When I got home yesterday, Elsa showed me a pink headband ( cekak ) that she found. I explained that it is not hers and to give it to her grandma as I am sure it belongs to one of her cousins. It reminded me of a something that happened on Saturday while we were waiting for Umar to finish his piano lesson. We were scheduled to attend a birthday party in the afternoon and we were without a present.
I went to a Barbie shop there and bought little Hana Amran something pink ( the in-thing to buy for girls for as long as I could remember ) and visited another shop to buy wrapping paper. I am quite a regular at that shop as they have wonderful arrays of clips and headband and what-nots to brighten up ( and tidy up – especially for my daughter as she prefers the pontianak hairdo ) little girls hair/hairdo. I was drawn to a new style of cekak, chose a white one and put it on Elsa’s hair.
I asked her is she liked it and she replied no, she doesn’t. The guy manning the till quickly shove a mirror to Elsa’s face and ask her to look at herself in the mirror. She looked at the mirror, preened left and right, look at the guy again and shook her head. ‘ No, I don’t like this, “ She said. I took it off and out it back on the display.
He then chose a pink one with a smart bow on it and asked her to put it on. He showeed her the mirror again and .. well, repeat above-mentioned steps. He tried to cajole her into chossing that one by saying “ I think you look like a princess. Don’t you think you look like a princess ? “ She shook her head and said “ No, I don’t “ and took it off determinedly.
I apologetically told him that my daughter is very fussy and very headstrong. She will decide on most of the things that involves her, I explained. When I gently reproached her when we left the shop, she said “ But I don’t like them Mum… “. Okay lah.
I went to a Barbie shop there and bought little Hana Amran something pink ( the in-thing to buy for girls for as long as I could remember ) and visited another shop to buy wrapping paper. I am quite a regular at that shop as they have wonderful arrays of clips and headband and what-nots to brighten up ( and tidy up – especially for my daughter as she prefers the pontianak hairdo ) little girls hair/hairdo. I was drawn to a new style of cekak, chose a white one and put it on Elsa’s hair.
I asked her is she liked it and she replied no, she doesn’t. The guy manning the till quickly shove a mirror to Elsa’s face and ask her to look at herself in the mirror. She looked at the mirror, preened left and right, look at the guy again and shook her head. ‘ No, I don’t like this, “ She said. I took it off and out it back on the display.
He then chose a pink one with a smart bow on it and asked her to put it on. He showeed her the mirror again and .. well, repeat above-mentioned steps. He tried to cajole her into chossing that one by saying “ I think you look like a princess. Don’t you think you look like a princess ? “ She shook her head and said “ No, I don’t “ and took it off determinedly.
I apologetically told him that my daughter is very fussy and very headstrong. She will decide on most of the things that involves her, I explained. When I gently reproached her when we left the shop, she said “ But I don’t like them Mum… “. Okay lah.

Last night during dinner Umar casually mentioned that he ranked 15th in his ugama class. Mummy and Babah were shocked. I gave him a stern lecture, not much on his position but more on his nonchalant attitude to his exam results. However Umar loves me. His love for me knows no bounds that even though I was the one most upset and Dan joined in the tirade only sparingly, it was still his Babah that he got upset with.
Umar : Babah you are a big, fat meanie…!!! ( and burst into tears )
Babah : What did I do ?
Umar : You are always mean to me….
However the phone rang and Dan left the table to answer it. The three of us quietly resumed our eating. After awhile though, Titi asked for the whereabouts of her Babah.
Mummy : Oh, he left. I have decided to give you a new Babah.
Umar : Why ?
Mummy : Well you always say what a meanie he is, so I am going to find you a nicer one.
Umar : But mum, I want my old Babah !!
Mummy : Why ? You said he is mean, so let me find you a new one that is much nicer.
Umar : I know I said that but I want my Babah ( tears flowed rapidly at this point ) back. I like that one Mum…. Please…
Titi : Stop Umar. I know, I know…. We can walk home. ( Abang dia dok risau bapak lari, yang makcik ni rupanya dok pikir macam mana nak balik rumah. Patut le diam je ).
Mummy : Well… since you complained so much, I thought why not ?
Titi : There Babah !! There !! Umar eagerly looked at where Titi pointed and was so relieved when his Babah was actually walking towards us.
He he…… Tahu pun…… Bila I bagitau Babah dia, tahu lak malu…..
ala comelnya...walaupun gigi depan takde.. he he
Ha ha....
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