Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Elsa and her banana

Abang and Adik love bananas. I wouldn’t touch them unless they are fried or dumped in coconut broth ( or nowadays on pizza with kaya sauce yumm !! ). Yesterday after lunch at home, they saw one comb ( sesikat… betul lah kan ? ) with a few fruits still attached to it.

Adik : Adik nak banana Mum.

Mum : Bananana ?

Adik : Not bananana. Banana Mum.

Mum : Okay.

So I went to get two. Abang got to me first and instructed me to peel all the skin off.

Mum : Here is your naked banana.

He laughed. Then I did the same for Adik. As I peeled of one section of skin, she screamed blue murder.

Adik : Mum no !! I don’t want it like that.

Mum : ( Froze, not daring to move ) Like what ?

Adik : Like that… !!

I remember seeing her eating a banana yesterday with the skin only halfway off and therefore tried to give her the same style but with one section of skin missing. She was having none of it. I had to pluck a new one and gave it to her as desired. So what do I do with this banana in my hand ? I do not like fresh banana unless with 3 flavours of ice-cream with nuts and cherries on top plus loads of whipped cream ( oh man…. Babah jom gi Baskins malam nanti ). I saw the love of my life wiping the table and I begged him to eat the rejected banana. He agreed. When he saw the proffered banana, he made a face.

Babah : But I don’t like my banana like that !!

Patutlah anak kau macam ni.

Anyway the 3 bears went upstairs with their bananas and watched the telly. Adik couldn’t finished hers and offered it to us. No takers. She then announced that she is just going to bin them. I really don’t like that. I grew up believing that rice could cry. I grew up feeling guilty when throwing rice away ( since I am all grown up and diagnosed with IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrom, I have to throw my rice away as I can only take about 20% of them in my diet ). So what is a mother to do ?

Mum : Nanti banana tu cry. He is so sad because he is going to get binned.

Adik : Ha ?

Mum : Kesian banana. Kalau Adik buang dia, nanti dia cry sebab Adik tak nak makan dia.

She was already on the way to the bin turned back.

Adik : Bah, Adik tak makan banana. Babah makan okay ?

Babah : I don’t want lah...

Adik : Adik bin okay Bah ?

Babah : Bin lah.

As she was about to turn and head for the bin, I started,

Mum : Bye bye banana. Don’t cry so much… ( and waved to the banana ).

She stopped.

Mum : ( wailing ) Oh kesiannya banana. He is going to cry in the bin. Bye bye ! Waaaaaaaaa….

Her eyes started to get glassy. She was already upset and still holding the offending banana.

Adik : Babah eat my banana okay ? ( sebak, sebak )

Babah : Nolah Adik. Babah tak nak. Pergi buang.

Mum : Waa……..

Adik : Waaa… !! ( a few times louder than Mummy )

Babah and Abang were already laughing. Adik had her head on the mattress, sobbing.

Mum : Okay lah give it to me. Let me eat it.

Big watery eyes that looked at me were grateful. I took the banana and gave it to Abang.

Mum : Eat.

Abang : Mum….

Mum : Do you want the to banana to cry ?

Abang : Okaylah…. ( very meekly )

Haa… habis cerita.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Weekend

On the way to Umar’s piano class on Saturday, Umar told me of the story his ustaz read in front of his class. It is about a doyol who one day got angry and demanded blood. He was really animated and I was mesmerized by his interest. As usual when he was having his lesson, Elsa and I trailed the shops in the mall. I entered the local bookshop and found books on Malay ghosts for children. There were Malay and English versions and with illustrations. I remember him telling me that he looked at the book his ustaz used and there was a picture of a female with long hair and sharp claws standing by a sleeping woman. I found one titled “ The Female Vampire “ with the cover illustrated just like my son described and therefore bought it. Anything to help instill the love of reading in my son. ( I know I will have no problem with Elsa because as we were looking at the books, she was happily inspecting a few when she gasped. She grabbed a Pokemon book but when she opened them, it was totally devoid of any pictures. It was a novel of some sort I think. She scanned through the book and went “ isk, isk “ all the way. “ Mum, no pictures !! “ She said in frustration. “ Titi nak learn baca ABCDEFG ni, “. Oh kesian, she wants to learn how to read. She wants to make heads and tails of the book. Kesiannya…. )

Elsa and her books. Everyday she will ferry a selection of book to and fro.

Umar was really happy with the book. He is just like me. In order to savour the book for as long as he could, he looked at the pictures first. Whole of Saturday he asked us to read it to him. He didn’t want to read it by himself ( I read it to Elsa’s gasps and Whoa… and Hantuuuuu……). Only yesterday did he start on his own and he did that many, many times. However the repercussion was felt late last night. He totally refused to sleep in his room. Dan had to tuck a Yassin ( Dan told him Yassin, it is actually buku Mari Belajar Sembahyang ) under his pillow and I had to stay with him until he drifted to sleep, reciting the 3 Quls over and over again. I vowed that that will be the last book on ghosts I buy but this morning he chirpily said that he can’t wait for me to buy the next instalment on Doyol next week. Hmmm………..

Last night too saw Elsa falling off the bed after jumping up and down happily with her cousin. Dan had asked her to stop many, many times and when she fell, her Babah was understandably upset. Dan went to inspect her with fire in his mouth and when found that she was okay, asked her to stay in her room. Dan left the wailing Elsa and closed the door of our room, to teach her a lesson. Fine. Umar was in the room with me doing revisions ( he is having his exams tomorrow ) and we were just spectators to the drama that unfolded in the other room. Umar however jumped off the bed when his Babah closed the door. He was jittery and mumbled a few sentences. He then gave up and just the left room. He actually went to his sister’s aid, calming her down and telling her everything is okay. He apparently found Dan’s once over on Elsa was not thorough enough and checked his sister carefully from head to toe. He then asked Elsa in details what happened and I saw my little girl re-enacted the accident.

The sweet, sweet boy than tentatively approached his father and explained why it is not his little sister’s fault at all.

Maybe he was trying to repay the good deed Elsa did for him earlier. He was trying to peel of his stickers without success. He tried to enlist for my help but as I was writing a report and was brimming with ideas, asked him to wait. His frustration was getting louder when Elsa finally took notice.

“Um, kenapa Um ? “ asked his little sister.

“ Ni, tak boleh bukak. Susah. “ Elsa took a look at it and was successful after a few attempts. He he… comelnya korang ni.

However not so comel is Elsa’s new habit. She likes to ho hum and sighs a lot nowadays. Whenever I asked her what is the matter, if anything is wrong, she would say, “ Tak de apa – apa, “ and shrugs her shoulders. Even Babah had asked her a few times and the answers are the same. Last night though Umar has had enough. “ Ti, you only make that sound when you are bored or angry. Not when ‘tak de apa – apa’, “ The funny part if he squeaked when he said “tak de apa – apa”.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Mummy's rehat

Last 2 days, as I was still busy getting ready for work, my little daughter who jumped into our bed some time during the night, woke up.

Titi : Mummy mana ? ( hair as usual pontianak style, extremely tousled can’t even see her face )

Babah : Mummy kat situ Titi..

Titi : Mummy tak work kan ?

Mummy : Eh, Mummy work.

Titi : Tak…. Mummy tak work.

Mummy : Eh, I told you kan yesterday that I am working.

Titi : Mummy… mummy tak work…

Mummy : Kenapa sayang ?

Titi : Mummy tak sayang Titi.

Mummy : Eii ? Tak lah. Mummy kan sayang Titi.

Titi : Haa….. ( and rested her head on my lap )


Yesterday morning saw me cutting a jam roll and placing them in a Tupperware. Umar who was having his breakfast asked me;

Umar : Is that for your rehat Mum ?

Mum : Yes.

Umar : After you rehat kan, you go back to your desk and do your work.

Mum : Yes.

Umar : At school kan during rehat kan me and my friends play. I have a lot of friends in school. What about you ?

Mum : Well, I have about 3 people that I hang out with and sometimes 4.

Umar : Is that all ?

Mum : Well, there are plenty other but these are the people that I usually play with.

Umar : Wow, I usually have more than that Mum and it is so fun….

Yelah, kau lah yang popular….

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Since my son started primary school I have been hearing strange stories told to him by friends. I expected this. I mean I were a kid once too ( and that was not so long ago yeah ? ) and I know only kids are capable of concocting tales like that.

Umar is also very descriptive of the things he did at school, when he wishes to tell me, of course. Anywhere yesterday he told me about the game he and his classmates played during recess.

Umar : Hamshah is Spiderman, A is is Spiderman 2, B is Harry, C is Venom and I was the Sandman.

Mum : Why were you the Sandman ? I thought you would want to be Spiderman ?

Umar : Because Hamshah started it first so he gets to choose who played Spiderman. He told me to play Sandman.

Mum : So, who was MJ ?

( He blushed and gave me this weird smile he sported when there are embarrassing scenes or scenes involving girls of romantic nature on telly ).

Umar : Mum, kita main lawan – lawanlah. Mana ada girls.

Mum : But dalam cerita Spiderman ada MJ and she always needs rescuing.

Umar : Mum…. No girls mum. Kita main lawan – lawan saja.

Mum : I know… Why don’t you invite Hannah to play ? She can be MJ and then Sandman and Venom can kidnap her and then Spidermans and Harry can rescue her.

Umar : No Mum. Hannah cannot play. Don’t you know Hamshah don’t like girls ?

Hmmm….. pulak.
Since my son started primary school I have been hearing strange stories told to him by friends. I expected this. I mean I were a kid once too ( and that was not so long ago yeah ? ) and I know only kids are capable of concocting tales like that.

Umar is also very descriptive of the things he did at school, when he wishes to tell me, of course. Anywhere yesterday he told me about the game he and his classmates played during recess.

Umar : Hamshah is Spiderman, A is is Spiderman 2, B is Harry, C is Venom and I was the Sandman.

Mum : Why were you the Sandman ? I thought you would want to be Spiderman ?

Umar : Because Hamshah started it first so he gets to choose who played Spiderman. He told me to play Sandman.

Mum : So, who was MJ ?

( He blushed and gave me this weird smile he sported when there are embarrassing scenes or scenes involving girls of romantic nature on telly ).

Umar : Mum, kita main lawan – lawanlah. Mana ada girls.

Mum : But dalam cerita Spiderman ada MJ and she always needs rescuing.

Umar : Mum…. No girls mum. Kita main lawan – lawan saja.

Mum : I know… Why don’t you invite Hannah to play ? She can be MJ and then Sandman and Venom can kidnap her and then Spidermans and Harry can rescue her.

Umar : No Mum. Hannah cannot play. Don’t you know Hamshah don’t like girls ?

Hmmm….. pulak.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mother's Day

We went to Subang Parade on Sunday and people were celebrating their mothers everywhere. I saw a mother waiting outside the building, maybe for her ride home, with her grown up son when suddenly her daughter jumped from behind and surprised her with a huge bouquet of flowers. So sweet.

I was walking with my family. I was holding hands with my son when he suddenly tugged his hand free and walked behind me with his Babah. I heard whisperings and then furious whisperings and then his father’s “ What ? I couldn’t hear you ? “.

My son let out a “ Arrgghhh ! “ and yelled “ I want money to buy Mummy a present !! “ He he… I was embarrassed, my son was embarrassed. I then turned livid when my husband gave him RM 10. Aik ?

I curiously asked my son where does he intend to buy my gift and he said, “ Book store. I know you love books,”. What a thoughtful and observant son. I was beaming with pride. I then looked pointedly at the offending RM 10 and asked my husband what kind of book would I get with RM 10 ? Dan sighed, took back the red currency and replaced it with a crispy dark blue one. Now we are talking.


Elsa that night also requested stuffs from her Babah ( Dan once said in frustration, “ Korang bertiga kalau tengok Abah je mintak duit, “ he he ). She is clever that little one. She approached him from the back, hugged him and looked at him while her chin was resting on his shoulder. She then went, “ Baaahh…………., “.

I don’t know what she asked for but since they were quarrelling not half an before, her Babah said to her, “ I thought you don’t love me ? “.

Titi : No… I love you Bah.

Babah : But just now you said you don’t love me. You love your Mummy saja ?

Titi : Bah, I have your face Bah.

Babah : Ye ke ?

Titi : Yes Bah. I choose you….

He he… Kembang kempis le hidung si Rashdan tu.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Titi gaduh dengan Babah

Dan didn’t go to work yesterday, which surprised me. He is quite a discipline worker and his announcement to skip his Saturday workday was a shock to all of us. I questioned and prodded for a reason but the only answer he gave me was malas.

After awhile though he finally said, “ Well, I have to show my face to those people at Cili Merah didn’t I, lest they think you are a single mother.” Ha ha… Thought he didn’t care. I don’t really care too in fact, but I hate the sympathy stares I get. Hmmm….

Anyway, Saturday morning for the first time ever, I saw Dan ligan anak dia. He he… I mean I was chased around by an angry parent quite often when I was small, but to actually see the love of my life did it to my son was hilarious and exhilarating. Well, exhilarating because I want to see what Dan would do when he catches his son.

Well, when he caught him, Dan dragged Umar in front of me. Dan was hiding his smile and Umar was bawling like there is no tomorrow. I was holding the crying Elsa on my lap. They were playing roughly in front of the door and an accident happened. Elsa was the casualty. Dan fetched a broom handle and a brolly and gave one each to of his children. He then asked them to fight. I had to see Umar holding a broom handle and Elsa with a brolly bigger than her, crying their eyes out.

I told Dan that no matter how hilarious I found the scene in front of me, he has to stop immediately as we are going to Cili Merah and their red eyes, puffy noses and sour mood will raise questions. How right I was. 2 of them asked what was wrong with them almost immediately. One even kneeled in front of Umar to ask if everything was okay. Hmmm…… never doubt a woman’s instincts.

So that was that. However, last night there was another fight between Elsa and her precious Babah. Dan woke her up to bathe her and somehow or rather during the cleansing ritual, she claimed her Babah had hurt her hand and was very upset. I could hear repeats of “ Babah naughty ! “. I asked her to get her hairbrush and after her hair was neat asked her to return the brush to its rightful place.

He he.. when she returned to our room, I saw her walking with her eyes closed. I blinked twice to ensure what I saw was right. Sure enough, there she was with eyes squeezed shut and both hand extended to help her navigate the way. I nudged Dan and he broke into the widest smile ever. When I looked at her again, she had her eyes opened just a smidgeon and when she saw her Babah grinning at her, she closed it tightly again. Wa ha ha !! She was so upset with her Babah, she didn’t even want to see him. Aiseh Elsa.

She came and hugged me for comfort and left the room after Dan kept nudging her with his feet. 5 minutes after that she came back into the room with one hand over her eyes and the other one flailing about in front of her.

Dan couldn’t helped himself but jumped off the bed and picked his daughter up and tossed her on the air a few times and tickled her until she accepted his apology.

Hai Ti… if I had know that is the best way to handle your dad, lama dah buat…..

PS : But Titi, the last statement is not a word of encouragement. Please do not do that to your husband…. often… ( yup that is the operative word ).


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Last week and last night

When I got home yesterday, Elsa showed me a pink headband ( cekak ) that she found. I explained that it is not hers and to give it to her grandma as I am sure it belongs to one of her cousins. It reminded me of a something that happened on Saturday while we were waiting for Umar to finish his piano lesson. We were scheduled to attend a birthday party in the afternoon and we were without a present.

I went to a Barbie shop there and bought little Hana Amran something pink ( the in-thing to buy for girls for as long as I could remember ) and visited another shop to buy wrapping paper. I am quite a regular at that shop as they have wonderful arrays of clips and headband and what-nots to brighten up ( and tidy up – especially for my daughter as she prefers the pontianak hairdo ) little girls hair/hairdo. I was drawn to a new style of cekak, chose a white one and put it on Elsa’s hair.

I asked her is she liked it and she replied no, she doesn’t. The guy manning the till quickly shove a mirror to Elsa’s face and ask her to look at herself in the mirror. She looked at the mirror, preened left and right, look at the guy again and shook her head. ‘ No, I don’t like this, “ She said. I took it off and out it back on the display.

He then chose a pink one with a smart bow on it and asked her to put it on. He showeed her the mirror again and .. well, repeat above-mentioned steps. He tried to cajole her into chossing that one by saying “ I think you look like a princess. Don’t you think you look like a princess ? “ She shook her head and said “ No, I don’t “ and took it off determinedly.

I apologetically told him that my daughter is very fussy and very headstrong. She will decide on most of the things that involves her, I explained. When I gently reproached her when we left the shop, she said “ But I don’t like them Mum… “. Okay lah.

Last night during dinner Umar casually mentioned that he ranked 15th in his ugama class. Mummy and Babah were shocked. I gave him a stern lecture, not much on his position but more on his nonchalant attitude to his exam results. However Umar loves me. His love for me knows no bounds that even though I was the one most upset and Dan joined in the tirade only sparingly, it was still his Babah that he got upset with.

Umar : Babah you are a big, fat meanie…!!! ( and burst into tears )

Babah : What did I do ?

Umar : You are always mean to me….

However the phone rang and Dan left the table to answer it. The three of us quietly resumed our eating. After awhile though, Titi asked for the whereabouts of her Babah.

Mummy : Oh, he left. I have decided to give you a new Babah.

Umar : Why ?

Mummy : Well you always say what a meanie he is, so I am going to find you a nicer one.

Umar : But mum, I want my old Babah !!

Mummy : Why ? You said he is mean, so let me find you a new one that is much nicer.

Umar : I know I said that but I want my Babah ( tears flowed rapidly at this point ) back. I like that one Mum…. Please…

Titi : Stop Umar. I know, I know…. We can walk home. ( Abang dia dok risau bapak lari, yang makcik ni rupanya dok pikir macam mana nak balik rumah. Patut le diam je ).

Mummy : Well… since you complained so much, I thought why not ?

Titi : There Babah !! There !! Umar eagerly looked at where Titi pointed and was so relieved when his Babah was actually walking towards us.

He he…… Tahu pun…… Bila I bagitau Babah dia, tahu lak malu…..

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tennis and shoes

I went to play tennis with a friend yesterday. Our game was at 7, we finished by 8 and after bathing and praying, I rushed to Up Town Damansara to buy dinner and was home by 9.

When I arrived, my family was already waiting at the door. The sight of my car brought cheers and happy jumps from my kids ( I know their Babah was excited to see me home too, he just looks ugly jumping up and down with happiness, that’s why he didn’t do it ). But when I got out of my car, resplendent in my tennis gear, Umar and Elsa’s happy faces turned into quizzical ones. “ Mum why are you dressed like that ? “ asked my son.

“ Oh this ? I went to play tennis with my friend, “ said I, trying to dodge his eyes, very much like a naughty school girl. While taking out my gym bag from the car, I changed the topic. I really do not want any confrontations that night. I then busied myself with dinner preparations.

When we sat down to eat, Elsa who was sitting next to me suddenly leaned over and said to me, one finger up, “ Mummy, this is night time okay. You cannot play tennis at night. Okay mummy ? “ Her face was in earnest, her eyes round while she told me off.

“ Okay, “ said I meekly, just like a naughty school girl again. Hmmm…………….. I know I will never hear the last of it.

Anyway this morning, I dressed to work with a signing ceremony that I have to attend in mind. Of course I have to dress carefully and therefore was critical of every item I put together. As Umar and Dan was on the porch putting their own respective footwear, I modeled my outfit with a lovely pair of Nine West peep toe pumps, asking for approval. Umar gave me a wide smile and said I looked nice and Dan nodded his head but with a look that said something is not right there, wife. I know that look and I hate that look and he knows that I hate that look. But he also knows that that look could potentially make us late for work. Therefore, he didn’t want to say anything.

I however pressed for an answer. “ Okay tak ? “ and I repeated it a few times while alternating stood straight and pranced about ( which is the best way for them to see the full effect of my outfit ). “ Okay Mum, you look nice, “ but that came for my son and not from my hubby. Again, I repeated the question when Umar again opened his mouth, “ You look nice mum, but it would be better if everybody cannot see your toes, “ and smiled at me.

I was stunned. Dan looked at Umar and said, “ Pandai pun. Exactly my feeling, “. I know that is how Dan feels but degil kan as I love shoes and I love diversity… he he.. Anyway, I shook my head in wonder, gave my son a hug and changed to my normal, very scruffy looking round toed, black Clarks shoes.

“ I am so clever kan Mum ? “ said my son.

Hmmm………………. Learn to be an asset to your wife, sweetheart, okay ?

Monday, May 07, 2007

The long weekend Part 2

We are regulars at Cili Merah, Sek 9. Anybody who wants to see me can find me there every Saturday morning with Umar and Elsa. We are usually there by 9.30 as Umar’s piano class is at 10.30.

We are such a common face there that I do not have to order drinks anymore, as the staffs are familiar with our usual tipple. They would come and chat and help me with the kids too. The other regulars recognize us too. There is this 1 pakcik who always keep an eye on my children. Once he even rescued Elsa from falling off her chair. After that he would usually remind my daughter to sit down quietly while waiting for Mummy.

I told my husband of the stares that I got ( once, I caught the Sendayu Tinggi lady staring at me. She did that for 3 consecutive weeks. I was really upset and told Dan that if she ever comes by and offered her products to me, he has to indignantly tell her that his wife is already perfect… he he… ) when we first frequented the restaurant. Dan works Saturdays and therefore it is just the kids and I. They were just curious stares, wondering about my status I think. That is why I drag Dan for breakfast there most Sundays. Some who had seen him would figure out that he works 6 days a week or thought that I have a honey ( madu le ). And some who had not seen him assumed that I might be a single mother.

Anyway, there is this one guy who kept on staring. When everybody was already bored of us he was still looking. Maybe he hadn’t bumped into Dan with us at all. I did not really tell Dan about it because I do not know what the real deal is. However last Saturday he actually approached our table.

Him : Mana ayah ni ?

Umar : Babah saya work.

Him : Takkan lah hari cuti pun kerja ? Cuti tak kerja ( dia ingat aku ni bercerai – berai ke ? )

Umar : Yelah… bapak saya grumly….

Him : Grumly ? Apa tu ?

Umar : Garang…..

I quickly cut in the conversation and told him that my husband works Saturdays. The roti canai guy who apparently had been listening to the conversation came to us and told Umar “ Bapak awak kerja kan ? Kadang – kadang dia datang jugak…. “.

Malunya….. !! I described the incident to Dan and do you know what my husband said ? “ Lain kali Umar pakai gambar Abah lah kat leher… “.



My office was closed on Monday to replace the Agong inauguration Thursday, a working day for us. Therefore on Monday I was entrusted to get the tickets for Spiderman 3. After sending Umar to school, Elsa and I had our breakfast at where else but Cili Merah. We then went to SACC as Mummy had to buy lining for some of her kains and as usual ended up buying more kain for baju kurung ( I need help. I don’t know why I keep doing this. I have like 15 materials at home that have not been turned into baju kurung yet. I have actually given some to my sisters. Sapa – sapa nak beli, mailah as I know I will go and get some more….. waaahhh…. !!! ).

We then swing by Umar’s school to pick him up. Went home, had a short rest then we sent Umar to his sekolah ugama and Titi and Mummy headed off to the Curve for Spiderman tickets. We were lucky. We got the last four seats but it was the Couples’ seat ( which their Babah fondly calls Kerusi Romen ) and therefore a bit more expensive. Boleh lah, even at RM 11 a seat ( daylight robbery. How could they raise the price of tickets just because the movie is famous ? Dan said the price at GSC is RM 14/seat… wa lau weii ).

We ate at La Cucur afterwards and in the way to the car, stopped at a popular watering hole ( the coffee and tea kind of watering hole ) for banana chocolate chip muffin. Yum-my !! While waiting for our muffin ( I was carrying the little princess. She pulled her “ I am cold and shivering “ trick on me ), Elsa was looking at the pastries on display and pointed at the banana and chocolate chip muffin I ordered. “ Look Mum. I want that cookie. Got chocolate chip. “

“ That is not a cookie Titi, it’s a muffin and that is the muffin that we are getting, “

“ I like chocolate chip cookie Mummy, “

“ It is not a cookie Titi. That is a muffin, “

“ Chocolate chip cookie… yey !! “

I was about to correct her yet again when the mat salleh behind us spoke, “ It’s okay. For her I’ll call it cookie from now on…., “ and winked at my daughter.

Waa…. Malunya. I gave him an embarrassed grin and allowed him to pat my daughter.
We resumed our journey to the car. I was still carrying her and she was clutching the bag of cookie when she said, “ Mummy dengan Titi saja kan ? Umar takde, Babah takde, Mummy dengan Titi saja… “ he he….. yup darling girl. I had a wonderful day with you too, just the two of us.

Friday, May 04, 2007

The long weekend Part 1

Elsa. Hmmmm…..

Last week my children’s cousin Aida was sleeping over because her parents went on a holiday ( bestnya. When can I have a romantic holiday with my husband ? ). Aida of course wanted to camp out with her cousins. Now in their room, we pushed together a Queen bed with a Single ( the single is actually a day bed ) to make a large but quite separate bed. Elsa usually sleeps on the Queen and Umar on the Single.

That night I heard them arguing. Umar was yelling for Elsa to make some room for Aida. Aida was complaining loudly that she doesn’t like sleeping in such a cramped bed. I heard nothing from my daughter. When I peeked, I saw my little angel in the middle of the bed arms and legs stretched out as far as she could, looking innocently at her relatives. No matter how much I instructed, pleaded and ordered, she wouldn’t budge. Aida got fed up and slept with her Bibik instead.

The second night, I heard a loud gasp coming from the kids’ room. It was Elsa. “Bah, my room is in a mess. How can I sleep like this ? “ Amboi, siapa yang sepah bilik dia kalau bukan dia sendiri ?

When I checked in on them, I saw for the second time Aida and Umar squeezed on the day bed. I asked Aida what she was doing there and asked her to share Elsa’s bed. All three of us looked at the little terror, wondering what she would do. Elsa looked at Aida. After a long time, she asked “ Do you want to share my bed ? “ Aida quickly jumped in with her without answering.

The long weekend found us frequenting the tennis courts often. I swear, my thighs has become tighter ( I actually want them to be smaller ) and tauter. My son was relentless on the court. He never complained and hated long rests. He just wanted to be on the court, hitting the balls.

Since he only had 2 classes, he is still not very good. He could hit and all but then his balls went all over the place. He was frustrated but determined to learn. Babah served the balls and Mummy hit all the balls that he missed back to Babah. Titi is the much needed ball picker ( but usually gave up after awhile and insisted that it is her turn to be coached too. That too is usually short lived before she buried her nose in her books… my daughter…. ).

Once after tennis, we went for 1 game of bowling. It was fun for us but not for Umar. He only managed to knock 1 ball or no balls at all. At the end of the game, we had to deal with our teary eyed son. We couldn’t console him at all. What do you say to a boy who sobbed, “ I have to be clever at everything “ and pooh-poohed all your reasonings and explainations ?