Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Umar : Mum just now kan kat sekolah pagi somebody was rude to me.

Mum : Rude macam mana ?

Umar : I saw ada air tumpah so I told teacher about it. Azwan rudely told me ' Teacher dah tahulah ! '

Mum : What did you do then ?

Umar : I just went back to my place. I just told the teacher that is all.

Mum : What is his name ?

Umar : Azwan. Dia kecik je Mum but a very rude boy. Masa nak balik kan ustazah suruh beratur kan and then he queue behind me and then he pushed me and I fell down.

Mum : What ? What did you then ?

Umar : Umar just bangun and jalan terus.

Mum : Did you tell the teacher about it ?

Umar : (hesitated) Yes I did.

Mum : What did the teacher say ?

Umar : Nothing.

Mum : You want me to talk to your teacher for you ?

Umar : (looked embarrassed) No mum. I can handle it. Should have I said something to him ?

Mum : Well you could have told him there is no need for him to speak in that tone. But you should never push him back. All you can do is tell your teacher about it quickly.

When I told Dan about it, Dan was very upset and grilled Umar again. Dan advised not to go near that boy if not necessary.
I am worried because Umar usually will cry if he feels he is wronged. That is all. He doesn't hit ( except his sister ) and doesn't get angry, just withdrew and cry. Can he take care of himself ? I asked him if this Azwan fellow is rude to his other mates and he said no. Just to him.
With the rampant bullying cases reported lately, I do not feel good. I know they are 7, but there is no minimum age is there to be a bully ? You can become one as young as 1 if you so wish to. What can I do ? Put him in a self-defense class ? Nanti dia yang jadi bully nya, bukan di buli. And sometimes when you thought you could defend yourself, that is most dangereous as you underestimate your foe.
I hope I am over-reacting as I usually do. Hmmm...........

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