Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My Darling Titi

Waahhh….. sejuk hati emak yang ini pagi ni.

Elsa selalu boring sebab abang dia lepas sekolah pagi pegi sekolah agama pulak. So when Aida came home from her kindergarten, Elsa is usually whisked to Aida’s house to play. So it was our duty to pick her up after work at Bukit Jelutong. Dan was the first one to lose it. He told his mom to not let Elsa go there anymore as Bukit Jelutong is really far away, plus the traffic and the many traffic lights, it could be murderous to somebody who just extricated himself from KL jam. It was really an added misery.

If it was my turn to fetch her, I will have to use the NKVE until Bukit Jelutong. I flipped when I was told to pick her up while driving on the Federal Highway. I especially did not want to pass the stadium/Giant area as there was Singapore vs Malaysia match scheduled that day.

The traffic was horrendous. To add salt to the wound, it was my mengaji night. When I got to Aida’s house, Yaya ( Dan’s sister ) opened the door. She informed me Elsa was having her dinner. I told Yaya to please not allow Elsa to come anymore as it is quite far for us and I do not want to burden her. She laughed and said it is because Elsa usually throws a tantrum if she is not allowed to. Elsa kan….

She was eating when I approached her. I told her very sternly that she is not to visit anymore. She has to wait for her abang to come home. Menyesal jugak because I hardly ever get upset and raise my voice. But I did that day and you know, dia terus tak jadi makan. When she was offered more food, she shook her head to decline. She quietly climbed down the chair and took my hand.

This morning, Dan’s mom called me up. She said that she is going to KL and wants to send Elsa to Yaya’s house . I said okay and was wondering where the conversation is going to when she asked me to talk to Elsa and tell her it is okay to go. Apparently from yesterday they have been wanting to take her there but she refused. She said “ Mummy tak bagi ”.

I laughed and agreed to talk to her. I assured her that it is okay to go. Elsa passed the phone to her Wan and Dan’s mom told me she totally refused to go. “ Untung kau… Patuh betul anak kau “.

Ye ke ? Terima kasih…..

Monday, January 29, 2007

Teaching Umar

My father had always taught us to be independent. Not so independent that you do not anybody else, just enough to try things on your own first and beg for help when necessary.... he he. He had this ask the police task that he developed. He will stop in front of a policeman or police station and forced us to ask for directions. It doesn't matter if we already knew the way but we have to stand up to our fears.

So of course, any sort of torture that I had as a kid, I do not want my own little goats ( kid kan... anak kambing dak ? he he ) to miss. As it turned out my opportunity came last week. Saturdays Umar has piano lessons and being me, he usually did his homework 1 hour before class. When we opened his theory book though, something looked amiss but we couldn’t figured it out yet. As we leafed through the pages, we saw all the book’s stickers were pasted all over the volume, at all the wrong places. We both looked at Titi as we were sure she was the perpetrator. Tak mengaku tu…

Anyway, I had to make Umar share the blame, as it is his book and therefore his responsibility. I told him that I will buy him a new book but he has to do all the explaining to his teacher. He looked terrified but I told him Mummy couldn’t bail him out all the time. There are things that he just has to handle on his own.

Discreetly, I called his piano teacher up. She is a sweet lady, very soft spoken and I am sure she will not kick up a fuss. I requested her to do just so. She was very, very doubtful, but I pleaded for her understanding that I have to teach my son about responsibility and that things are not rosy all the time. He has to accept his mistakes and take it like a man ( or woman or boy or girl whatever ). Throughout his journey in life, 60% of the people he meet could be nasty.

So we went there, I bought the book and since we were early, he did the 3 pages that he was supposed to do. As I watched him, I was trying to imagine the words he will use, as seriously, I couldn’t articulate any explaining in my head with his very little collection of vocabs.

Anyway, as we were waiting, Deva a chatty 8 year old with huge vocabs came along and sat near him and as usual started to prattle on.

Deva : Umar I am going on a holiday to Bali. Do you want to come with me ?

Umar : Where is that ?

Deva : In Indonesia.

Umar : I have been to Jakarta. What is there in Bali ?

Deva : There is a nice swimming pool there Umar. Do you want to come ?

Umar : Is it like the pool in my club ?

Deva : Where is your club ?

Umar : Bukit Kiara.

Deva : Where is that ? Is it near my house in Bukit Jelutong ?

Umar : No.. It is further than that ….

Further ? He used the word further ? I was impressed as I am sure at that age I would have used farer instead of further.

Anyway, then the teacher opened her class door to let a student out and to get Umar in. I didn’t think that he will say it right there and then, but as soon as he saw her, he got up and handed her the new book.

Umar : Teacher, this is my new theory book.

Teacher ( segan – segan lah sebab I was there. Bukannya senang berlakon ) : What happened to your book ?

Umar : My baby sister ( looked at Elsa who in turn looked guilty) messed up my book and I can’t use it anymore.

Teacher : What is wrong with the book ?

Umar : She kan… took out all the stickers and she ……. ( mencari perkataan untuk lekat until I mentioned the word pasted, then glued ) glued the stickers all over the book.

Teacher : Why did you leave the book where she can take it ?

Umar : I didn’t !! I put it on my mother’s bookshelf and she went and took it.

The teacher at this point looked lost and I knew I could only take it this far. So I assured the teacher it would not happen again and that I will pick Umar up in 30 minutes time.

All in all, I applauded Umar for his bravery and for his choice of word. Messed up…. Good one. I was further ( note the word further ) impressed with his vocab when in the car on the way home, he asked me if the song we were listening to was jazz. I said no, it was just a pop song with a little bit of saxophone used. I told him not all songs with saxophone or clarinet is jazz.

He then said, “ Mum, rock and roll kan… they use the element of rock… “ Element ? I looked at him, rather impressed when he again put my head back to reality where he is actually 6 and very much a baby. He said, “ But I couldn’t hear the rocks. How do they play the rocks ? “

Hmmm…. Guna batu rupanya rock and roll…… nasib baik dia tak kata the rock is rolled down the hill to make a sound….

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Yesterday we went to stock up our larder at Tesco. As usual, both of them wanted to ride inside the cart. As usual when Dan and I left them in the cart for a quick grab of grocery, they started their acting.
" ( mock wailing ) Please don't leave me !! Mummy !! Babah !! Please don't leave us !! Wa......! " As usual some people will stop to look and stare, thinking they are for real.... Hmm....
When we got home as Dan and I were putting our shopping away, Umar told me to hurry up. He wanted to watch me play Sonic. I told him to go up into his room first and I will be with him shortly.
After a few minutes, I noticed that he was still in the kitchen, waiting patiently for me.
Mummy : Umar pergilah naik atas dulu.
Umar : It's okay Mum. I will wait for you.
Mummy : Tak pe lah. It is better if you go up first and prepare for bed or something.
Umar : No mummy. I want to wait for you.
Mummy : Why ?
Umar : I like you Mummy, that is why.
Mummy : ( smiled ) That is a very nice thing to say Umar. Thank you. But I have to do other stuffs first and it might take awhile.
Umar : It's okay. I will just watch you Mum. I just want to be with you. Is that okay ?
Dan looked at me as my eyes went misty. I hugged him.
Mummy : You will make a fine husband one day, sweety. I am sure of it...
Later that night, as we were waiting for sleep to come, he said,
Umar : Harith kan dah darjah 5 kan Mum. So lepas ni dia kawin kan...
Abah yang tengah pakai baju berhenti untuk tengok dia.
Mummy : What ?
Umar : Lepas habis semua darjah - darjah kan, kawin lah !! Harith dah darjah 5 so lepas ni kawin. Umar lambat lagi sebab baru darjah satu...
Mummy : Ermm.... lepas darjah - darjah semua is big school like Mamu Jat. Tapi lepas tu is doctor's school if you are lucky.
Umar : Lepas tu baru kawin ?
Mummy : Ermm... well I don't mind if you want to kawin while in doctor's school, but not before.....
Umar : Okay.... ( and blushed )
Mummy : Do you have a girlfriend Umar ? ( my sisters memang tak bagi langsung I tanya that question because he will usually cry, but I just can't help but to satisfy my curiousity ).
Umar : Mummy !!!
He he...
We watched the telly some more and he suddenly informed me in a very authoritative voice that mummy penguins will vomit food into their babies mouth to feed them. No suckling of breasts for milk for the penguins. I asked him how does he know this.
His reply ? " Mummy !! Darjah satu kan .. ? "
Wow.. the answer to everything nowadays...
Anyway, Titi on hearing that, said " Mummy, I want blah blah blah builceemm..... "
Mummy : You want brylcream ?
Abah : Nak buat apa Ti ?
Titi : Ha... builceemmmm nak tengok...
Mummy : Brylcream ? For your hair ?
Titi : Ha ? No hair Mum.... Buiceeemmm....
Mummy : Cakap betul - betul Ti ...
Titi : (Sighed) Happy Feet Mum.... ada builceemmm......
Mummy and Abah : Oh penguin........
Titi : Ha.... pengceemmmmm

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Umar and Titi

Last week, Umar was coughing and was feeling under the weather. When Dan’s mom went to him to prepare for ugama school, Titi was sitting next to her brother who was lying down in bed. When she saw her Wan, she said “ Umar demam Wan,” . Dan’s mom checked his temperature and eventhough he was not hot agreed that he looked unwell.

“ Yelah, tak payah sekolah lah, “ said she.

A few moments after that someone rang the bell and Elsa quickly got up. She ran to the stairs and yelled “ Bibik !! Umar deman. Umar tak pi school !! Okay ? “ thinking it was Umar's ride to sekolah ugama and ran back to her brother. Dan’s mom said she sat with her brother the whole day and were very good to each other. He he…

I have noticed that Titi is quite concern about her brother. Once Umar bumped his hand on the car and said “ Ouch ! “ Titi on hearing that went to her brother and asked “ Umar sakit ke ? Where Umar ? “ And when Umar showed it to her, she looked at it, nodded her head and said, “ Okay, “. I have seen it happened a few times. Only I just wonder, what was she looking for actually ? I mean was she expecting blood ? If there were any, what would she do ?

Dan’s mom said that she couldn’t scold any of them. If she ever dares to, the other one won’t speak to her too. She said, both of them would give her the evil look whole day.

Well, brother/sisterhood is what happened, I suppose.
Umar and Titi loves to sing. One of our favourite past times is cranking up the radio and have a good sing-along. Titi is a creature of habit and loves to sing to the same selection of songs everytime. Torn, being my favourite song would be the first order of the day and the second and the third before she even concede belching to other songs.
One day, they were in the car with their uncle Kamal and his kids when the radio played Torn. Abang Kamal was amazed that Umar and Elsa knew the song and sang happily. Abang Kamal said, " I tanya dia orang how come you guys know this song and Umar said this is my mummy's favourite song, "
I sadly replied, " Not anymore Abang Kamal. They killed the song for me. Dengar suara Natalie Imbruglia nanyi lagu lain pun I nak termuntah, ".
So now, I am trying to introduce new songs to them. I succeeded making them like Beyonce's Irreplaceable and 1 day as we were " To the left, to the left, everything you owned in the box to the left.... " when we get to the chorus, Umar for some reason raised his voice an octave higher and for the first time ever, I heard him sing instead of " You must not know bout me... You must not know bout me...." he sang " You must not bother me.... You must not bother me..... " Ha ha ha.....
Now whenever he whines, I will sing the song he so eleoquently sang " You must not bother me..... "

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Buli Lagi

Who is this Azwan ? Yesterday Umar told us, his horrified parents, that Azwan pulled his hair. Umar was, for some reason, on all fours on the floor, when Azwan crept behind him and pulled his hair.

“What did you do ?” Enquired his Babah.

“I called him crazy,” he replied, paused for dramatic effect and continued, “and he didn’t even care !! He didn’t care that I called him crazy.”

“Your teacher tak nampak ke ?”


“You didn’t tell her ??”


What to do ? Should we ignore it and take it as childish pranks and behaviour ? Could the matter get worse ? His teacher is quite unresponsive, from my point of view. I have spoken to her on a few occasions and she sort of like… well … unresponsive. Like she doesn’t want to hear from parents.

Dan said he is going to see her tomorrow. I so want to see this Azwan. Nampaknya, there will be one parent tercangak-cangak mengintai esok. Hmmm………..

Monday, January 15, 2007

Cerita Elsa

Yesterday Umar went fishing with his Atuk so Babah and Mummy took Elsa to The Times book sale in PJ. Sampai - sampai memang Mummy hilang dari pandangan pi cari buku so Babah had to take Elsa. She chose a book and then she saw rows and rows of CDs. Babah memang malas nak beli CD but just to humour her, allowed her to look at them.
She of course made a selection. Babah kata, Elsa you can only have 1 item. You have to choose between your book or your CD. Elsa looked at him and said " It's okay Babah. I can have 2, ". No, Babah said, you can only have 1. So choose." She looked at her father, and said very firmly, " It's okay. Titi can take 2," and quickly left. He he.....
We went to fill up on petrol last night. Since we have only 1 Mesra Card and so many cars to be won, we had to fill petrol together... Anyway, Titi followed her mammy. Babah went to pay, fill petrol in his car and while it is doing that, ran to mammy's car and filled hers. It was raining heavily and when everything is done, we started our slow journey back home. Halfway, mammy realised that the car is quiet and she couldn't see her precious baby. " Titi !! " No answer. Mammy dah panic gila sebab hujan lebat gila and takut nak toleh belakang. " Titi !! " Suddenly she heard a forceful " What Mum ? What did you do that for ? Titi here lah !! " Eh eh, marah pulak si kecik ni. Orang dok risau kat dia.
Abang is really lembut Titi. Obedient. Now since dia dah tinggi, malam-malam it is his duty to switch off the lights and lock the bedroom door. He did this without any complains. He knows and understands his ailments ( tendency to batuk which could lead to lelah - dah lama dah tak lelah tapi takut so we always take precautionary steps ) and pandai berpantang. Dia boleh kemas bilik and knows that mummy and babah tak suka bilik bersepah. Tapi Titi yang perempuan susah suruh kutip toys. Semuanya tak boleh, I don't know and I cannot. Abang jugak yang selalu susun kasut dia whenever we returned home ( to Titi's credit sometimes dia nak jugak susun. Dulu, well she was sweet... She will susun her kasut dalam kasut babah or mummy dia. Bila nak pegi keje selalu kena keluarkan kasut Titi from our shoes. Tapi sekarang apa kena entah ).
Maybe I have forgotten and blinded by what I don't know, tapi rasa - rasanya Umar tak bagi problem macam ni. I have always remembered him being obedient. Of course adalah benda yang dia buat that is naughty but most of the time rasanya baik aje.... Ye ke ? Kesian kat abang sebab selalu kena mengalah.
Yang kelakarnya, these 3 dragons kalah dengan kambing kecik nih.... Macam mana ? Hmm.....

Friday, January 12, 2007


Umar : Mum just now kan kat sekolah pagi somebody was rude to me.

Mum : Rude macam mana ?

Umar : I saw ada air tumpah so I told teacher about it. Azwan rudely told me ' Teacher dah tahulah ! '

Mum : What did you do then ?

Umar : I just went back to my place. I just told the teacher that is all.

Mum : What is his name ?

Umar : Azwan. Dia kecik je Mum but a very rude boy. Masa nak balik kan ustazah suruh beratur kan and then he queue behind me and then he pushed me and I fell down.

Mum : What ? What did you then ?

Umar : Umar just bangun and jalan terus.

Mum : Did you tell the teacher about it ?

Umar : (hesitated) Yes I did.

Mum : What did the teacher say ?

Umar : Nothing.

Mum : You want me to talk to your teacher for you ?

Umar : (looked embarrassed) No mum. I can handle it. Should have I said something to him ?

Mum : Well you could have told him there is no need for him to speak in that tone. But you should never push him back. All you can do is tell your teacher about it quickly.

When I told Dan about it, Dan was very upset and grilled Umar again. Dan advised not to go near that boy if not necessary.
I am worried because Umar usually will cry if he feels he is wronged. That is all. He doesn't hit ( except his sister ) and doesn't get angry, just withdrew and cry. Can he take care of himself ? I asked him if this Azwan fellow is rude to his other mates and he said no. Just to him.
With the rampant bullying cases reported lately, I do not feel good. I know they are 7, but there is no minimum age is there to be a bully ? You can become one as young as 1 if you so wish to. What can I do ? Put him in a self-defense class ? Nanti dia yang jadi bully nya, bukan di buli. And sometimes when you thought you could defend yourself, that is most dangereous as you underestimate your foe.
I hope I am over-reacting as I usually do. Hmmm...........

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Mengintai Umar

Today I decided to resume my activity of observing my baby in his classroom. The windows were unfortunately closed but as expected, one window pane was missing. However the gaping hole ws at the lowest rung, so I had to crouch to look at my son.
As I straightened myself up, one by one the windows flew and I caught Umar's teacher smiling at me. Busted !! Oh... malunya....
Thank you Puan Zalidah. You made spying more comfortable for me.
Anyway, she drew a big face on the board and asked her students to go in front and lead the class to spell and pronunce the different parts of the face. She asked for volunteers and my son was one of the eager hand wavers. Bangganya emak yang dok tercangak kat luar ni.
She chose my son (maybe because I was outside) and Umar went to the front. Cutenya dia.... He spelt and he made the sound and the class followed. Then he had to hand the very big ruler ( I remember those very well. It was brandished in front of me many times ) to the next volunteer and saw me. He was unsure and he had to move left and right to make sure it was really his mammy while mammy tried to hide behind the very thin galah panjang pole. He returned to his seat still trying to get a clearer view of me. When he sat down he was sure as who else has a shocking pink baju kurung ( he he .. kotnya lah... nak menyedapkan cerita ).
He smiled the sweetest smile (in my book at least) and mouthed " I am okay... " Somehow, I was embarrassed. Malu lagi. I waved and he nodded, still smiling and looking happy.
My baby. My baby.
Yesterday, I came home to Dan's misty eyes, leafing through his album. From his birth on a cold winter morning, to his first tooth, his first this and first that.... Dulu I used to be angry at my dad for his reluctance to let us go, to allow us to grow up. His favourite sentence to us was " (Insert any of our names) toksah besar lah. Jadi baby sampai bila - bila okay ? " or " Tak payah lah pi/ambik lesen kereta/masuk asrama/do this/do that ( delete where apppropriate ) sebab (insert name again) kan baby ayah. Nanti ayah ngeh ( nangis ).... "
But now....Hmmm....

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mum.. Umar dah Darjah Satu lah...

My in-law's neighbour has 2 pet rabbits. 1 white and 1 brown. They are pleasant surprises when we get home because they always managed to escape and when we get home, they would always be around the vicinity.. sort of like a welcome home committee. Dan and I adore them.
Anyway lately, both of us noticed that the white one is without a partner. We haven't seen the brown one for days. 2 nights ago, I made a remark on it to my family.
Umar : Oh the brown one is dead Mum. He was not careful when crossing the road and got hit by car. He was in an accident Mummy.
Mummy : Really ? How do you know ? You saw it ?
Umar : No... I just know.
Mummy : How would you know if you didn't see it. Somebody told you ?
Umar : Mum... Umar dah darjah satu lah... I just know...
Mummy : What, being in darjah satu can make you see things without happening in front of you ? You can see the future ?
Umar : No lah Mum... Darjah satu is for big kids. Big kids are clever lah Mum.... Tak tahu ke ?
Hmm..... malas nak layan....
My kids and I, we have this game we call What Is.. where we describe animals or cars or whatever took our fancy and the rest of the players to guess what it is.
Umar : What animal have tail and sharp teeth ?
Mummy : You have to give me more than that Umar. There are plenty of animals that fit that description. Cats, dogs, tiger...
Umar : Okay. It is green....
Mummy : Crocodiles ?
Umar : No... it has a long neck and stomps...
Mummy : Eii... ? Giraffes have long necks and I am sure they stomp but green ?
Umar : Mummy tak tahu ke ? Dinosaur lah... !!
Abah : Wah ha ha.... You are stupid Ala....
Mummy : ( Oh... sakitnya hati ku ) Umar what animal has a big nose, has black spots on his face ? Oh... and it is always grumly ( grumpy ).
Umar : I know... Abah ( Ha ha ha ) !!! But mum Abah is not an animal...
Mummy : Umar, human are also categorised as animals, it is just that we have more developed brains..
Umar : ( Looked at me with a disbelief face ) Really ? Okay... Emm.. what REAL animal has.... blah blah blah...
He didn't believe me. He had to use the word REAL in his next description...
Last weekend, we spent a night in KL. We put up at the Crown Plaza and walked to KLCC to catch a movie an basically just chilling out. On the way back to the hotel from KLCC, Dan needed to go to his office but it started to drizzle. So I took Umar back to the hotel and Dan took Elsa to his office.
When we get to the room, Umar went straight to the window and looked out at Jalan Sultan Ismail.
Umar : Mum, will they be safe ?
Mummy : Of course they will. It is very near Umar.
After 5 minutes, he sat on a chair facing the window.
Umar : They are late Mum.
Mummy : Sabar lah sekejap lagi sampai.
Umar : Why don't we go look for them Mum ?
Mummy : No... we are staying right here. Why Umar ? Are you worried ?
Umar : Yes.....
Mummy : Umar sayang Abah and Titi ke ?
Umar : ( Mata dah berair ) Yes Mum..... Eventhough Abah can really be grumly sometimes....
He he he.......
Is Dan grumly ? Well... I won't say that he is grumly but I suppose with all my antics, Dan would look grumly next to me. He is more stern true, however with a Mother like me... well, Dan has to.
How can I describe my parenting ? Okay, take this as an example, Elsa loves make-up. I have caught her many times preening at the mirror with slashes of blue and silver and what nots on her face.
One day, Dan's mom caught her with red lipstick smeared on her face and clothes. She returned to me a totally ruined Chanel lipstick. I just looked at Elsa, sighed and sat down with her.
Mummy : What have you done ?
Elsa : Nothing.
Mummy : You think that is pretty ?
Elsa : Ha.. cantik pun....
Mummy : My lisptick dah rosak... So now macamana Mummy nak pakai lipstick ? Tak cantik dah Mummy ...
Elsa : ( Sebek ) Sorry Mum...
I took her upstairs, washed her face and changed her clothes. I didn't know that Dan's mom was watching us ( it is a huge house, dark with shadows lurking everywhere... hmm.... could be a start of a good horror story... ). Dan's elder sister spoke to me about it last week...
Wawa : Mak kata Elsa hancurkan lipstick you ye ?
Me : Hmm... habis Wa.... Dah buang pun..
Wawa : Mak kata sabar betul you tak marah anak....
Hmm.... That is why I suppose, Dan has to be grumly....
I do get angry but I just don't see the point of screaming. I do shout but it takes a lot for me to really raise my voice. Hmmm.......

Monday, January 08, 2007

Umar dah masuk Darjah Satu

I was on holiday the whole of last week because my little son, my darling baby, my.. oh dah besarnya anak ku Umar, masuk darjah satu.
My baby. My baby.
Tapi sapa yang nangis bila tengok dia berjalan masuk kelas ? Abahnya...
Sapa yang cannot let go and biar anak diam - diam dalam kelas ? Abahnya...
In fact, from my observation, most of the abahs yang berlari nak intercept anak kat kelas after assembly.
Me ? I like to intai and tengok my son in his own surroundings that I am not invited to, and just see him. Tengok dia buat apa, tengok perangai dia macam mana...
His seat mengadap cermin. So for 3 days, I mengendap and tengok dia. He is so cute, with his tie and his shirt tight in the middle to house his protruding belly. Gemuknya anak aku....
He is, I am rather proud to say, very polite. He listened to his friends before replying and nodded politely when they talked. He waited for his friends when they queued to buy food, not embarrased to hold his bekal. The only thing lacking is he danced while they sang 'NegaraKu". Ooh... I really have to check if he is still singing his "Dedaraku' version.
I quite enjoy sending him to school, waiting for him during his recess and picking him up from school that I asked my hubby if we could afford to live with just 1 income. "No......" he answered rather forcefully.
I told my sister about it and she laughed. It is something new she said so it's a novelty. If you have to do it for a long length of time, you will go bored. You will want to work and be an engineer.... Well probably, but can't I just give it a try ?
Umar mesti suka kalau ada Mummy dia tunggu selalu.... Lepas sekolah pagi prepare sekolah agama. Mummy mandikan pagi and tengahari, Mummy peluk pagi and tenaghari. Lepas tu boleh jalan - jalan.... Mummy boleh tolong buat homework. Sounds nice... right ?
Can I be a teacher you think ? Maybe I should offer to teach Maths and Science in English.. because I am not quite confident with the teacher's profiency in English there....
Dare I take the step ? Will I be bored to tears being a teacher ?
He he.... I have an interesting report to submit.... Maybe not....
Am I being selfish ? So many questions...
However would my kids really like me hovering all the time ?
Take Titi for instance. She woke up this morning and demanded for her new Pokemon colouring book. I helped her to colour. I want to teach her to colour nicely and get the details right. Pikachu has never been blue. I tried to steer her to the right method when she looked at me and said, " Mummy pegi work already okay ? Bye Mum... " Okay, I know when I am not wanted !!