Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spots Mummy.....

We were very tired from our holiday (I do not know which part of a relaxing holiday ever applies to me), but we still went for the classes. I was driving the kiddies home when Umar suddenly said, “Mummy you know Abah cakap dalam plane kan that he expects me to be covered in scars, not Elsa….”

I looked at Elsa and my eyes went directly to the new scar on the chin courtesy of her inability to wait for the just out of the oven cookies to cool. Then to her left eyebrow, a scar she got when she was just a wee lass of 2. We were living at Sek 7 then. I love living there because we were really in a community. I had neighbours who greeted me and came over just for a chat. My kids were called out to play every evening and were very much loved.

Well Elsa tumbled and fell on the tarmac while playing, the disfigurement still very much evident after 4 years. What a mess. I wholeheartedly agree with Umar and again cautioned her of her recklessness.

I looked at her and she had this look that clearly told me that her mind is whirring for a rebuttal. She had to say something. However before she could Abang continued on.

“If you do not take care of yourself, Ti nanti your face will be full of scars. Nobody wants to marry you if your face is like that. It is ugly you know…. Blah, blah, blah….” I just listened, wanting to interrupt but so very interested to hear his train of thoughts.

Then, “Babah kan kawin dengan Mummy because she is beautiful. Kan Mummy ? Mummy is beautiful that is why Babah wants to marry her (kembang lah sekejap…he he). It would be very hard for you to get a boyfriend like this, Ti…. Blah , blah, blah. Tak cantik… blah, blah, blah, No boyfriend… blah, blah, blah..”

I was valiantly trying not to laugh but all my effort came undone when Elsa finally found her point, “Tapi Mummy ada spots spots tuh…. Tak pe pun…. Abah marry pun dengan Mummy pun….”

Wa ha ha !! Umar can’t help himself either. Tears streamed down my face.

But …. Tak pe Elsa…. Spots spots ye…. Nanti kau

Spots spots tu bekas jerawat aku le…..

Gambar sebelum terjatuh..

Comel aje...

Innocent face..

Dah jatuh..
Kenapa muka terus naughty ?
Abah kata dah tak boleh mintak hantaran RM 100, 000 dah. Kena le tolak RM 10, 000... Huhu....

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