Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, November 17, 2006

The Goldilocks

I came home to hear Abang's important news.

Abang : Teacher chose me to tell a story tomorrow, Mummy.

Mummy : Really ? That is nice. What story are you reciting ?

Abang : Goldilocks !!

Mummy : You are not going to tell them my version of Goldilocks, right honey ?

Abang : I am going to tell them about Goldilocks who went to the forest and found the 3 bears' house...... blah, blah, blah....

So he practised in front of us and I noticed that he kept saying The Goldilocks.

Mummy : Sayang, you don't have to put 'the' in front of her name...

Babah : Goldilocks is her name lah Abang. She is not a WWF wrestler....

He was okay, I suppose, with the right facial expression and all... Mrs Devi once commented how well Abang turned out to be. Ha ? I said... " Really ah, Teacher ? " Yes, yes, she said. He will always raise up his hand to answer questions. Other students will all be scared when I ask questions, but not Abang lah. He is never afraid to speak in public. Once he went in front of the class and told the whole class how a butterfly came to be... ( She also said that Abang left her mouth hanging open when she first encountered him, until another student told her it is okay teacher, Abang is like that - I dare not ask her why ).

Ye ke ? Sounds like he has no regard for authority aje. However he is very afraid of the police ( My mum said that is very wrong as if he is in trouble he will not seek police's help at all. Point taken mum. Will try to establish the right feeling for authority ). He he.... Once right, we went to have dinner at Secret Recepi at Sek 9. In the car I noticed that Adik has taken with her 1 sugar packet. I took that as an opportunity to teach my brood about stealing.

Mummy : Adik, adik ambik apa tu dari kedai ?

Adik : * Entah apa ntah dia cakap sebab cakap tak terang kan lagi masa tuh... tapi ada perkataan shugar in between... *

Abang : Adik ambik sugar Mummy.

Mummy : Oh my god Adik ! Did you steal that from the shop ?
( at this Babah start to menjeling kat Mummy. I just ignored it )

Abang jumped at that remark and scooted nearer to his sister.

Adik : Haaa... ( answered in the affirmative )

Mummy : Oh man. I am sure org kedai tu is calling the cops right now. What are we going to do ? The cops will be chasing us !!

Abang : Mana Mummy ? Mana ? ( while looking behind )

Mummy : Babah, please drive laju sikit. The police are coming to catch Adik and throw her into jail.

Babah : I am not driving fast sebab nanti accident. The police can come and get us if they must.
(eee.... langsung tak mo bagi co-operation)
Abang : Babah no ! Nanti they tangkap Adikand put her in jail. ( Getting more hysterical ) Babah hurry up. Adik is just a small kid..

Mummy : No, Babah cannot drive fast nanti Babah pulak masuk jail. ( More frantic ) What are we going to do ? Has the police come yet ? Are they near ?

Abang : Adik, where is it ? Where is the sugar ? Babah, we turn back Babah and bagi balik sugar ni kat kedai tuh. Hurry up Babah..
( Babah gave a more severe jeling to Mummy and sadly I have to end this.. )

Mummy : No, no it's okay. I will call the police and tell them it is a mistake and hopefully they will understand.

Abang : Mummy call them now Mummy. Adik, what have you done ? ( Sobbing and hugging his precious little sister. Sister by the way was wide eyed and maybe comprehended something has gone wrong but couldn't quite catch the reason why ).

Mummy : ( Called the police ). Okay, they said it's fine provided I return the sugar to them tomorrow.

Abang : Okay Mummy.... Titi you are safe now. Please don't do it again okay sebab nanti police put you in jail... Okay Adik ?

Adik : Haa.... Okay Abang.

Next morning, Abang woke up and went to the dresser straight away. He came to me and gave me the ( now forgotten ) sugar to me.

Abang : This is the sugar Mummy. Please send this back to the kedai okay ?

Mummy : ( Quite stunned actually ). Okay sayang.

Abang : You must remember this Mummy. ( 1 fat finger up ) Please remember okay Mummy ?

Babah : Why do you want to make the kids crazy like you ?

Mummy : You don't approve ?

Babah : It is quite entertaining actually....

I deliberately orchestrated us to have dinner at Secret Recepi quite soon after. Abang seemed forgotten of that episode but I was not dissapointed. As we were about to leave, he checked his sister's hands and pockets, making sure that she is free of jail-time-inducing sugar packets.

I have done my job..... I think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehehe ko memang drama queen.