Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Dulu dan sekarang...

Last year,

“Ana nak Mummy pukul kakak ke ?” A question I post to her everytime she came crying to me because “Kakak buat shaya !” Usually when the crying went on and on and on and on.

Geleng kepala.
Sayang kakak kan....
"Nanti Mummy nasihat kakak okay....?"

Half a year after that, “Ana nak Mummy pukul kakak ke ?”

Nodded her head this time.

“Sampai darah ?”

“Eh jangan… Tak yah Mummy, tak yah…”

Sayang kakak kan….
"Nanti Mummy nasihat kakak okay ?"

Last week,

“Ana nak Mummy pukul kakak ke ?”

Head nodded in agreement again.

“Sampai darah ?”

Fully expecting the conversation would end, I resumed watching the telly.

“Sikit aje darah okay ?”

Hmmm…. tak jadi tengok tv…

Teruklah Ana ni….

This morning Cik Ta reported that yesterday Ana had wanted to eat fried chicken with her nasi goreng for breakfast. Cik Ta asked her to wash her hands first. Alih-alih, Tigger dah ambik. Last piece pulak tu.

Naughty Tigger.

Nothing could be done as chicken in the fridge pun dah habis.

Cik Ta naik atas and saw Ana like 10 minutes after that climbing up the stairs, holding a piece of fried chicken in her hand.

“Ana, where did you get that ?”

“Ana punyalah. Tigger punya dah habis dah….”

Cik Ta screwed her eyes suspiciously. She knew there were no more fried chicken anymore in the house. Nada.

“Ana… cakap betul-betul… sapa punya ni… Ini Tigger punya kan ?”

Her smile faltered, body slumped.
“Yelah… tapi Ana nak !”

He he… Cik Ta forced her to throw it away and washed her hands nice and clean.

Well… Mummy took one before Ana woke up. Tu lah, bangun awal sikit…

Tomorrow she will be four. He he… dah besar anak Mummy ni…

Happy birthday Ana Banana…

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