Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

This morning

Our morning routine is like this; Babah mandi and Mummy mandikan Abang. Mummy mandi and Babah dresses Abang up. Babah dresses up and organises Abang’s school bag and Mummy takes Abang to breakfast. Babah drives Abang to school, Mummy dresses up for work.

So during my breakfast duty and Babah dressing himself up I would be soaking Abang time alone with me, and of course preparing his bekal.

“ What do you want for recess ? ”.

“ Can I have the icing biscuits ? ” he asked. Sure, no problem.

“ Momm….” He started and I settled down for our breakfast chat. I love this moment because it is just me and him and my concentration is strictly for my darling son. I love seeing him eating the breakfast I prepared while sharing his thoughts, experiences and feelings with me. I love that.

“ Calci-yum kan ( yoghurt ) is good for me kan ? It makes me strong kan ? ” He asked.

“ Sure, the calcium would strengthen your bones… ,”.

“ But kan Hannah kata kan Calci-yum kan kalau makan banyak-banyak boleh buat orang lembik, ”, he said, face full of questions.

“ No, I don’t think so. Do you ever share your Calci-yum with Hannah ? ”

“ Sometimes. ” Was the reply.

“ What does she take to school ? ” I asked, out of curiosity.

“ I don’t know because she sits at the girls’ tables. But mostly money. ” He explained.

“ What do your other friends bring to school ? ”.

“ Money. But they usually beli air saja Mum. And the kan Mum they said kalau makan roti vanilla ( his favourite ) nanti kepala boleh pecah. ” Said he, face scrunched at the absurdity of the tale but terrified at that the same time that it could actually be true.

“ Well, have you ever seen people fall off the table without their heads for eating roti vanilla ? ”

“ Nope…” He said, shaking his head vigorously, relieved that he could still indulge in his favourite confection.

“ You know, maybe the reason why they criticize the food you eat is because you never share…” I gently suggested.

“ No… they always rasa my food, Mum….”

Hmm… okaylah.

We then went to the door to put on his shoes. As I was kissing and cuddling him goodbye, Babah said he had forgotten his watch. So Mummy ran upstairs to for it and stumbled upon a disheveled and still groggy hantu kecik. I swept her off her feet ( heh heh ) and ran back to our men. They were already in the car and as we marched on I asked her to say goodbye with ‘ See you later, alligator ! ‘.

“ Do you know what is an alligator ? ”. She shook her head.

“ Alligator is like crocodile. ” I explained.

“ Crocodile ? No Mum. Crocodile can eat our friends !! ” Was the horrified reply.

Can eat our friends ? Apa tuh ?
Anyway after we waved them off ( with Adik screaming to Abang" Say good bye to me Abang ! Say goodbye to me ! " ), I deposited Adik back in her bed, switched on the telly and when I left her she was looking at her books.
But when I was done with my morning toilette and went to look for her, she was sound asleep !! Was that a dream ? Did I really held her in my arms just now ?

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