Today I called up my son.
Mummy : What are you doing sayang ?
Abang : Stuffs.
Mummy : What stuffs ?
Abang : Entahlah.
Mummy : Are you playing game ?
Abang : (Hesitated) No..
Mummy : Are you lying to me ?
Abang : No Mummy I'm not.
Mummy : Abang......
Abang : I played Aida's gameboy for awhile only...
Mummy : Okay. But why did you lie to me at the first place ? You know I can always tell if you are lying. Allah knows Abang...
Abang : Mummy... I promise you I am not lying. I never lie to you Mum...
Mummy : Then just now you said you played Aida's gameboy...
Abang : That was yesterday. Not today...
Mummy : Then what were you doing just now ?
Abang : I was doing Maths Mum
Mummy : Maths ? MATHS ? (Silent for awhile) Who is teaching you ?
Abang : Nobody. I am using the book you bayar dekat IKEA...
Mummy : Ye ke Abang ?
Abang : Yes Mummy. I promise I never lie to you... I am doing big numbers addition with small numbers...
Okay.... I really have to see this.
Why am I being so anal about Abang's game playing ? Because Yaya's husband Hood is addicted to games. Playstation, computer games, you name it he likes it. He could play until 5 am in the morning, sleep awhile and then off to work. So you could imagine how good he is, considering the hours he clocked in front of the game sets. Even Babah susah nak kalah kan si Hood...
I just found out that my son, my 6 years old Abang, has beaten Hood, a succesful 32 year old banker - game addict, many times. Not just the fighting ones but football games too... How long has my son been practising if dia boleh kalah kan Hood ni ?
And I tell you Hood is not happy with Abang. Dia banyak merepek merapan about him losing to a 6 year old many times. Atuk when he heard that gave a piece of advise to Abang, " Lain kali bagilah Uncle Hood menang sekali...., " and what was Abang's answer ? " Dah bagi dah uncle Hood menang.., "
Hood jangan marah......
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