Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

At the 7-E

Hari Jumaat, Babah cakap dia nak makan sardine ngan nasi. Mummy cakap “Wokey !” aje tapi bila check supplies, dah habis rupanya.

Oooohh…. Sungguh tak mau dengar leteran ataupun melihat lirikan mata yang tak best. Dua-dua Mummy tak suka.

So, I sneaked out to buy a tin. Abang and Adik followed of course. It wasn’t my intention to get out of the car, Abang had to do it. Apa guna anak yang dah besar panjang kan ? So along the way, I schooled Abang on what to buy.

“Sardin cap Ayam..”

“Sardin cap Ayam…. What ?”

“Sardin cap Ayam…”

“Wait… Is it sardine or is it ayam ?” Hmm… macam pernah dengar Jessica Simpson tanya aje.

“Sardin cap Ayam...”

“I don’t get it.... Which one is it ? You want both ke ? Sardin and ayam ?”

“What not to get Abang ? I want sardine cap Ayam !”

“O-kay…” he said bravely, still confused. I heard him chanting Sardin Cap Ayam over and over under his breath. He he…

* Dah lama-lama, I now get that he doesn’t know the word cap, as in brand. I should have explained. Hmmm… Mummy ni…

But alas when we got there, Al Bismi was closed. The one Sek 6 pun tutup. I didn’t know that shops in Shah Alam close on Fridays. What else to do but stopped by Ye Ol’ Faithful 7-11 ?

There were ample parking spaces available so I decided to get out myself. Luckily I checked my purse before I got out and confirmed the niggling suspicion that I do not exactly have money. “Aisehman….” came out automatically.

“What is it, Mummy ?” Asked Abang.

“Nothing… only that I don’t have money..” I answered while riffling thorugh my purse. Nasib baik teringat duit yang I selit kat tepi to pay ustaz. Pinjam sat lah na, ustaz. Thank you very much. As I got out of the car, Adik asked, “Mummy… you still want to go ? I thought you don’t have money ?”

He he… my cue to do some mischief.

“Takpelah… Kita ambik sardine and kalau takde duit, kita lari ajelah…”

Adik smiled nervously. “Mummy…. Mana boleh !” she protested with a very anxious smile.

“Boleh lah… Kita dah sampai ni… Kita ambik pastu kita larilah laju-laju… Okay ? Can you run very fast ?”

“Mummy….” Smile never faltered, the nervous edge also remained, “We cannot do that.. Mummmmyyy……” And I walked straight to the shop, my little girl running after me. Police and Allah and a hoard of other goody-goody stuffs were heard in a cute little girl’s voice. Plus loads of “Mummyyyy … Mummmyyyyy ….” He he.

Inside 7-E, Abang asked if he could have ice-cream and aku adalah sangat gembira sebab entah kenapa rasa macam nak makan ice-cream. Abangambik satu, Mummy ambik 2 and minah yang takut nar Mummy takde duit pun ambik satu. Siap mintak benda lain lagi. Tadi takut sangat. Nampak goodies dalam 7-E terus lupa.

He he… yang bestnya, when we were at the counter I think baru dia teringat Mak dia takde duit kot and I tell you her face was priceless. She looked at each item the cashier scanned with a frown and when all was done and time for me to pay up, she looked at me worriedly.

I stood stock still for awhile, saja nak bagi dia berpeluh. Pastu I slowly opened up my purse, pretending to look for cash. I really took my time and she got more worried when I failed to produce any money. He he… the problem was I forgot about the mamat 7-11 yang I think got quite berpeluh gak at that point. Remembering that, I quickly took out a 50 note with a flourish and grinned. My daughter… she exhaled, ladies and gentlemen. She exhaled. I didn’t know that she was holding her breath all the while !


“Mummyyyyy !!! Itu ada duit tu …” She said exclaimed.

“Ye ke ?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

“Mummy ni….” She said laughingly, and pok aku sebijik.

He he… Alhamdullilah she knows what it wrong and what is right. What a waste of my acting and story spinning if she didn't.


Norliana Abdul Rahman said...


mmg best!!!

aku nak buat jugak aaa kat balqis one day nanti!

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Ha ha... pastu hang tulih detailed report kat blog hang okeh ?