Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, May 15, 2009


It is so hard to get Elsa to tie her hair. Sakit lah, tak cantik lah, I don't want my forehead exposed lah....


Last week though I came home to find my daughter in a ponytail. Teacher ikat, she informed me. Cantik tak, Mummy ? She asked nervously. I of course said "Cantik...." and kissed her delighted face. Girls......

Anyway, thank you Teacher because now she insisted for her hair to be tied every day.

However, well there is always a however in my story. Anyway, she's always insisting that I tie her hair immediately after bath. NO can do, little girl, we cannot tie wet hair...is what I explained every single morning (well... for the past week... ha ha..). But this morning she was pestering me so much that I had to do something.

Ikat rambut rabbit tau, Mummy. Rambut rabbit, rambut rabbit, rambut rabbit x 1000 times. I swear, my ears threatened to leave my body everytime she said it.

So...... I split her hair into two and as I gathered one side I told her, "I don't want to do rambut rabbit, today..."

"What ? Why ? What rambut are you going to do ?" She asked worriedly.

"Rambut naga ! Dragon hair ..." I half hissed and half roared. I am very clever at that, trust me...

"Dragon hair ? But why ? I don't want rambut dragon lah, Mummy....."

"Why ? Because you said rabbit so many times, I got bored. So I want to do dragon hair instead. Dah boring dah dengar rambut rabbit, rambut rabbit so many, many times...."

"Mummy, how does rambut dragon look like ? I don't think I'm going to like it....."

"Heessh..... tengok je lah dulu..... I am so fed up of rabbit....." She gulped. Ha ha....


"There you go. See ? See ? You got dua tanduk kat tepi, just like a dragon..." I said, pushing her to the mirror.
"I don't think I like it very much..... Can you buat rambut..... errmm.... macam biasa tu.... yang ada dua tu...." He he... she got the message. Yabedabadooooo...!
"Ini kan ada dua ni ?"
"No... I want the dua tu kat bawah sikit. A bit lower....."
"Macam ni ?" I asked after I did a quick Thomas and Guy.
"Yes..... yang ini lah...."
"Am I gorgeous ?"
Hai lah..... "Yes you are......"
"I know......"


~Mrs Ababe~ said...

Pretty girl...

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Thank you... But don't tell her... Bertambah perasan... ha ha...

liadevega said...

Mmg macam rabbit dah muka dia..hehe

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Rabbit kurus !!