Where Abang was unexpected, Adik was very much planned. One day I felt so nauseous and I knew that I have one life inside me. Doctor confirmed it and Mummy and Babah was ecstatic. Abang was 3 and had just started talking.
Mummy and Babah tak sabar-sabar nak tahu if I was carrying a girl, and when Dr Rachagan confirmed it we beamed at each other as if she was the first girl to be born ever !
My baby girl was 10 days early. Ha ha… At that time, Mummy, Babah and Abang moved back to PIL's house because takut Mummy kena pegi hospital malam-malam and nowhere to put Abang. On the 14th of December we came home to get clothes and found the house was burgled. Typical.
Due to stress I think, Mummy was hospitalized that very afternoon because again, I had a ‘show’. Babah was upset because he was at the house with the griller so Aunty Su and Uncle Hood sent Mummy to SJMC. Mummy was put up in the labour room overnight and the next day was ready to push. The nurses and doctor kept warning Mummy not to as she was not fully dilated yet but she just had to because her little girl was eager to get out. And out she came, screaming like mad and Mummy’s world was complete.
Adik hated her crib. She would fall sleep in it sure but every night she would start wailing and I have to take her and put her on my shoulder. Only then she would sleep. She didn’t want Babah’s shoulder you know, it was Mummy’s that she most coveted.
She was a happy baby. A cheeky one. I remember once Abang and I couldn’t have proper meals because she refused to be left alone. Didn’t sleep the whole day either so Mummy had to feed her son toasts and cereal.
How Abang loved his sister. He would be on tippy-toes looking at his sister in the crib and would be the first one to check on her if she so much whimpered. Tapi sekejap je. Bila dia dah biasa, dia buat tak pedulik aje…
Look at that face, sort of saying "Hang jaga na... Kuchi kuchi ngan aku konon.. Hang tunggu aku dapat kaki, dapat mulut...." Her brother marah dia kelmarin because he was trying to correct her sentence but she refused to listen. Dok ulang je benda yang salah. Last-last abang fed-up and started howling.. Drama kan anak-anak aku ni... ? And then you know what she said ? "Abang, this is my mouth and I can do whatever I like with it ... Okay ?"
Mummy did, but when Adik was about 10 months old, Mummy was sent to Geneva for a convention, then to Vienna. So much for a new job. It was the worst trip of her life because she kept missing her baby. She remembers singing Babah’s stupid song for his babies in the shower, missing her little girl.
I am now living in this lovely place where she thinks I am her everything. When she looked at gambar kawin Mummy and Babah, she said, “Ini Babah ke ? Eeee… tak handsomenya…. Tapi pulak Mummy cantiklah, ada flowers-flowers ni…..” He he… Tensen Babahnya. As soon as I get home, there will be a shadow following me around, talking non-stop and never failing to make me laugh.
Sometimes Mummy feels guilty bila dia ajak main Wii and Mummy pulak nak tengok Mark Harmon. But she would always try to entice me by blinking her eyes rapidly or making her huge eyes even bigger. Tahu aje macamana nak buat mak dia ikut cakap dia.
This morning she told me (while I was on the john no less), “Mummy... semalam… Abang kan main Game Boy atas katil….”
Then she quickly begged me to, “Pleeeease forgive himmm, Mummy ! Pleaseeee !” hands clasped together, before I had the chance to say anything.
Alahai kau ni, I wouldn’t know if you didn’t tell me you know, you Silly Milly…. So much drama from one so small !!
My darling little clown, you can really make me laugh with your cheeky remarks and yet astound me with your beauty. I would take time to just have a leisure look at you, taking in your smiles and your mannerisms and your facial expressions. You mean so much to me, sometimes I ache for you.
I love you lots, little one. And I hope that the world will smile kindly at you when you smile naughtily to it.
In her car seat. Gambaq tak clear sebab Babah tangkap guna his PDA. Camera kena curi kan, sehari sebelum dia sampai..
Babah tak leh lekang dengan anak... Dukung aje... Dah pesan banyak kali, toksah nanti dia asyik nak berdukung je... Tak nak dengar kan... Sampai sekarang dok kena dukung lagi... Nasib baik haluih...
This trip to PD was the high light of her life. Often times she would come up to me, sigh dramatically and announced, " I miss PD. Kan Mummy ? Do you miss PD ?"
If I dared to say yes, she would clasp her hands and said, "What are you waiting for ? Let's go !" Ha ha... After Langkawi, she would do the same trick but insert Langkawi where PD is....
I love her at this age... About 2 years old probably... Sangat naughty, sangat cheeky.. And so gorgeous !
Whenever she is hungry, this naughty girl would climb on the very high chair and banged the table. Sometimes if she saw me cooking, dia awai2 dah tunggu tang tu... Tengok muka nakai tuh... How did she manage to climb up the chair ? She would scale the table via the dining chair then jumped in. First time I caught her doing this, rasa nak pengsan, okay.
This high chair is at MIL's place now. She still loves sitting on it..
With her beloved Abang.
happy birthday elsa..
muka hang mmg sgt cheeky and naughty!
Oh Konot.. maksudnya betuilah bacaan ku... Nakai kan muka dia... ? Awat ah ?
so sweet la this post...klu aku jadi elsa, baca bila u dah takdak nanti...aku akan meraung...!!
Sayang kat anak... Anak sayang dak kat kita ?
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