Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ana buat gempaq

Last week I was talking to my mother on the phone when we were interrupted by a loud sobbing at Mummy’s side.

Ana was wailing and I mean howling y’all. I heard a loud “Waaaaaaaaa !” followed by “Toookkkkk !! Ayah buat shaya !!!!!”

Tok asked why and in between sobs she explained, “Ayah nak geget tangan shaya. Lepas tu Ayah nak potong tangan shaya !!!”

I who was listening to the other side got rather panicked because her cries were so loud and she sounded I don’t know… I can’t explain it. Whatever it is it was enough to make me clutched my phone tighter and almost pushed it in inside my head. Punya drama. Then I heard my brother’s voice.

Rupa-rupanya begini, ada selumbar masuk dalam jari dia so the Ayah was trying to get it out with his teeth. Itu yang dia kata Ayah nak geget dia. And then when she made so much noise, Ayah threatened to cut off her hand bagi senang.

He he….. Cara menangis macam dah kena dera tahap gaban dah lah.

Then Tok pujuk. She said, “Ana kena lah bagi buat ni kalau tak nanti malam-malam Ana tidur sakit… Nyut, nyut, nyut….ha….”

Tak jadi as she wailed louder. “Toookkkkk ! Janganlah cakap nyut, nyut, nyut !!!!”

He he…..

My kids who were with me of course demanded to know what the fuss was all about. I started of like this, “Ana kan jari dia masuk… alah sometimes macam kayu tu dekat jari dia.. She was crying like gila-gila sebab Mamu nak geget pastu nak potong tangan dia… that was what she said lah… Tapi….”, here I was interrupted by Umar.

“What ? For splinters ? Can’t Mamu use like a tweezers or something ?” Berkerut-kerut muka abang yang memang over-protective ni. “Why must he cut her hand ? Why can’t he just use tweezers ? That is a bit too much. Mamu ni kadang-kadang suka je buat benda-benda extreme….” He shook his head then looked outside the opened window, like his mind was trying to reach Ana nun jauh kat sek 8 sana.

Hai… sampai ke situ pulak dia ni. Then come Elsa’s question that managed to put a stop to my attempt to paint a more correct picture to Umar. She asked, “Mummy…..” her eyes big and worried. “How did Ana get kayu in her jari ? Kayu kan besar kan…. How Mummy ? How ?”

Sigh…. Which one to tackle first ? Which one ?

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