Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Umar and Titi

Last week, Umar was coughing and was feeling under the weather. When Dan’s mom went to him to prepare for ugama school, Titi was sitting next to her brother who was lying down in bed. When she saw her Wan, she said “ Umar demam Wan,” . Dan’s mom checked his temperature and eventhough he was not hot agreed that he looked unwell.

“ Yelah, tak payah sekolah lah, “ said she.

A few moments after that someone rang the bell and Elsa quickly got up. She ran to the stairs and yelled “ Bibik !! Umar deman. Umar tak pi school !! Okay ? “ thinking it was Umar's ride to sekolah ugama and ran back to her brother. Dan’s mom said she sat with her brother the whole day and were very good to each other. He he…

I have noticed that Titi is quite concern about her brother. Once Umar bumped his hand on the car and said “ Ouch ! “ Titi on hearing that went to her brother and asked “ Umar sakit ke ? Where Umar ? “ And when Umar showed it to her, she looked at it, nodded her head and said, “ Okay, “. I have seen it happened a few times. Only I just wonder, what was she looking for actually ? I mean was she expecting blood ? If there were any, what would she do ?

Dan’s mom said that she couldn’t scold any of them. If she ever dares to, the other one won’t speak to her too. She said, both of them would give her the evil look whole day.

Well, brother/sisterhood is what happened, I suppose.
Umar and Titi loves to sing. One of our favourite past times is cranking up the radio and have a good sing-along. Titi is a creature of habit and loves to sing to the same selection of songs everytime. Torn, being my favourite song would be the first order of the day and the second and the third before she even concede belching to other songs.
One day, they were in the car with their uncle Kamal and his kids when the radio played Torn. Abang Kamal was amazed that Umar and Elsa knew the song and sang happily. Abang Kamal said, " I tanya dia orang how come you guys know this song and Umar said this is my mummy's favourite song, "
I sadly replied, " Not anymore Abang Kamal. They killed the song for me. Dengar suara Natalie Imbruglia nanyi lagu lain pun I nak termuntah, ".
So now, I am trying to introduce new songs to them. I succeeded making them like Beyonce's Irreplaceable and 1 day as we were " To the left, to the left, everything you owned in the box to the left.... " when we get to the chorus, Umar for some reason raised his voice an octave higher and for the first time ever, I heard him sing instead of " You must not know bout me... You must not know bout me...." he sang " You must not bother me.... You must not bother me..... " Ha ha ha.....
Now whenever he whines, I will sing the song he so eleoquently sang " You must not bother me..... "

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