Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Yesterday we went to stock up our larder at Tesco. As usual, both of them wanted to ride inside the cart. As usual when Dan and I left them in the cart for a quick grab of grocery, they started their acting.
" ( mock wailing ) Please don't leave me !! Mummy !! Babah !! Please don't leave us !! Wa......! " As usual some people will stop to look and stare, thinking they are for real.... Hmm....
When we got home as Dan and I were putting our shopping away, Umar told me to hurry up. He wanted to watch me play Sonic. I told him to go up into his room first and I will be with him shortly.
After a few minutes, I noticed that he was still in the kitchen, waiting patiently for me.
Mummy : Umar pergilah naik atas dulu.
Umar : It's okay Mum. I will wait for you.
Mummy : Tak pe lah. It is better if you go up first and prepare for bed or something.
Umar : No mummy. I want to wait for you.
Mummy : Why ?
Umar : I like you Mummy, that is why.
Mummy : ( smiled ) That is a very nice thing to say Umar. Thank you. But I have to do other stuffs first and it might take awhile.
Umar : It's okay. I will just watch you Mum. I just want to be with you. Is that okay ?
Dan looked at me as my eyes went misty. I hugged him.
Mummy : You will make a fine husband one day, sweety. I am sure of it...
Later that night, as we were waiting for sleep to come, he said,
Umar : Harith kan dah darjah 5 kan Mum. So lepas ni dia kawin kan...
Abah yang tengah pakai baju berhenti untuk tengok dia.
Mummy : What ?
Umar : Lepas habis semua darjah - darjah kan, kawin lah !! Harith dah darjah 5 so lepas ni kawin. Umar lambat lagi sebab baru darjah satu...
Mummy : Ermm.... lepas darjah - darjah semua is big school like Mamu Jat. Tapi lepas tu is doctor's school if you are lucky.
Umar : Lepas tu baru kawin ?
Mummy : Ermm... well I don't mind if you want to kawin while in doctor's school, but not before.....
Umar : Okay.... ( and blushed )
Mummy : Do you have a girlfriend Umar ? ( my sisters memang tak bagi langsung I tanya that question because he will usually cry, but I just can't help but to satisfy my curiousity ).
Umar : Mummy !!!
He he...
We watched the telly some more and he suddenly informed me in a very authoritative voice that mummy penguins will vomit food into their babies mouth to feed them. No suckling of breasts for milk for the penguins. I asked him how does he know this.
His reply ? " Mummy !! Darjah satu kan .. ? "
Wow.. the answer to everything nowadays...
Anyway, Titi on hearing that, said " Mummy, I want blah blah blah builceemm..... "
Mummy : You want brylcream ?
Abah : Nak buat apa Ti ?
Titi : Ha... builceemmmm nak tengok...
Mummy : Brylcream ? For your hair ?
Titi : Ha ? No hair Mum.... Buiceeemmm....
Mummy : Cakap betul - betul Ti ...
Titi : (Sighed) Happy Feet Mum.... ada builceemmm......
Mummy and Abah : Oh penguin........
Titi : Ha.... pengceemmmmm


Anonymous said...

hai..dah cakap pasal kawin dah anak teruna sorang nie ha ha so cute

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Itule... merenyam macam mak bapak dia jugak yang kawin awai.... Risau gak ni.... Budak2 sekarang susah nak jaga akidah... Semuanya advance...