Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Monday, April 20, 2009

What have you done ?

We moved house 9 months ago and we are still looking around for furniture. We still do not have a coffee table yet, nor a side table. Umar doesn’t even have a bed yet. I hate buying furniture for the sake of buying. I want to fall in love with it first before I contemplate taking it home with me.

Well… in truth, I fell in love many times over, just my pay packet didn’t allow them to come home with me.

We had been busy, Rashdan and I these past few months and therefore furniture hunting activities were shelved momentarily. We can’t any longer though because we had been receiving a lot of visitors quite recently and the non-existence of a coffee table was very much felt. In short, we do not know where to put the coffee (just a figure of speech. There are no coffee granules in my home. Usually orange cordial or tea) for our guests.

Such a lengthy introduction for a very short story I have in mind. Anyway, our renewed vigour to furnish our house reminds me of an incident years ago when Umar was about 5. We had moved to Dan’s parents’ house but sadly we could only take some of our stuffs with us. The rest of it had to find new homes. The washing machine went to my brother, the pot and pans went to my sister. Quite a bit of furniture went to my mom. She has a big house so she could accommodate them.

Anyway, one of the things she got was our coffee and side table set. They have similar detail, being a set, only one is long and the other one is short. Mum put the side table in between her leather librarian chair and the coffee table elsewhere. A few days after we moved, my baby Umar went inside my mom’s house and immediately saw the side table.

He went to it with a frown (I was looking at him), checked it a bit and exclaimed, “Tok ! The table has shrunk !! What have you done ? Dia dah kecik dah !!”

And we burst out laughing.

Funny lah you, Um… !

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