Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mum.. Umar dah Darjah Satu lah...

My in-law's neighbour has 2 pet rabbits. 1 white and 1 brown. They are pleasant surprises when we get home because they always managed to escape and when we get home, they would always be around the vicinity.. sort of like a welcome home committee. Dan and I adore them.
Anyway lately, both of us noticed that the white one is without a partner. We haven't seen the brown one for days. 2 nights ago, I made a remark on it to my family.
Umar : Oh the brown one is dead Mum. He was not careful when crossing the road and got hit by car. He was in an accident Mummy.
Mummy : Really ? How do you know ? You saw it ?
Umar : No... I just know.
Mummy : How would you know if you didn't see it. Somebody told you ?
Umar : Mum... Umar dah darjah satu lah... I just know...
Mummy : What, being in darjah satu can make you see things without happening in front of you ? You can see the future ?
Umar : No lah Mum... Darjah satu is for big kids. Big kids are clever lah Mum.... Tak tahu ke ?
Hmm..... malas nak layan....
My kids and I, we have this game we call What Is.. where we describe animals or cars or whatever took our fancy and the rest of the players to guess what it is.
Umar : What animal have tail and sharp teeth ?
Mummy : You have to give me more than that Umar. There are plenty of animals that fit that description. Cats, dogs, tiger...
Umar : Okay. It is green....
Mummy : Crocodiles ?
Umar : No... it has a long neck and stomps...
Mummy : Eii... ? Giraffes have long necks and I am sure they stomp but green ?
Umar : Mummy tak tahu ke ? Dinosaur lah... !!
Abah : Wah ha ha.... You are stupid Ala....
Mummy : ( Oh... sakitnya hati ku ) Umar what animal has a big nose, has black spots on his face ? Oh... and it is always grumly ( grumpy ).
Umar : I know... Abah ( Ha ha ha ) !!! But mum Abah is not an animal...
Mummy : Umar, human are also categorised as animals, it is just that we have more developed brains..
Umar : ( Looked at me with a disbelief face ) Really ? Okay... Emm.. what REAL animal has.... blah blah blah...
He didn't believe me. He had to use the word REAL in his next description...
Last weekend, we spent a night in KL. We put up at the Crown Plaza and walked to KLCC to catch a movie an basically just chilling out. On the way back to the hotel from KLCC, Dan needed to go to his office but it started to drizzle. So I took Umar back to the hotel and Dan took Elsa to his office.
When we get to the room, Umar went straight to the window and looked out at Jalan Sultan Ismail.
Umar : Mum, will they be safe ?
Mummy : Of course they will. It is very near Umar.
After 5 minutes, he sat on a chair facing the window.
Umar : They are late Mum.
Mummy : Sabar lah sekejap lagi sampai.
Umar : Why don't we go look for them Mum ?
Mummy : No... we are staying right here. Why Umar ? Are you worried ?
Umar : Yes.....
Mummy : Umar sayang Abah and Titi ke ?
Umar : ( Mata dah berair ) Yes Mum..... Eventhough Abah can really be grumly sometimes....
He he he.......
Is Dan grumly ? Well... I won't say that he is grumly but I suppose with all my antics, Dan would look grumly next to me. He is more stern true, however with a Mother like me... well, Dan has to.
How can I describe my parenting ? Okay, take this as an example, Elsa loves make-up. I have caught her many times preening at the mirror with slashes of blue and silver and what nots on her face.
One day, Dan's mom caught her with red lipstick smeared on her face and clothes. She returned to me a totally ruined Chanel lipstick. I just looked at Elsa, sighed and sat down with her.
Mummy : What have you done ?
Elsa : Nothing.
Mummy : You think that is pretty ?
Elsa : Ha.. cantik pun....
Mummy : My lisptick dah rosak... So now macamana Mummy nak pakai lipstick ? Tak cantik dah Mummy ...
Elsa : ( Sebek ) Sorry Mum...
I took her upstairs, washed her face and changed her clothes. I didn't know that Dan's mom was watching us ( it is a huge house, dark with shadows lurking everywhere... hmm.... could be a start of a good horror story... ). Dan's elder sister spoke to me about it last week...
Wawa : Mak kata Elsa hancurkan lipstick you ye ?
Me : Hmm... habis Wa.... Dah buang pun..
Wawa : Mak kata sabar betul you tak marah anak....
Hmm.... That is why I suppose, Dan has to be grumly....
I do get angry but I just don't see the point of screaming. I do shout but it takes a lot for me to really raise my voice. Hmmm.......

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