Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009



She said so many funny things this past week but I could only remember two of them. I am racking my brain bout the hilarious thing she said while we were watching the telly yesterday… Hmm…

No… sorry. Can’t remember..

Anyway, 3 days ago I was preparing for my toilette when Elsa approached me, stomping her feet all the way. She thrust her workbook at me and demanded to know who desecrated it, as she puts it, with ‘conteng-conteng’.

Looked at it and saw most of the questions were answered correctly. “Umar…” I answered.

“No….” she said impatiently. “Umar cakap he didn’t do it….”

I rolled my eyes. But of course…

“Of course it is him. There is nobody in the house. No Anna, no Esya. It is not Bibik and definitely not me or Babah… So it must be Umar…”

“Umar ?” She said incredously. “I am going down and teach him a lesson !!” she announced, stomping her feet out of the room.

“Umar !!!” and I heard Umar laughed.

Ha ha….

Last night all of us had an early night. By 9, we were already tucked in bed and Babah and Mummy were already nodding off, down with flu. You see, when we put the kids to bed, we usually just make sure they are comfortable, blankets up the chin and what nots. Then we switched off the lights and leave the room.

Sometimes when we do stay with them until they sleep, Umar would be asleep in 5 minutes. Once I reproved them for talking, citing bangun lambat and all and Umar said, “Don’t worry Mummy. I can sleep easily…” and with that rolled over and in a minute was snoring.

But last night, they were mucking about, playing and talking in the dark. My repetitive warning was ignored.

Then, “Oppff ! Ouch !!”

“Are you okay, Um ? Are you okay ?” Came very soon after.

“I am so sorry, Um. It is so dark. I cannot see. I didn’t know you were there….”


“Are you okay ?”

No reply. Mummy got a bit panicked at that point. Was about to get up when I heard Elsa said, “I cannot take it anymore, Um. Are you bleeding ? Say something…”

Umar laughed.

Mummy also laughed.

“Um… did you fart this very smelly fart ? It is smelly….”

Ha ha ha…….

Aduih lah, Elsa…

Monday, May 25, 2009

Anna nad the crying burger...

The funniest thing happened last month when we took Anna and Esya for dinner at Nachos Nachos.

Anna like always would order everything under the sun. Luckily I managed to persuade her to order the kiddies burger. Unfortunately though she finished off her chips, took one bite of the burger and announced “Dah !!”

So I started my story.

“Nangislah burger tu nanti…”

“Kenapa ?” Eyes wide and huge, so gorgeous.

“Yelah… all burger punya friend dalam perut Anna, pastu yang this one Anna nak buang… Crylah dia sebab dia tak dapat jumpa friend…”


“Iye…. Anna nak duduk dalam tong sampah tak ?” She shook her head.

“Burger pun tak nak duduk dalam tong sampah… Busuk… Sapa nak…” And so I screwed up my face and started wailing, before which I stole a glance at my husband and saw his little bemused smile.

“Waaa !! Tak nak duduk dalam tong sampah !! Waaaarggh ! Busuknya ! Nak duduk dalam perut Anna !! Wargh ! Wargh ! Wargh !”

Anna looked much tormented. “Tapi Anna tak nak dah ….” She said, pressing her body further into her chair.

“Busuknya tong sampah !! I want my friends dalam perut Anna !! Waaarggg !! Busuknya !!!”

Umar, Elsa and Eysa looked mighty uncomfortable. In fact Elsa had the telltale sign of tears. He he…

“Tapi Anna dah kenyang !! Kakak… makan lah burger ni…”

“Saya tak nak… Saya dah kenyang…” Esya said slowly, eyes huge. Keh keh…

I then got distracted by something on the telly and forgot about her. Suddenly, “Mummy…. Macamana ni… Anna dah kenyang…. Burger ni cry….”

Woo hoo !

“Ha … itulah… tadi Mummy suruh share tak nak…. Ni tak pasal-pasal burger ni kena buang… duduk dalam tong sampah….”

“Anna tak nak….” She said again.

The telly claimed my focus again before the very distressed Anna asked me again, “Macamana ni ?”

Aiseh… “Okay lah takpe lah… Mummy suruh abang tu makan, okay ?”

Just so happened none of the waiters came our way for me pretend giving him the food. Anna on the other hand, could not take it any longer. She just doesn’t want to see the offending, crying burger in front of her anymore I think, out of guilt. The problem must be solved. “Mummy…. Anna dah tak nak ni….” She said again, drawing my attention to the dilemma in front of her.

He he… tergelak aku. And then, “Bagilah Umar makan…” Abang offered. Good boy. I pushed the plate to him and saw him taking a very much visible gulp. He looked at the burger pityingly. Chomp, another chomp then, “Mummy… I am actually too full already… I could not take another bite…..”

“Tak pe, Umar… It’s okay… leave it… Never mind…..” He gave another sympathetic look at the burger and pushed it away. However….

“Mummy, look Umar tak habis burger….” Anna waved her finger at him. “Um… kalau tak habis burger nanti burger ni cry dalam tong sampah… Waagh ! Busuk… ! Waaghhh ! No friend !! Um buat burger cry….”

I couldn’t believe my ears. The audacity of that girl ! How dare she lectured Umar about her burger !! Her burger !! My eyes were still huge, mouth gawping when she looked at me haughtily. “Tengok Mummy, Umar tak habis burger…”

Tak terkata apa… Nothing came out of my mouth. Nothing !

Babah reached across me for the burger and finished it off in two huge bites. He smiled at Anna.

Phew… !!

I really hope she learnt her lesson.. but I have a feeling she didn’t.. Ha ha… I have to laugh…

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spots Mummy.....

We were very tired from our holiday (I do not know which part of a relaxing holiday ever applies to me), but we still went for the classes. I was driving the kiddies home when Umar suddenly said, “Mummy you know Abah cakap dalam plane kan that he expects me to be covered in scars, not Elsa….”

I looked at Elsa and my eyes went directly to the new scar on the chin courtesy of her inability to wait for the just out of the oven cookies to cool. Then to her left eyebrow, a scar she got when she was just a wee lass of 2. We were living at Sek 7 then. I love living there because we were really in a community. I had neighbours who greeted me and came over just for a chat. My kids were called out to play every evening and were very much loved.

Well Elsa tumbled and fell on the tarmac while playing, the disfigurement still very much evident after 4 years. What a mess. I wholeheartedly agree with Umar and again cautioned her of her recklessness.

I looked at her and she had this look that clearly told me that her mind is whirring for a rebuttal. She had to say something. However before she could Abang continued on.

“If you do not take care of yourself, Ti nanti your face will be full of scars. Nobody wants to marry you if your face is like that. It is ugly you know…. Blah, blah, blah….” I just listened, wanting to interrupt but so very interested to hear his train of thoughts.

Then, “Babah kan kawin dengan Mummy because she is beautiful. Kan Mummy ? Mummy is beautiful that is why Babah wants to marry her (kembang lah sekejap…he he). It would be very hard for you to get a boyfriend like this, Ti…. Blah , blah, blah. Tak cantik… blah, blah, blah, No boyfriend… blah, blah, blah..”

I was valiantly trying not to laugh but all my effort came undone when Elsa finally found her point, “Tapi Mummy ada spots spots tuh…. Tak pe pun…. Abah marry pun dengan Mummy pun….”

Wa ha ha !! Umar can’t help himself either. Tears streamed down my face.

But …. Tak pe Elsa…. Spots spots ye…. Nanti kau

Spots spots tu bekas jerawat aku le…..

Gambar sebelum terjatuh..

Comel aje...

Innocent face..

Dah jatuh..
Kenapa muka terus naughty ?
Abah kata dah tak boleh mintak hantaran RM 100, 000 dah. Kena le tolak RM 10, 000... Huhu....

Friday, May 15, 2009


It is so hard to get Elsa to tie her hair. Sakit lah, tak cantik lah, I don't want my forehead exposed lah....


Last week though I came home to find my daughter in a ponytail. Teacher ikat, she informed me. Cantik tak, Mummy ? She asked nervously. I of course said "Cantik...." and kissed her delighted face. Girls......

Anyway, thank you Teacher because now she insisted for her hair to be tied every day.

However, well there is always a however in my story. Anyway, she's always insisting that I tie her hair immediately after bath. NO can do, little girl, we cannot tie wet hair...is what I explained every single morning (well... for the past week... ha ha..). But this morning she was pestering me so much that I had to do something.

Ikat rambut rabbit tau, Mummy. Rambut rabbit, rambut rabbit, rambut rabbit x 1000 times. I swear, my ears threatened to leave my body everytime she said it.

So...... I split her hair into two and as I gathered one side I told her, "I don't want to do rambut rabbit, today..."

"What ? Why ? What rambut are you going to do ?" She asked worriedly.

"Rambut naga ! Dragon hair ..." I half hissed and half roared. I am very clever at that, trust me...

"Dragon hair ? But why ? I don't want rambut dragon lah, Mummy....."

"Why ? Because you said rabbit so many times, I got bored. So I want to do dragon hair instead. Dah boring dah dengar rambut rabbit, rambut rabbit so many, many times...."

"Mummy, how does rambut dragon look like ? I don't think I'm going to like it....."

"Heessh..... tengok je lah dulu..... I am so fed up of rabbit....." She gulped. Ha ha....


"There you go. See ? See ? You got dua tanduk kat tepi, just like a dragon..." I said, pushing her to the mirror.
"I don't think I like it very much..... Can you buat rambut..... errmm.... macam biasa tu.... yang ada dua tu...." He he... she got the message. Yabedabadooooo...!
"Ini kan ada dua ni ?"
"No... I want the dua tu kat bawah sikit. A bit lower....."
"Macam ni ?" I asked after I did a quick Thomas and Guy.
"Yes..... yang ini lah...."
"Am I gorgeous ?"
Hai lah..... "Yes you are......"
"I know......"

Thursday, May 14, 2009


This is major, major cute.

Remember how Anna will turn to Dan if money is involved ?

Well I came home on Tuesday very much tired. I threw myself in front of the telly, hugging a cushion. The kids came to say their hellos and my kids they are, cleverly read the telltale signs that Mummy is not just exhausted, she is devastatingly so.

Anna approached me and I think she knows that there is no way Mummy is cooking that night. So she said, “Mummy… mana Abah ?”

“Kenapa pulak … ?” Was the lazy reply.

“Anna lapar ni…. Anna nak makan…. Mana Abah ?” I started laughing. Really, this girl. With her big eyes, hand in a circular motion at her stomach, huge thick hair. How can anybody concentrate on their daily activities with her around ?

“You know we will be eating out ye, Anna ? So anything yang kena bayar, kena ada Abah ?”

“Ha Mummy, Abah bayar….” Keh, keh, keh.

Dan came home 20 minutes later and we sneaked out of the house to buy groceries at pasar malam. While there I warned him what was waiting for him at home. He shook his head.

We got home, put the stuffs away and as I was climbing the stairs, Dan just right behind me, Anna came running and planted herself in front of Abah.

“Abah ! Abah ! Anna lapar ni…. Anna nak makan….” Alahai, kesiannya dia ni.

Dan looked down at her. “Okay, tunggu kejap Abah mandi ye…. Lepas tu kita pegi makan…..” He patted her head fondly.

“Yeay ! Abah nak bawak Anna makan !! Yeay !!”

He he…. Funny girl, Anna. After Maghrib, Abah whisked all of us to Subway.

Aduhai, they created so much ruckus ordering, Mummy felt like giving up and just go home. One wanted cheese, the other doesnt’t. Then the debate on salad and cucumbers, then drinks. All that noise came with , “Anna nak ni ! Anna nak ni !!” from well…. You know who, who jumped up and down, pointing at a picture of soups.

We chose a mixture of crisps and cookies with the sandwiches. Anna found the cookies’ bag, looked at it for the longest of time then asked me, “Ini cookies ke, Mummy ?” She sounded so innocent.

“Ye…” answered the very harried Mummy who was trying to figure out who ordered what.

“Untuk apa ni, Mummy ?” Another question from Anna Banana.

“Makan lah …”

“Makan saja ?” She asked.

“Laa… makan sajalah…” Said I and left the table to help Abah with the drinks. I heard a very soft (and happy) “Okay…” but thought nothing of it. We came back with the drinks, opened our sandwiches and began eating. I looked at all my children, making sure they were eating when I noticed something weird about Anna. She was eating but why her food just didn’t seem right ?

Looked harder then, “Anna… makan sandwich dulu !! Cookies tu nanti…..”. That came from Abah. She grinned her wonderful grin, put the cookie down and start chomping on her sandwich.

When I said makan saja, I didn’t mean for you to eat it, lah Anna ! You asked me a question and the answer to that question was makan saja... It was not a nod for you to have dessert firt.

I wonder…Anna dah putar Mummy ke ?

Anna nih….

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cepat ! Cepat !

I came home last Friday to a house full of children. Aleesya’s rule when she is in Mummy’s house is mandi, then dinner then baru boleh balik.

If none of the above happened, she will start questioning. That fateful Friday Elsa was to have her piano replacement class and therefore I dressed her in a lovely long, lacy white skirt with a nice pink top. Aleesya as usual in her trousers, that Ben 10 wannabe.

However, I saw the widened eyes when she saw my daughter, who really scrubbed up nicely in the ensemble. I continued looking and saw her lowered eyelids. Hmmm….. intriguing. I have to approach with caution, knowing her dislike of anything girlie. In fact many of Mummy’s money were wasted because she just refused to wear anything with ribbons, lace or even pink.

“Cantik kan Titi pakai ?” I said. She lit up.

“Cantik, mummy ! Ada ribbon kat sini….” Mummy almost had a heart attack. She doesn’t find ribbons offensive !!

“Eysa nak ke skirt ni ?” I asked. She looked down and gave me the slightest of nod, I thought I imagined it.

“Dia ada dua colour… white and brown. Esya nak colour apa ?”

“White...” She said quietly.

She trulu wants it. The skirt !! She wants to wear a skirt !!

Kebetulan I bought the skirt at Reject Shop in Shah Alam Mall and there is where Elsa is having her lesson. I drove fast. Got there 10 minutes early, waited impatiently for 5 minutes before Dania admitted Elsa in.

Rushed to Reject Shop, Umar and Eysa running after me. Cepat ! Cepat ! Yah ! Yah !

“Mummy ! What’s wrong ?” Asked the now panicked Umar. ”Why are we running ?”

“Esya wants to wear a skirt ! I’d better buy one before she changes her mind !! Quick ! Quick ! Cepat sikit !!” And off we went.

Got there and I showed her the skirts. She nodded her head eagerly, eyes wide. I was so happy but then there were no white ones her size. How do I tell her this ?

I took the brown one and commented how nice it looked. I asked her to try it on, just for size. As soon as she put it on, the long skirt covered her legs, wishy washy when she moved, I knew she was hooked. Colour (or even the fact it was made totally of lace) didn’t matter anymore.

I pointed where the ribbon was, commented on how pretty the ribbon looked. “Esya nak ni ?” I asked. She nodded shyly.


Seized the opportunity by adding a very sophisticated blouse to wear with the skirt (Seriously Reject Shop is good nowadays). When we got home, saw Anna lying comfortably on Babah’s lap, watching the telly. She was asleep when we left for Shah Alam Mall so therefore seeing her very much awake, sans a new skirt in her size with me, panic sekejap.

I undressed Esya there and then and clothed her in her new outfit. Babah’s eyes widened but said nothing. We went out for dinner.

At Tok’s house, people gasped with incomprehension. Tok Mi laughed.

He he……

Luckily Mummy pakaikan skirt tu untuk Elsa kan ?

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Lubang kat kedai Tok Mi

“Mummy… Cik Ta is taking us to Tok Mi’s shop for lunch tomorrow…” Announced my daughter last week.

“Mummy tahu mana kedai tu ?” She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. The little darling took a deep breath and started. “Okay kat situ macam ada hole …” she made a round shape with her fingers

“Okay ? Okay ? Ada lubang kan ? Pastu masuk lubang tu and then macam ada kayu go up and down, up and down…” Hand demonstrating this up and down motion.

“Jalan straight sampai nampak ada pintu merah ni. Pastu naik tangga pastu pusing sini (she made a left hand gesture). Pastu pusing sini (another left hand gesture). Dah sampai…..”

“Do you know now ? So easy kan because I already teach you…..” Eyes wide looking at me, waiting for my nod of comprehension.

“Tapi how do I get there ? From the house ?”

She thought for awhile. “Mummy jalan-jalan sampai nampak hole tu okay ? That hole…. Pastu ada up down up down tu...”

Hmm… yelah. Berapa banyak le lubang (basement) yang ada kat Shah Alam ni.

He he…
Kebetulan lalu kami kat kompleks PKNS tu kelmarin.
"Mummy !! That one !! Kat situ lah kedai Tok Mi...." She said excitedly, finger pointing.
"See ? See that hole there ? Kat situ ada up and down up and down tu...." Tangan again up down up down. Cute..
"So now you know, okay ?" She said, grabbing my shoulder.
Yelah, aku tahu lah....
Ha ha