Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Titi gaduh dengan Babah

Dan didn’t go to work yesterday, which surprised me. He is quite a discipline worker and his announcement to skip his Saturday workday was a shock to all of us. I questioned and prodded for a reason but the only answer he gave me was malas.

After awhile though he finally said, “ Well, I have to show my face to those people at Cili Merah didn’t I, lest they think you are a single mother.” Ha ha… Thought he didn’t care. I don’t really care too in fact, but I hate the sympathy stares I get. Hmmm….

Anyway, Saturday morning for the first time ever, I saw Dan ligan anak dia. He he… I mean I was chased around by an angry parent quite often when I was small, but to actually see the love of my life did it to my son was hilarious and exhilarating. Well, exhilarating because I want to see what Dan would do when he catches his son.

Well, when he caught him, Dan dragged Umar in front of me. Dan was hiding his smile and Umar was bawling like there is no tomorrow. I was holding the crying Elsa on my lap. They were playing roughly in front of the door and an accident happened. Elsa was the casualty. Dan fetched a broom handle and a brolly and gave one each to of his children. He then asked them to fight. I had to see Umar holding a broom handle and Elsa with a brolly bigger than her, crying their eyes out.

I told Dan that no matter how hilarious I found the scene in front of me, he has to stop immediately as we are going to Cili Merah and their red eyes, puffy noses and sour mood will raise questions. How right I was. 2 of them asked what was wrong with them almost immediately. One even kneeled in front of Umar to ask if everything was okay. Hmmm…… never doubt a woman’s instincts.

So that was that. However, last night there was another fight between Elsa and her precious Babah. Dan woke her up to bathe her and somehow or rather during the cleansing ritual, she claimed her Babah had hurt her hand and was very upset. I could hear repeats of “ Babah naughty ! “. I asked her to get her hairbrush and after her hair was neat asked her to return the brush to its rightful place.

He he.. when she returned to our room, I saw her walking with her eyes closed. I blinked twice to ensure what I saw was right. Sure enough, there she was with eyes squeezed shut and both hand extended to help her navigate the way. I nudged Dan and he broke into the widest smile ever. When I looked at her again, she had her eyes opened just a smidgeon and when she saw her Babah grinning at her, she closed it tightly again. Wa ha ha !! She was so upset with her Babah, she didn’t even want to see him. Aiseh Elsa.

She came and hugged me for comfort and left the room after Dan kept nudging her with his feet. 5 minutes after that she came back into the room with one hand over her eyes and the other one flailing about in front of her.

Dan couldn’t helped himself but jumped off the bed and picked his daughter up and tossed her on the air a few times and tickled her until she accepted his apology.

Hai Ti… if I had know that is the best way to handle your dad, lama dah buat…..

PS : But Titi, the last statement is not a word of encouragement. Please do not do that to your husband…. often… ( yup that is the operative word ).


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