun macam Sheik. Gigi-gigi dia habih macam Sheik…”.
When we got home, Elsa who was drawing and colouring quietly suddenly said, “I like baby Mohamad, Mummy.”
“Really ?” Said I.
“Yes,” she said. “Mohamad wasulah.”
“Muhamad wasulah ?”
“A-ha. Muhamad wasulah wasalam ….”
He he…
While we ate at Kamalia’s house, Ayesha joined us. What a polite girl, she came to accompany us because her mama was busy nursing her baby brother. While we ate and talked, I was marveling at how much she looks like her papa.
“Ada ramai orang tak yang cakap kat Isha muka Isha macam muka papa ?”
“Tak …” She said, smiling.
“Okay, biar aunty jadi orang yang pertama cakap kat Isha muka Isha sebijik muka papa Isha…”. She just smiled at me. So comel.
But the shocker came in the car. Dan said, “Ayesha tu senyum pun macam Sheik. Gigi-gigi dia habih macam Sheik…”.
Eii ? Bila Dan belek gigi Sheik ?
Monday, April 14, 2008
Imran's birthday party
We were invited to attend a birthday party for Imran Shah yesterday. Imran belongs to Razif, Dan’s good friends since school and of course his mother, Emma. We were in a massive dilemma when the invitation came. Sunday was our 15th anniversary ( 9 of them 15 married ) but Razif is a dear friend to Rashdan and we missed his son’s last birthday, so we decided to honour Imran’s invitation.
It was so much fun for the kids. We arrived late because Elsa was sleeping (so were the parents because Babah had taken to wake up at 4 – 5 am in the morning and Mummy would be awake too since Babah switches on the telly, and therefore both of us were sleep deprived ) and found the party already in full swing. A three-legged race was going on. Umar….. well…. He hates to miss out. When he saw what was going on, he asked Razif, “Can I join in ?” Mummy and Babah winced.
“Umar, they have already started playing… come here !!” Ordered the very distraught mother. “So sorry Umar. We have more indoor games after this, okay ?” Said Razif. So we went inside, and my children were soon making new friends ( kids are amazing. They can make friends easily ). Soon I could make out my son’s voice among the din and he was starting new games and devising them.
“Dan… benda yang I paling takut sekali is if Umar gives suggestions on what games to play. Or even worse, how to make it more interesting….” Said I.
“So I assume you will not be watching ?”
“Please…. Thank you…” I do love my husband.
But who could actually resist ? I feel that only my authorative voice could tame Umar, so my presence is needed. First game was Passing the Parcel and guess who got the first round ? My son of course. He had to sing a song.
“But I don’t know any songs !!” Phew, I was thinking he was going to sing a number by Daughtry of Linkin’ Park. He was asked to sing ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ instead and all went well.
Then they had Statue Dance but the kids were already well acquainted with the game and so it was hard to eliminate anybody. Umar went out after 4 rounds because his knee was acting up ( “I play too much tennis, that is why” was his excuse and everybody looked at us. “Rashdann…… Myra……..” said Razif one eyebrow up. Kurang asam punya Umar…).
Elsa though was beautiful. She smiled and she danced and her face was bright. She was having the time of her life. I had never seen her looked more beautiful…. She went out after about the 6th round when most of us were already flummoxed on how to end the game. It was then decided to turn it into a dancing contest for the rest of the players. The birthday boy won and the hosts were not being bias at all. He was a wonderful dancer and deserved the first place.
Then came the lucky draw. Razif and Emma prepared prizes for everybody and all are assured of a price but it was fun to see all the excited faces. More fun to watch them trying to wait patiently for their number, really. When Umar got his, Elsa was upset.
“Uncle I haven’t got my presents yet ….” Said she in the cutest voice ever. Her eyes were huge. When the next number came up, she shouted “Me ! Me !” when it is not her number and I tell you confusion breeds noise… Ha ha…. Dan and I were laughing like mad. When number after number came up and her turn to get the delicious looking goodies still failed to materialise, she became rather agitated. Her brows furrowed and her forehead sported a lot of lines. She kept saying “Uncle..saya belum dapat lagi ….”.
When Imran shouted “22 !!” everybody was relieved. He he….
All in all it was a good birthday party. Thank you Razif, Emma and of course Imran. Happy 5th birthday !!
It was so much fun for the kids. We arrived late because Elsa was sleeping (so were the parents because Babah had taken to wake up at 4 – 5 am in the morning and Mummy would be awake too since Babah switches on the telly, and therefore both of us were sleep deprived ) and found the party already in full swing. A three-legged race was going on. Umar….. well…. He hates to miss out. When he saw what was going on, he asked Razif, “Can I join in ?” Mummy and Babah winced.
“Umar, they have already started playing… come here !!” Ordered the very distraught mother. “So sorry Umar. We have more indoor games after this, okay ?” Said Razif. So we went inside, and my children were soon making new friends ( kids are amazing. They can make friends easily ). Soon I could make out my son’s voice among the din and he was starting new games and devising them.
“Dan… benda yang I paling takut sekali is if Umar gives suggestions on what games to play. Or even worse, how to make it more interesting….” Said I.
“So I assume you will not be watching ?”
“Please…. Thank you…” I do love my husband.
But who could actually resist ? I feel that only my authorative voice could tame Umar, so my presence is needed. First game was Passing the Parcel and guess who got the first round ? My son of course. He had to sing a song.
“But I don’t know any songs !!” Phew, I was thinking he was going to sing a number by Daughtry of Linkin’ Park. He was asked to sing ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ instead and all went well.
Then they had Statue Dance but the kids were already well acquainted with the game and so it was hard to eliminate anybody. Umar went out after 4 rounds because his knee was acting up ( “I play too much tennis, that is why” was his excuse and everybody looked at us. “Rashdann…… Myra……..” said Razif one eyebrow up. Kurang asam punya Umar…).
Elsa though was beautiful. She smiled and she danced and her face was bright. She was having the time of her life. I had never seen her looked more beautiful…. She went out after about the 6th round when most of us were already flummoxed on how to end the game. It was then decided to turn it into a dancing contest for the rest of the players. The birthday boy won and the hosts were not being bias at all. He was a wonderful dancer and deserved the first place.
Then came the lucky draw. Razif and Emma prepared prizes for everybody and all are assured of a price but it was fun to see all the excited faces. More fun to watch them trying to wait patiently for their number, really. When Umar got his, Elsa was upset.
“Uncle I haven’t got my presents yet ….” Said she in the cutest voice ever. Her eyes were huge. When the next number came up, she shouted “Me ! Me !” when it is not her number and I tell you confusion breeds noise… Ha ha…. Dan and I were laughing like mad. When number after number came up and her turn to get the delicious looking goodies still failed to materialise, she became rather agitated. Her brows furrowed and her forehead sported a lot of lines. She kept saying “Uncle..saya belum dapat lagi ….”.
When Imran shouted “22 !!” everybody was relieved. He he….
All in all it was a good birthday party. Thank you Razif, Emma and of course Imran. Happy 5th birthday !!
PS : The part starts at 3 and by 3.30 Umar was already frantic. He came to wake us up but I ordered him out because Babah was sleeping soundly at that time. Do you know what he did ? He asked his grandma to send him to the party. His directions ? “The rumah kat seksyen 12 yang ada banyak kereta and ada balloons…..”
Friday, April 11, 2008
My super remote control...

I just downloaded pictures of Titi on her first day of school and it reminded me of our conversation on her first day there. Cik Ta picked her up from school and at 1 o’clock I received a call from my sister. Ita told me that she is in front of my in-law’s house but no one was home. She pressed the bell many times and honked and honked but nobody came to open the gate for them. All the while we were talking, I could hear Elsa demanding to talk to me.
Elsa : Mummy, Cik Ta dah panggil bibik tapi dia tak dengar. Wan is not home Mummy. We cannot open the gate. Mummy boleh tak bukak gate ? Boleh tak tekan ?
Mummy : Tekan ? Tekan apa ?
Elsa : Tekan lah to bukak gate….
Ha ha… she wants me to press the gate’s remote control.
Mummy : Tak sampai lah Titi. I am too far away… tak sampai.
Elsa : Oh ? Tak sampai ? Mummy tak sampai lah Cik Ta.
She went quiet a bit then asked the million dollar question, “ Where is U-um ? ”
Mummy : Ermmm… I don’t know. Dia ikut atuk and wan pergi somewhere…
Elsa : Where is U-um, Mummy ? Mana U-um ?
Mummy : Nanti U-um balik lah……
Elsa : Mana U-um ? I need to change my clothes. I don’t want to wear this baju….
Mummy : Okay, okay… nanti Mummy call Aunty Wawa. Titi duduk rumah Aunty Wawa kejap kay ? Cik Ta hantar Titi pergi sana, okay ?
Baru happy sikit.
When I got home, she complained to me how her beloved U-um left her to go gallivanting alone. Umar just rolled his eyes.
Elsa : Mummy, Cik Ta dah panggil bibik tapi dia tak dengar. Wan is not home Mummy. We cannot open the gate. Mummy boleh tak bukak gate ? Boleh tak tekan ?
Mummy : Tekan ? Tekan apa ?
Elsa : Tekan lah to bukak gate….
Ha ha… she wants me to press the gate’s remote control.
Mummy : Tak sampai lah Titi. I am too far away… tak sampai.
Elsa : Oh ? Tak sampai ? Mummy tak sampai lah Cik Ta.
She went quiet a bit then asked the million dollar question, “ Where is U-um ? ”
Mummy : Ermmm… I don’t know. Dia ikut atuk and wan pergi somewhere…
Elsa : Where is U-um, Mummy ? Mana U-um ?
Mummy : Nanti U-um balik lah……
Elsa : Mana U-um ? I need to change my clothes. I don’t want to wear this baju….
Mummy : Okay, okay… nanti Mummy call Aunty Wawa. Titi duduk rumah Aunty Wawa kejap kay ? Cik Ta hantar Titi pergi sana, okay ?
Baru happy sikit.
When I got home, she complained to me how her beloved U-um left her to go gallivanting alone. Umar just rolled his eyes.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Mums and parrots
This very morning, I asked my little girl if she loves me.
Mummy : Elsa sayang Mummy tak ?
Elsa : I love you, Mummy ! I love you and parrots ?
Eii ? Parrots ? Apa ke hal ?
Mummy : Parrots ?
Elsa : Yes.. I love parrots ?
My hands were already on my waist as I looked enquiringly at her. But I think she mistook it as hurt. She came to hug me.
Elsa : But I love you more, Mummy. I really, really love you…
Usually whenever my children have their piano lessons, Dan and I would walk around the shopping complex to pass time. One day though, we were late and when I entered the music school, I heard my little girl shouting for me.
Elsa : Mummy !!
When I didn’t answer, she hollered, “Aunty May-wa !!!”. Nama aku le tu, setelah dipelatkan.
Dan and I we didn’t want to start yelling for her in the very confined space, so we just walked quickly to her. But before she could see us, we heard her say, “See teacher ? Now my Mummy is lost !! Mummy !! Mummy !!”. Her voice was full of despair. I couldn’t even describe her elation when she saw us.
Hmmm…………………. I will cherish the moments of being the most important person to my children. But when I ceased to be that… well at least I have the memories that I once were…..
Mummy : Elsa sayang Mummy tak ?
Elsa : I love you, Mummy ! I love you and parrots ?
Eii ? Parrots ? Apa ke hal ?
Mummy : Parrots ?
Elsa : Yes.. I love parrots ?
My hands were already on my waist as I looked enquiringly at her. But I think she mistook it as hurt. She came to hug me.
Elsa : But I love you more, Mummy. I really, really love you…
Usually whenever my children have their piano lessons, Dan and I would walk around the shopping complex to pass time. One day though, we were late and when I entered the music school, I heard my little girl shouting for me.
Elsa : Mummy !!
When I didn’t answer, she hollered, “Aunty May-wa !!!”. Nama aku le tu, setelah dipelatkan.
Dan and I we didn’t want to start yelling for her in the very confined space, so we just walked quickly to her. But before she could see us, we heard her say, “See teacher ? Now my Mummy is lost !! Mummy !! Mummy !!”. Her voice was full of despair. I couldn’t even describe her elation when she saw us.
Hmmm…………………. I will cherish the moments of being the most important person to my children. But when I ceased to be that… well at least I have the memories that I once were…..
Monday, April 07, 2008
Killer Butterfly
Months ago, I was in my room with my children. Each of us had a book, the telly was off and were reading companionably. Then Elsa looked up and saw a butterfly, hanging peacefully at the wall.
“Look !! Butterfly !!” Said she like she saw a vampire butterfly or something. My children are the most lily-livered children I know (well except for my cousin whose body actually shook whenever he tried to climb the stairs because his house was a 1-storey thing. He he…. He is know a Microbiology or something in that manner Masters Degree holder and is working with/as PTD). Umar jumped a mile and both of them put as much distance as they could from the very docile butterfly.
“Mum ! I’m scared ! Chase it out, Mum. Make it leave.”
“Alah, Umar. Rama-rama aje. It is not going to eat you.”
Elsa trusted me and started to loosen up. She jumped back on the bed. Umar though was jittery. He couldn’t relax, couldn’t concentrate on his book.
“Mummy… you have to chase the butterfly out. Please ….” I so want my peace and quiet so I did his bidding. I opened the nearest window, took Elsa’s fairy wand and poked at it. It flew around for awhile then exited via the window.
“Okay, Um. He’s gone. Kesian dia. He is so harmless. I do not think for a second he could eat you. Haa sekarang he is going to see his mummy and complain about you.”
“No he’s not !” said Umar and I left it at that. After awhile Elsa of course got thirsty and asked for a glass of water. She followed me to the kitchen.
“ Mummy, butterfly tu kan, nanti papa and mummy dia datang ? “
“Maybe…” Said I.
“When the mummy comes, I will talk to her.” She firmly said.
“Oh ? What are you going to say to her ?”
“That is Umar. He made your baby cry. And then mummy dia will marah Umar, like this… Hei you…. You made my baby cry. I am going to get you ( she had her arms on her waist, looking down talking to imaginary Umar at a higher height).”
Tergolak den. Ingat kan dia nak marah orang tu sebab kacau abang dia, rupanya dia serah abang dia kat butterfly tu !
“Look !! Butterfly !!” Said she like she saw a vampire butterfly or something. My children are the most lily-livered children I know (well except for my cousin whose body actually shook whenever he tried to climb the stairs because his house was a 1-storey thing. He he…. He is know a Microbiology or something in that manner Masters Degree holder and is working with/as PTD). Umar jumped a mile and both of them put as much distance as they could from the very docile butterfly.
“Mum ! I’m scared ! Chase it out, Mum. Make it leave.”
“Alah, Umar. Rama-rama aje. It is not going to eat you.”
Elsa trusted me and started to loosen up. She jumped back on the bed. Umar though was jittery. He couldn’t relax, couldn’t concentrate on his book.
“Mummy… you have to chase the butterfly out. Please ….” I so want my peace and quiet so I did his bidding. I opened the nearest window, took Elsa’s fairy wand and poked at it. It flew around for awhile then exited via the window.
“Okay, Um. He’s gone. Kesian dia. He is so harmless. I do not think for a second he could eat you. Haa sekarang he is going to see his mummy and complain about you.”
“No he’s not !” said Umar and I left it at that. After awhile Elsa of course got thirsty and asked for a glass of water. She followed me to the kitchen.
“ Mummy, butterfly tu kan, nanti papa and mummy dia datang ? “
“Maybe…” Said I.
“When the mummy comes, I will talk to her.” She firmly said.
“Oh ? What are you going to say to her ?”
“That is Umar. He made your baby cry. And then mummy dia will marah Umar, like this… Hei you…. You made my baby cry. I am going to get you ( she had her arms on her waist, looking down talking to imaginary Umar at a higher height).”
Tergolak den. Ingat kan dia nak marah orang tu sebab kacau abang dia, rupanya dia serah abang dia kat butterfly tu !
Friday, April 04, 2008
Umar dan adiknya
Elsa pegi zoo hari ni. School trip. The missive from the school mentioned that we have to send our daughter before 8am, armed with bottled water. Okay.
During breakfast Umar asked me a question that never even occurred to me, Elsa’s mother.
“What time is Elsa coming home ? You have to tell Cik Ta to pick Elsa later than selalu…”
“Eh ? A-ah ye… pukul berapa is she coming home ?”
“She is going to KL kan Mummy ? You have to check what time is she coming home.”
Aku yang mak nya pun tak teringat. Alahai Elsa, your are lucky to have Umar.
Yesterday, Elsa buat lawak bodoh yang menganginkan Babahnya. She rubbed her bum and calit kat Babah dia. Angin lah orang tua tu. He ordered Elsa to wash her hands.
Elsa dengan muncung panjang sedepa pi masuk toilet gelap-gelap. When Umar saw the sister in the dark toilet, got up, switched on the light and waited for her. When Elsa came out of the toilet, he hugged her and ruffled her hair.
Hmm…. It looked so suspicious.
“Elsa, who taught you to do that ? Raba pungkok lepas tu lap kat orang ?”
I looked at him and saw his eyes widened. He jumped up.
“Saya tak buat ! Hari ni bontot saya tak gatal !!” Dan and I struggled to keep our faces straight.
“Habis, adik belajar buat kat mana ni ?”
“Not me !! Saya hari tu kan, bontot saya gatal kan, saya garu kat dalam toilet. Masa tengah mandi. Jadi kan saya terus basuh tangan…”
Warghhh !! I ordered them out of the room so that Dan and I could laugh in peace…
During breakfast Umar asked me a question that never even occurred to me, Elsa’s mother.
“What time is Elsa coming home ? You have to tell Cik Ta to pick Elsa later than selalu…”
“Eh ? A-ah ye… pukul berapa is she coming home ?”
“She is going to KL kan Mummy ? You have to check what time is she coming home.”
Aku yang mak nya pun tak teringat. Alahai Elsa, your are lucky to have Umar.
Yesterday, Elsa buat lawak bodoh yang menganginkan Babahnya. She rubbed her bum and calit kat Babah dia. Angin lah orang tua tu. He ordered Elsa to wash her hands.
Elsa dengan muncung panjang sedepa pi masuk toilet gelap-gelap. When Umar saw the sister in the dark toilet, got up, switched on the light and waited for her. When Elsa came out of the toilet, he hugged her and ruffled her hair.
Hmm…. It looked so suspicious.
“Elsa, who taught you to do that ? Raba pungkok lepas tu lap kat orang ?”
I looked at him and saw his eyes widened. He jumped up.
“Saya tak buat ! Hari ni bontot saya tak gatal !!” Dan and I struggled to keep our faces straight.
“Habis, adik belajar buat kat mana ni ?”
“Not me !! Saya hari tu kan, bontot saya gatal kan, saya garu kat dalam toilet. Masa tengah mandi. Jadi kan saya terus basuh tangan…”
Warghhh !! I ordered them out of the room so that Dan and I could laugh in peace…
He he…
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