We had always thought that Adik is made of much sterner stuffs. So stern that she doesn't mind if Abang kena tangkap polis... hehe...
We always like to threaten her that we will send Abang to live with somebody else when she instigated fights with him. She usually would say okay, liking the idea. Unlike Abang who would back off if we warn him that we we will send Adik to a different place if he doesn't stop.
Our relatives always say, Abang dia aje sayang dia. Dia tak sayang pun Abang.
Well, 3 days ago, we had dinner with my mom. It was still early but Abang fell asleep at the restaurant as soon as we ordered. He rested his head on his arms and tahu-tahu, dah lelap.
We just let him be sebab the kids always have their dinner around 6 and he only ordered drinks anyway. When it was time to go home, I said let's go to Adik. She looked at me and said, " Mummy Abang sleep, ".
I said it is okay. Just let him sleep there. She repeated that Abang is asleep and I was quite shocked as she would usually say okay, lets go. For once Adik had this anxious look on her face. She then went to her brother and shook him. " Abang, mummy nak balik. Wake up Abang, ". Abang didn't even flinch. She shook him again and peered beneath the folded arms.
I told her why don't we go and pay for the food first ? She followed me to the register and when we returned to the table she again remarked that " Abang titul Mummy, ". Again I said biarlah dia titul, kita tinggal dia kat sini.
She shook him again, her voice this time quite desperate. I shook Abang too and he opened his eyes a bit. " Abang hurry up," she said and Abang closed his again. It took both Tok Mi and I to pimpin Abang to the car. When we were in the car, Adik said Yey !!
He he....
Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Weekend with my kids
I had a good weekend, eventhough hubby had to work Sunday. Took the kids swimming Saturday and Sunday I took the kids to 1Utama to catch Happy Feet.
It was a fun movie. I seriously recommend it to everyone, even the singles. It was filled with music, lovely music, that my children couldn't keep all the grooves inside and had to stand up to dance. The first one to loose it was Adik. She suddenly sprang from her seat and got jiggy with it. Abang looked longingly at his sister but maintained his cool. Halfway, at the point where I felt I wanted to groove, Abang followed the music and danced. It was awesome. And sad too. The movie that is.
Anyway, we arrived for the movies early and surprisingly the ticket collector/koyak-er allowed us in. I foolishly panicked when I saw the theather empty. Yelah lagi half an hour. Everybody else is waiting downstairs.
Anyway, we took to studying the posters to fill our time. Then we came to the poster for Colic, a cerita hantu from Thailand. Earlier, below, near the refreshment stand, he he... this story is funny. Okay dekat refreshment stand tu they have a prop for this Colic movie. Memang masa tengah beratur beli tiket, we keep on hearing a baby cry. Then, when we wanted to queue up to buy popcorn, some people were gathered around something that seemed to be the source of the baby cries sound. We went to menyibuk and rupa - rupanya a prop for the movie. There was a baby basket and inside a very sickeningly dark baby with white eyes and the sound of baby's cries. Okay.
Then, as I was queueing up to buy popcorn, I noticed Abang went to see the prop again. I saw him peered inside the basket and then the baby started to wail. OMG ! My son jumped and ran to me. His face registered real terror and fear and his hug was tight. Several people laughed ( including his momma ) but one lady exclaimed, " Oh kesiannya dia... ".
Anyway, back to our poster scrutinisation as I mentioned earlier, we saw the poster for Colic. It featured a healthy coloured baby with normal coloured eyes but on his tummy was an imprint of an adult's hand. Then we saw a poster for an upcoming Malay movie. Abang read it out loud , " Zombie Kampung Pisang. Akan Datang. "He he...... he is going to start...
As we were lounging around in front of the theater, he asked me the meaning of Akan Datang. I said It's Coming. Then he asked when is it coming ? I said I dunno. Soon I suppose. Mum, he said again, is he coming to get me ? What ? I looked at him and the returned look from him was filled with horror.
No he is not Abang I replied, the truth dawning on me. I don't like zombies, he declared. They eat people. I don't want to die. Then he said again, I don't want to see ghosts because they will try to eat me. Right.
Before I can explain, he asked again, where is Kampung Pisang, mum ? Is it near ? Oh man..... I am glad we will be watching a feel good movie.
Anyway, on the way home, Adik was asleep at the back seat, and he was next to me when he suddenly assked to me;
Abang : Mummy, how did the setan masuk dalam perut baby tuh ?
Mummy : Cerita colic tuh ? Sebab tak baca Bismillah lah... That is why bila nak makan kena baca Bismillah. Kalau tak baca nanti setan will get inside your tummy with your food.
Abang : Bismillah is strong sebab dia come from Allah ?
Mummy : Yes. Allah will protect you if you read Bismillah. That is why I ask you to read Bismillah sebelum makan and sebelum tidur. So that Allah will give you extra protection.
Abang : Tapi baby tu tak tahu baca Bismillah Mummy, macam Adik. Adik punya Bismillah is funny...
Mummy : Kalau baby orang yang bagi dia makan and orang yang tidurkan dia kena tolong bacakan Bismillah. Like when you were a baby, Babah and I will read the Bismillah for you to protect you. So Adik pun Babah and Mummy read the Bismillah for her.
Abang : What about when you were a baby ? Who did that for you ?
Mummy : Tok Mi and Tok Yah lah.
Abang : Oh, because they are your father and mother ? That is before you ada Babah and me and Adik ?
Mummy : That is right honey.
He became quiet for awhile. Then he turned his head to look at his sleeping sister. He suddenly got up and went to to back seat. I heard him whisper the Bismillah. Then he came back in front.
Abang : Adik is safe now Mummy. I baca Bismillah for her. She will be okay.
I looked at my son, a proud mother and all misty eyed. Then he made things difficult for me;
Abang : Mummy if Allah is stronger than setan, why can't he kill setan terus ?
Aaa....... Camno nak jawab nih ? My son is a believer of you-better-kill-it-before-it-kills-you philosophy. Like this very morning, I showed him a picture of a tiger that has been cut into 4 pieces. I expressed regret and sadness for the big cat. He looked at me and said,
Abang : But mum, tigers makan orang. So now he cannot eat people anymore. People are safe.
Mummy : Sure, but wouldn't it be sad if you cannot see tigers anymore, say in the zoo ?
Abang : In the zoo I will go and see the nice animals Mummy, like cows and goats and giraffes....
Okaylah. I will explain to you better when you are older. This is something that I have to ponder about to give an impact on you.
Believe you me, my answer to him didn't make me proud of myself at all... Hmmm......
Friday, November 17, 2006
The Goldilocks
I came home to hear Abang's important news.
Abang : Teacher chose me to tell a story tomorrow, Mummy.
Mummy : Really ? That is nice. What story are you reciting ?
Abang : Goldilocks !!
Mummy : You are not going to tell them my version of Goldilocks, right honey ?
Abang : I am going to tell them about Goldilocks who went to the forest and found the 3 bears' house...... blah, blah, blah....
So he practised in front of us and I noticed that he kept saying The Goldilocks.
Mummy : Sayang, you don't have to put 'the' in front of her name...
Babah : Goldilocks is her name lah Abang. She is not a WWF wrestler....
He was okay, I suppose, with the right facial expression and all... Mrs Devi once commented how well Abang turned out to be. Ha ? I said... " Really ah, Teacher ? " Yes, yes, she said. He will always raise up his hand to answer questions. Other students will all be scared when I ask questions, but not Abang lah. He is never afraid to speak in public. Once he went in front of the class and told the whole class how a butterfly came to be... ( She also said that Abang left her mouth hanging open when she first encountered him, until another student told her it is okay teacher, Abang is like that - I dare not ask her why ).
Ye ke ? Sounds like he has no regard for authority aje. However he is very afraid of the police ( My mum said that is very wrong as if he is in trouble he will not seek police's help at all. Point taken mum. Will try to establish the right feeling for authority ). He he.... Once right, we went to have dinner at Secret Recepi at Sek 9. In the car I noticed that Adik has taken with her 1 sugar packet. I took that as an opportunity to teach my brood about stealing.
Mummy : Adik, adik ambik apa tu dari kedai ?
Adik : * Entah apa ntah dia cakap sebab cakap tak terang kan lagi masa tuh... tapi ada perkataan shugar in between... *
Abang : Adik ambik sugar Mummy.
Mummy : Oh my god Adik ! Did you steal that from the shop ?
( at this Babah start to menjeling kat Mummy. I just ignored it )
Abang jumped at that remark and scooted nearer to his sister.
Adik : Haaa... ( answered in the affirmative )
Mummy : Oh man. I am sure org kedai tu is calling the cops right now. What are we going to do ? The cops will be chasing us !!
Abang : Mana Mummy ? Mana ? ( while looking behind )
Mummy : Babah, please drive laju sikit. The police are coming to catch Adik and throw her into jail.
Babah : I am not driving fast sebab nanti accident. The police can come and get us if they must.
(eee.... langsung tak mo bagi co-operation)
Abang : Babah no ! Nanti they tangkap Adikand put her in jail. ( Getting more hysterical ) Babah hurry up. Adik is just a small kid..
Mummy : No, Babah cannot drive fast nanti Babah pulak masuk jail. ( More frantic ) What are we going to do ? Has the police come yet ? Are they near ?
Abang : Adik, where is it ? Where is the sugar ? Babah, we turn back Babah and bagi balik sugar ni kat kedai tuh. Hurry up Babah..
( Babah gave a more severe jeling to Mummy and sadly I have to end this.. )
Mummy : No, no it's okay. I will call the police and tell them it is a mistake and hopefully they will understand.
Abang : Mummy call them now Mummy. Adik, what have you done ? ( Sobbing and hugging his precious little sister. Sister by the way was wide eyed and maybe comprehended something has gone wrong but couldn't quite catch the reason why ).
Mummy : ( Called the police ). Okay, they said it's fine provided I return the sugar to them tomorrow.
Abang : Okay Mummy.... Titi you are safe now. Please don't do it again okay sebab nanti police put you in jail... Okay Adik ?
Adik : Haa.... Okay Abang.
Next morning, Abang woke up and went to the dresser straight away. He came to me and gave me the ( now forgotten ) sugar to me.
Abang : This is the sugar Mummy. Please send this back to the kedai okay ?
Mummy : ( Quite stunned actually ). Okay sayang.
Abang : You must remember this Mummy. ( 1 fat finger up ) Please remember okay Mummy ?
Babah : Why do you want to make the kids crazy like you ?
Mummy : You don't approve ?
Babah : It is quite entertaining actually....
I deliberately orchestrated us to have dinner at Secret Recepi quite soon after. Abang seemed forgotten of that episode but I was not dissapointed. As we were about to leave, he checked his sister's hands and pockets, making sure that she is free of jail-time-inducing sugar packets.
I have done my job..... I think.
Abang : Teacher chose me to tell a story tomorrow, Mummy.
Mummy : Really ? That is nice. What story are you reciting ?
Abang : Goldilocks !!
Mummy : You are not going to tell them my version of Goldilocks, right honey ?
Abang : I am going to tell them about Goldilocks who went to the forest and found the 3 bears' house...... blah, blah, blah....
So he practised in front of us and I noticed that he kept saying The Goldilocks.
Mummy : Sayang, you don't have to put 'the' in front of her name...
Babah : Goldilocks is her name lah Abang. She is not a WWF wrestler....
He was okay, I suppose, with the right facial expression and all... Mrs Devi once commented how well Abang turned out to be. Ha ? I said... " Really ah, Teacher ? " Yes, yes, she said. He will always raise up his hand to answer questions. Other students will all be scared when I ask questions, but not Abang lah. He is never afraid to speak in public. Once he went in front of the class and told the whole class how a butterfly came to be... ( She also said that Abang left her mouth hanging open when she first encountered him, until another student told her it is okay teacher, Abang is like that - I dare not ask her why ).
Ye ke ? Sounds like he has no regard for authority aje. However he is very afraid of the police ( My mum said that is very wrong as if he is in trouble he will not seek police's help at all. Point taken mum. Will try to establish the right feeling for authority ). He he.... Once right, we went to have dinner at Secret Recepi at Sek 9. In the car I noticed that Adik has taken with her 1 sugar packet. I took that as an opportunity to teach my brood about stealing.
Mummy : Adik, adik ambik apa tu dari kedai ?
Adik : * Entah apa ntah dia cakap sebab cakap tak terang kan lagi masa tuh... tapi ada perkataan shugar in between... *
Abang : Adik ambik sugar Mummy.
Mummy : Oh my god Adik ! Did you steal that from the shop ?
( at this Babah start to menjeling kat Mummy. I just ignored it )
Abang jumped at that remark and scooted nearer to his sister.
Adik : Haaa... ( answered in the affirmative )
Mummy : Oh man. I am sure org kedai tu is calling the cops right now. What are we going to do ? The cops will be chasing us !!
Abang : Mana Mummy ? Mana ? ( while looking behind )
Mummy : Babah, please drive laju sikit. The police are coming to catch Adik and throw her into jail.
Babah : I am not driving fast sebab nanti accident. The police can come and get us if they must.
(eee.... langsung tak mo bagi co-operation)
Abang : Babah no ! Nanti they tangkap Adikand put her in jail. ( Getting more hysterical ) Babah hurry up. Adik is just a small kid..
Mummy : No, Babah cannot drive fast nanti Babah pulak masuk jail. ( More frantic ) What are we going to do ? Has the police come yet ? Are they near ?
Abang : Adik, where is it ? Where is the sugar ? Babah, we turn back Babah and bagi balik sugar ni kat kedai tuh. Hurry up Babah..
( Babah gave a more severe jeling to Mummy and sadly I have to end this.. )
Mummy : No, no it's okay. I will call the police and tell them it is a mistake and hopefully they will understand.
Abang : Mummy call them now Mummy. Adik, what have you done ? ( Sobbing and hugging his precious little sister. Sister by the way was wide eyed and maybe comprehended something has gone wrong but couldn't quite catch the reason why ).
Mummy : ( Called the police ). Okay, they said it's fine provided I return the sugar to them tomorrow.
Abang : Okay Mummy.... Titi you are safe now. Please don't do it again okay sebab nanti police put you in jail... Okay Adik ?
Adik : Haa.... Okay Abang.
Next morning, Abang woke up and went to the dresser straight away. He came to me and gave me the ( now forgotten ) sugar to me.
Abang : This is the sugar Mummy. Please send this back to the kedai okay ?
Mummy : ( Quite stunned actually ). Okay sayang.
Abang : You must remember this Mummy. ( 1 fat finger up ) Please remember okay Mummy ?
Babah : Why do you want to make the kids crazy like you ?
Mummy : You don't approve ?
Babah : It is quite entertaining actually....
I deliberately orchestrated us to have dinner at Secret Recepi quite soon after. Abang seemed forgotten of that episode but I was not dissapointed. As we were about to leave, he checked his sister's hands and pockets, making sure that she is free of jail-time-inducing sugar packets.
I have done my job..... I think.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Mummy has a bad back
Mummy : Mummy sakit belakang lah Abang.
Abang : Yeah, I know. Is it because you dah tua Mum ?
Mummy : You are very clever, my son. Very clever...
Abang : Yeah, I know. Is it because you dah tua Mum ?
Mummy : You are very clever, my son. Very clever...
A few hours after that..
Adik : Mummy please kokong Adik.
Mummy : Adik, Mummy sakit belakang kan ? You know that, right ?
A few minutes after that
Adik : Abang help me Abang..... Adik sakit bakang... Please bawak Adik punya toy ni ( hand on back, body bent forward a bit... )
My children are comics.
My back hurts and it is limiting my activities. I miss carrying Adik actually, as she usually would rest her head on my shoulder and chatter. If I am lucky, she would murmur her affection for me and reward me with pats on my back or a squeeze or two.
I also can't believe that I am missing the act of cleaning up my children. From the very beginning it has been a team effort by Babah and me. Eventhough we have a maid, when we are around, the children are our responsibility. Abang had never been prepared for school by other people except us. I miss kissing him in the light of dawn, all cool from his bath, smelling of soap. I miss their chatter while they brush their teeth, and singing " OO... o-ok..., " when on the john, waiting for you - know - what to come out.
Who knew, after 4 days, I am itching to clean my children when Babah and I always fought to do the easiest chore, that is fetching the towels and choosing their clothes. I always get annoyed if my pants, or worse my top, got wet, especially if they were spraying water around.
Soon, Abang would be able to wash his bottom and bathe on his own. I want to savour every minute of my sons dependancy on me, as day by day, he is closer to not needing me anymore. Tonight sayang, Mummy mandikan Abang and Adik, okay ? Sayang Mummy.....

Abang's exam results
Since Wednesay Abang waited for me to come home. Pukul 7 dia dah terpacak kat pintu, anticipating my return. On Wednesday, as soon as he saw my car he opened the front door and jumped up and down.
Abang : Mummy! I am so clever Mummy. I know everything.
Mummy : Really ?
Abang : Ha.... ( he said proudly as he looked up at me, hand encircled my waist ). Abang got 100 for English...
Mummy : Ye ke sayang ?
On Thursday;
Abang : Mummy, I got 100 again Mum !
Mummy : Really ? What subject pulak ni ?
Abang : Maths Mum....
Mummy : Really ?
Abang : Yes, I am so clever....
Mummy : So, did you get 100 for your Bahasa exam ?
Abang : Yes Mummy. Aren't I clever ?
Mummy : Good one, sweetheart....
Tapi, kat belakang with Abah..
Mummy : Ye ke Bah ?
Abah : Entah...
Other people whom were told of his success ( by himself le ) questioned us too...
Other people : Ye ke ?
Mummy & Abah : Entah....
Saturday, Charity event at CEC ( it was a huge collosal fun by the way ) I couldn't find Mrs Devi anywhere. Monday, Mrs Devi was right smack in front of me, opening the door to my car, to let Abang out.
Mummy : Mrs Devi ! The person I have been looking for...
( Abang at that moment was already out of the car and was near the gate. I saw him glanced worriedly at us ).
Mummy : How did Abang do in his exams ?
Mrs Devi : Very well lah, ma'am. He got 100 on all his subjects... But he did especially well this time because I did not have to guide him at all. He read all the instructions on his own. He will do very well in his Darjah Satu I think....
( this is the same teacher who told me that Abang could be the next prime minister because of his ability to talk in public... secara halusnya, Abang memang tak tau malu.... waaaaaa.... )
Okay, Abang.... you have to stop acting guilty all the time.... You are really giving the people around you the wrong message. Like when I asked you if you were playing game, why did you hesitate when you were actually revising your maths ? Why did you glanced back worriedly when you saw me talking to your teacher ?
I think I can probe and discuss deeper into this.... cuma I have to go out for lunch..... Lapaq !!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Hai Abang
Abang. My son. Hmmm.......
It turned out, my dear friends, Abang did actually studied Maths when I called him last week. I went home and demanded proof and there it was, 2 pages done. I asked him why did he do Maths, and he said he was bored. And because he wants to be a doctor.
He he Abang and his desire to be a doctor. Once I asked him why does he want to be a doctor ? " Because I can help people when they are sick Mummy. Help Abah and Tok Yah and Tok Mi and other people to make them better, " all were my words and then he added some of his own, " I can also help you Mummy to take out the baby from your tummy when you are pregnant, " Ha ?
Abah let out the loudest Ha ?
Later, abah told me that he will not acknowledge any baby that I carry as his when we are above 50 years old... !!! Dasar lelaki tak bertanggungjawab.
Why does Abang want to be a doctor ? Because he believes only doctors drive Ferraris and my baby Abang loves fast cars. I sort of encouraged him to be a doctor by dangling something that he truly loves ( the said very expensive cars ) in front of it. "You want a Maserati ? Only doctors could afford it..." ( I have a license for that sort of fib by being his Mummy ).
One day he came to my office and there was a Ferrari in the parking lot. His oohs and aahs were priceless. He touched it lovingly, demanded to be lifted up so that he could see the interior, checked the tyres and basically fell in love all over again. He was looking underneath the car ( for what I do not know ) when I heard his muffled " Is your boss a doctor Mummy ? " I looked at Babah and breathed a sigh of relief, " He actually is honey. Dr Shafiq Abdullah. " Just don't tell my baby that he is an Economics PHd holder.........
Some time ago, I was driving him and his sister somewhere when he thoughtfully told me," Mum, you really need to do something with your car. You already have a kepak (spoiler), but you need side skirting and front something, plus you need this whacammalit to make the car goes faster, blah, blah, blah... " Right. Babah you have to stop him from reading Top Gear. I don't want him to be ashamed of his mother for driving an ordinary Gen2 whose only attractive feature is its kepak.
Babah once berrated me for wishing and praying for Abang to talk ( he could only talk when he is about 2 and a half ) as my doa sebagai ibu made him a real yapper. But occasionally ( please note the occasionally ) I do enjoy my children's gabfest.
Yesterday he asked for some sweets but since he just had teh tarik, I didn't allow it. He begged and begged and I told him, " You want to see me jadi pontianak tak ? " "No," he said, a little too quickly ( ha ha ) but then he looked at me and said , " Mom, you cannot be a pontianak." " Why is that ? " I asked and he said, " Because you are a natural woman..., " Hmm ?
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Umar buat Maths betul ke ?

Today I called up my son.
Mummy : What are you doing sayang ?
Abang : Stuffs.
Mummy : What stuffs ?
Abang : Entahlah.
Mummy : Are you playing game ?
Abang : (Hesitated) No..
Mummy : Are you lying to me ?
Abang : No Mummy I'm not.
Mummy : Abang......
Abang : I played Aida's gameboy for awhile only...
Mummy : Okay. But why did you lie to me at the first place ? You know I can always tell if you are lying. Allah knows Abang...
Abang : Mummy... I promise you I am not lying. I never lie to you Mum...
Mummy : Then just now you said you played Aida's gameboy...
Abang : That was yesterday. Not today...
Mummy : Then what were you doing just now ?
Abang : I was doing Maths Mum
Mummy : Maths ? MATHS ? (Silent for awhile) Who is teaching you ?
Abang : Nobody. I am using the book you bayar dekat IKEA...
Mummy : Ye ke Abang ?
Abang : Yes Mummy. I promise I never lie to you... I am doing big numbers addition with small numbers...
Okay.... I really have to see this.
Why am I being so anal about Abang's game playing ? Because Yaya's husband Hood is addicted to games. Playstation, computer games, you name it he likes it. He could play until 5 am in the morning, sleep awhile and then off to work. So you could imagine how good he is, considering the hours he clocked in front of the game sets. Even Babah susah nak kalah kan si Hood...
I just found out that my son, my 6 years old Abang, has beaten Hood, a succesful 32 year old banker - game addict, many times. Not just the fighting ones but football games too... How long has my son been practising if dia boleh kalah kan Hood ni ?
And I tell you Hood is not happy with Abang. Dia banyak merepek merapan about him losing to a 6 year old many times. Atuk when he heard that gave a piece of advise to Abang, " Lain kali bagilah Uncle Hood menang sekali...., " and what was Abang's answer ? " Dah bagi dah uncle Hood menang.., "
Hood jangan marah......
Hari Raya

My angels celebrated raya obliviously I think. Adik of course couldn't understand raya but the meaning of raya and the keseronokan raya is lost on my eldest son too. When I asked what is raya Abang said " It's a celebration Mummy, " and when I asked what is Deepavali he answered the same thing. Raya to my children are the many cousins ( my children are not fans of food ) and the prospects of endless playing.
What they understand is the little green packets. Abang will dutifully give me everything that he got. But not my little Adik. She has a nice little red bag bedecked with flowers and sequinnes. The bag houses a cute purple purse and purple sunglasses. Everytime she received one, she will inspect the contents. Those with red and dark blue notes she will let it be in their original package. But those smaller blue denomination and green ones she will extract them and put them in her purple purse. Oh how she guards the red bank. Until today I don't even know how much she has in there. She plays, eats and sleeps with it.
I have told her that Adik ni lagi teruk dari Nyang. My Nyang was like that. She guards her handbag like nobody's business. But, she will leave them hidden under her bed when she is at home !! Bukannya bawak merata - rata macam si Adik ni....
Si Abang pulak masa salam raya dengan Tok Mi dia diam aje. So Tok Mi said, " Abang diam aje ke ? Tak nak mintak maaf dengan Tok ke ? " Abang looked perplexed, looked up at Tok Mi and said, " What did I do now ? " Ha ha ha
Selamat Hari Raya.
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